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martinji last won the day on June 11 2023

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440 "They call it a Royale with cheese"

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  1. why is Clive waxing so lyrical about Germany beating a rather limited Denmark team?!
  2. I've watched almost every game (including having the final group games on two screens), and I've enjoyed it a lot, but after beginning with a bang I think there have been quite a lot of relatively dull games. Rated against other major tournaments it would be below average for me so far, but who knows the knock outs could be brilliant. I think the best thing has been the atmospheres in the matches, which have mostly been brilliant, though dampened a bit by the amount of bottle throwing that seems to have crept in.
  3. Disappointing studio lineup for ITV - Neville, Keane and Wright. Much prefer it when we get people from the nations that are playing, to add that bit of studio rivalry and they tend to have more relevant knowledge. ITV seem to just be rotating from a small roster of established names.
  4. Yes, I didn't even see the left foot the first time as I was only watching the right. Definitely a pen and red.
  5. some iconic moments from international tournaments (not all good for us, not sure if that was a pre-requisite) edited to add Gordon Banks save from Pele in the 1970 world cup Shearer vs Holland to make it 3-0 in EUro 96 (clip is highlights of whole game, this goal is around 2:25 mark "Shearer ... and it's 3-0! this is a fantastic England performance now!" Gazza's tears Italia 90 (best commentary around the 30 second mark) Maradona second goal, Barry Davies iconic commentary "You have to say that's magnificent"
  6. My earliest Euro memories are of England doing terribly First one I saw was 1988, we lost to a Ray Houghton goal for Ireland, a Marco Van Basten hattrick including *that* goal, and then a dire 1-3 defeat to the USSR. Just all round awful with a reasonably well fancied team. Then 1992 wasn't much better as we again finished bottom of our group with zero wins, losing our final game 1-2 to Sweden with *that* Brolin goal and Lineker being subbed off in his final appearance. Not a particularly well fancied team this time with Lineker ageing and Carlton Palmer and Andy Sinton mainstays of the team. Got better in 96 of course.
  7. yeah I agree. If I was the ref, when he did it the first time I would have actually made him go and get the ball and replace it on the spot. That would have made him look the fool and his housery would potentially have backfired.
  8. 8/10 for me, wider political issues aside. 10/10 for the drama of the matches themselves, but lost out a bit for the poor atmosphere at many of the games, which really came across flat except for games with African, South American or Middle Eastern teams.
  9. Christ. Turned over to ITV for McCoist, heard Matterface waffling about the greatest story ever told, switched back to BBC
  10. Feels like Argentina should be on 6-8 bookings, they've actually had 2
  11. I think it's very soft, but if you give the pen why isn't it a red? no intention to play the ball, denial of goalscoring opportunity surely?
  12. Maybe the first since the round of 16 was added, 1970 went straight to QF from groups
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