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Dan Ormsby

SI Staff
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Everything posted by Dan Ormsby

  1. Hello, to explain the situation as we see it here, while this may not technically be a fully accurate representation of the rule as it is written in the competition lawbook and we have implemented something here which may be a little unusual in FM terms, we do not believe there to be anything actually wrong with the outcome of how the rule is set up to work in game. As far as we are aware from consultation with our Russia head researcher, the rules are as follows: - You can register 25 senior players on an "A" list - You can also register an additional 30 U21 players (on top of the limit of 25 set aside for senior players) on a "B" list - We do not have the ability to have different lists of this type in game, so in order for this to work we have set a squad maximum of 55, saying 30 of these 55 can be U21 players only I agree this is worded a bit oddly, but this is the only way we can handle this without making all U21 players eligible (which we can't do as it has been specified there is a maximum of 30 allowed to be registered). If the user wants to, or cannot register a full 30 U21 players, they should just be able to leave space in the squad. So we do not think there is any issue for human managers with how we have implemented the rules. If there is an issue with how the AI is handling registration and are making odd choices (as in not using their available complement of 25 senior players, or not using the 55 player limit to its full when they could be) then that is another matter entirely and we would appreciate a save demonstrating that this is occurring. Equally if you still think there is an issue with the rule in general then we would appreciate it being explained exactly why you think this is the case with an in game example of what the problem is. Hopefully this explains! Thanks.
  2. This is useful information, so thank you, but the original post was after the deadline for data to be included for the launch of the game. There has not been a data update since then where changes such as this would have been included. The next major data update is due for the next FM update, as is traditional. I will look into everything you have raised here and make appropriate changes.
  3. We don't set squad status, this is decided by gameplay code based on multiple factors. I am not aware of everything that feeds in to this. I agree that "regular starter" is inaccurate for Nelson's real life position in the squad, it should be "squad player". But this is not a data issue.
  4. Hi there, the playoff for first place in Serie A does happen in FM23 in circumstances you would expect, but we were not able to add the appropriate text to the rules screen at the stage of development that we introduced the functionality of the playoff to the game. We are looking to add text explaining the circumstances to the rule screen for Serie A for a future version of the game. Thanks.
  5. Hi there, thanks for all the detail. Apologies if I'm missing something but I think you are misunderstanding how we deal with this issue in game. At the research level, we input other nationalities for players in addition to their primary nationality. Sometimes this will be because a player was born somewhere and grew up somewhere else, but quite often it is because a player has declared that they have a parent or grandparent that makes them eligible for that nation (either residency or international duty). While I admit that there might be players missing this data in game, this will often be down to the fact that the data is simply not available - i.e. we don't know if the player has a British parent or grandparent. If a UK nation is entered into the "other nationality" field though, this player in FM will automatically be able to be signed by UK clubs without the need for a work permit in game. You suggest assuming "any player signed from a Commonwealth nation has a UK grandparent", but this is surely in most cases not true, especially as we have already added a UK nation as an "other" nationality for a lot of the players where where we know it already applies, meaning in game they would not have to apply for a work permit anyway. You'd just end up with thousands of players being wrongly eligible for a work permit in game. To conclude on the above, the line from the article you quoted above seems to be key "You need to have a Grandparent who was born in the UK AND you are a commonwealth citizen". This is an "and" not an "or". If any player in the FM DB has a UK grandparent (or parent) and this is known, this will be input in data and the player will not require a work permit in game. If a player in real life signs for a UK club via the fact they have a UK grandparent and they do not have a second nationality set in FM, then the research team will set this at the next opportunity. Quite aside from this though, I would suggest that the different UK football governing bodies have different rules that apply to their competitions that don't necessarily follow government rules. So we would need some evidence from, say Premier League or EFL or Welsh FA handbooks that apply to this issue. Also helpful from you would be the following: - An example of a player in real life who has gained a work permit in a UK nation through the method you describe that is present in game with a work permit but without an "other nationality" of a UK nation. (The work permit will need to have been issued after the final Brexit date, but without the player residing in the country beforehand and also be a player that doesn't qualify through international appearances or other qualification means). - An example of a player in FM who is ineligible for a work permit (or gets refused a work permit) when in real life you think they should be eligible to gain a work permit. Without real life examples of there being a discrepancy between real life and FM, it is difficult to see this as an active, or at least pressing issue. If you still think there is an issue with how we currently deal with this in game, then we will need to boil it down to something simple and have the requested evidence to back it up if we are to consider making a change. Thanks a lot!
