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Everything posted by beardymouse

  1. I have the same issue: Marcus Haglind-Sangré asked to play in a position and role at contract renewal. I succeeded in the promise, and then he becomes unhappy. Strangely I've not received any notification of his unhappiness in my inbox, but it appears in the Dynamics now. Screengrabs attached
  2. When clicking on a player profile from the Squad Planner (in this case, the MLC in a 433DM formation), once I click back on the player's profile, the game freezes and eventually crashes Three crash dumps and system info all attached. I've uploaded the save game, filename is Örgryte IS.fm {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%22b72b0000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%22b82b0000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp {%22response%22:%22ok%22,%22_rxid%22:%22c52b0000-9926-e60a-0000-000000000000%22}.dmp
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