  6. I was not able to change any specific attributes for Kiwior as he hadn't played for Arsenal before my researcher deadline, so we had to keep the previous researcher's assessment intact. I will be doing a full review of him at the next opportunity, but there will be no further data updates of this type for FM23.
  7. These are not accurate attribute scores from the latest DB. Please check again with a new game started with the new DB.
  8. Sorry for criminally underrating the players, but can I ask that you please refrain from calling the police? Last thing I need right now You must remember that at the last juncture I was rating a team that had finished 5th in the league after a late season collapse, not a team that is top of the league on 50 points at the halfway stage. I actually had multiple FM playing Arsenal fans tell me Nketiah was "criminally" overrated at the start of the season! All the players you mention and others have had a full review and you'll see this when the update goes out. Cheers!
  9. In FM terms, how would you say this works, just out of interest? What do you mean by 4-3-3 and what would your solution be? In FM terms, Saka and Martinelli are definitely wide players, not strikers and Odegaard definitely plays further forward than Partey and Xhaka, with Xhaka playing further forward in general than Partey. How would you represent this? The default FM formation 4-3-3 DM Wide or something else?
  10. Tierney - don't think this is warranted, it is just the role he plays for Arsenal. If he was playing in a back three, or had been instructed to play as a defensive full back, he wouldn't look to constantly get forward. I don't think the tendency outweighs his level of discipline for playing a requested role, put another way. Partey and Saliba - probably fair of Partey so I'll add that. Not really seen enough of Saliba to determine whether this is something he would do in situations where he has been specifically instructed not to. Similar to the above, this is just the system Arsenal generally play, to play the ball out of defence. Tomiyasu, White, Gabriel - Gabriel already has this PPM, which was something inherited from his time in France, but I think it's fair enough to keep it as he does whack the occasional aimless ball out for a goal kick. Not going to add it for Tomiyasu and White, don't think it is merited. Lokonga - not seen enough of him to determine whether this is a natural tendency or just the role he was playing in the team at the time, where he would naturally collect the ball deep. Jesus - don't agree with this. His movement is good, so he will often find such space in the right moment, but I would say his play is more rounded than this to be something he is constantly looking to do.
  11. Hi there, can you be specific about this and supply us a save with this occurring? It is definitely not the case in internal builds that the League Cup is not scheduling and it has not been reported by other users that this is happening either. Is it not scheduling for you in the first season? If it is in a future season can you supply us with a save before the new season starts for the season it does not schedule? Thanks!
  12. Thanks, I believe I already addressed this in the main thread and gave a response there outlining my position, but I will just reply again. Saliba is 21 so these comments must be taken in the context of them talking about a 21 year old. Before this season he had no Premier League experience, I had inherited him from the France research team so it was not my place to make major changes and at the time I did my main review of the squad it was only a few games into the season. He had recently scored a clumsy own goal and did not look as assured as he does now. My deadline has long since passed. The head researcher deadline for making changes also passed a while back so there will be no further changes to attributes until the next research update early next year. If I was rating him right now, yes I would probably increase his composure by 1 or possibly 2 points. But again, I must reiterate, he is 21 and this attribute WILL develop in game, especially with first team exposure and specific training. So if you start a game, he could well have progressed to 14 or 15 composure by this point in the season and should progress well beyond that in future if used in the right way in game. Also I will reiterate I take all feedback into account and will be doing a full review of the squad for the winter update. If Saliba continues to put in excellent, composed performances, his attribute will be raised accordingly.
  13. Hello there - firstly it is just untrue to say that Partey is barely better than Elneny in the game. This is simply not the case. Arsenal finished 5th last season, 24 points off first place. As you can imagine, this, broadly speaking, is the basis on which I was instructed to rate the team. If I had given a huge increase to Partey given the fact he was injured for a lot of last season, it would have been both speculative and inaccurate. He is rated absolutely fairly given his contribution last season. Fine to disagree with that, but to frame it like I've made a massive, obvious error is unfair. I've seen another of your posts in your post history that says you won the Premier League with 98 points in your first season in game as Arsenal. Well done, that's quite an achievement! I'm confused as to why at the same time you are asking for a massive increase to player ability, given this?
  14. We don't set player values as researchers. If you think these are too high in the context of the game, then please raise this on the gameplay transfers forum.
  15. Hello, there won't be any more attribute adjustments as the database is locked now for such changes until the winter update. That said, I don't agree. Saliba is 21 and is still developing. While he may play in a generally composed manner, especially for a player his age, he has scored avoidable own goals and given the ball away under pressure at points this season. A rating of 13, with his PA as it is, gives him room to develop, as he quite obviously to me, is still doing. He is not a complete defender yet despite his strong start to this season. 16 is too high for composure at this stage. I could have perhaps set it at 14, but as I've said before we're not really after marginal attribute quibbles, though I do appreciate this is a discussion thread and you have backed up your opinion with links to analysis.
  16. Yes, we raised Saka's strength a little already and there will be a change for the full game release. Strength works in tandem with balance, which is set at 16. So the effect in the match engine following the minor adjustment should be accurate for what you describe.
  17. Hi there, we don't believe this is correct. Saliba qualifies as U21 in game, so does not have to be registered for either the Premier League or Europa League in the first season. He should gain homegrown status if he stays at Arsenal until next season, both in game and real life.
  18. Thanks, @Pete Sottrel does the kits as I'm not great with colour shades. The database is now locked for the game release, but we can look into this for the winter update.
  19. Potentially a fair point about Jesus' finishing. But this definitely highlights the dangers of making changes too early after a transfer. I had received Jesus from the Man City researcher and made some changes, but not sweeping changes to his attributes, as I had to trust his analysis, despite the fact I'd seen him play in the context of the Arsenal system in a few games. I did however raise his finishing as he banged in a stack of goals in pre-season and carried this form into the start of the league campaign. We've missed having a striker who could actually score goals for a while and his finishing did look consistently very good in these games. Obviously in recent matches (all since my AR deadline) he's not scored, but that's just how form happens sometimes. On reflection I should probably have been a little more conservative with the finishing attribute. I'll give him a full review in the new year, having had over half a season of watching him every week.
  20. Quite a few marginal, subjective suggestions here, which is fine considering this is a discussion thread and I will always read and consider stuff like this. Nothing you have suggested is wrong necessarily, but then neither is anything I have set, and I have set what I have set for a reason. Just wanting to check you have seen both of Partey's recent goals from outside the box, though?
  21. This has been widely brought up already and was an oversight, my apologies. We have made an appropriate change.
  22. Hello you can make 5 subs but you have to do this in just 3 stoppages, as in real life. Please google it if you don't know what I mean. Thanks!
  23. No need for that. Odegaard's leadership was an error that I had already noticed and asked to be corrected and will be changed for the full release. Mistakes happen and I apologise that I have made one there. The other, as with most opinions on individual attributes, is very subjective and I think 11 is fine as a rating. Finishing is far from the only attribute that feeds into ability to score goals, both in FM and in real life. Any more attributes that are clearly mistakes I would welcome being raised, thanks to yourself and the other poster for raising the Odegaard issue, but as we say every year, please try not to quibble about 1 or 2 point shifts in attributes even if in your own opinion you are certain you are correct. EDIT: I just properly read the original post and I can see now this is a discussion thread. New tactic from @Ed Hewison haha! Feel free to quibble all you like then as long as its good natured and the expectation isn't that we'll make any minor changes to individual attributes.
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