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Everything posted by mdaw1985

  1. Hi all, Just wondering how much any of you have managed to expand the stadium or managed to build a new one with RB Leipzig? Doesn't need to be fm23. I'm on fm22. Just a general question to see what might be possible. I've just had the board agree to expand from 48000 to 57500 I think. It was between 57-58000. If I continue my success I wonder how big a stadium I can get with this team. After taking charge 10 seasons into the save I have just won 2 bundesliga, 2 German cups, 2 German supercups. Europa League, champions league, euro super cup and world club cup in 2 and a half seasons. Last season was a clean sweep, quadruple and then went to club world cup straight after. Club rep went from 4.5 to 5 stars. I expected larger sponsorship to come in but it hardly changed. At least the board agreed my request to expand the stadium though. My previous boards refusal was the reason I left.
  2. In FM22 at least, for me the best free kick taker I've had is nabil fekir. Just seemed to score consistently. Also my other AMC Sergio canales was also fairly consistent. Both were around 15 on free kicks I believe but we're also just good all round players on technical aspects. Ward Prowse was 19 but did seem to score less often. His corners were excellent though. That was all playing at Real Betis. I did however put free kicks and set pieces in training quite a lot and not so much by the time ward Prowse came into the team. So how much influence that had I'm not sure.
  3. Well I finished the first half a season and ended 3rd but won the Europa League and final of German cup. Damn you Bayern. 1st full season, I had my youth come through and looks like I could have 1 good player and the rest average. In terms of scouts I have roughly 50% german. Head of youth is german where as at Betis he was English. I have just increased my junior coaching to max after that intake so hopefully it will start getting slightly more consistent results soon. I won the bundesliga ending Bayern's dominance since the save started and quarter final of champions League. Also in the German cup final which I'm yet to play. I've got quite a few leagues loaded. England, Germany, Spain, Italy all playable with MLS, Colombia and China viewable only. I've added bundesliga 3 as viewable from next season.
  4. Hi all, I'm now into my 9th season where I did 7 and a half seasons in Spain (real Betis) until an argument with my board about a lack of ambition. So I quit. I then took on the RB Leipzig job when that came up a few weeks later. In my time in Spain I was never really scratching around to find a good Spanish player or would find good ones coming through that I would sign or through my own youth system that was actually very good. I could pick 8 of the team through players trained in my own system. More with those signed at 17/18 as well. Now at Leipzig Ive had 2 players sold off because they had release fees and wouldn't sign contracts. Admittedly 2 of the best young Germans. Looking for replacements is very difficult to get my homegrown or just German trained players upto 8 for champs league at a reasonable quality. The younger players just don't seem to be around like in Spain. Don't get me wrong I was very fortunate to get the youth I did come through at Betis but it seems almost non existent throughout Germany. Still this long into the game the national team only has 3 players that aren't greyed out, which must show how much worse they are than what they assume they used to have quality wise? Just seems odd when Germany has so many teams with high ratings for youth facilities etc.
  5. I find similar in FM22, the opposition do seem to have their regular 11 fit for multiple games but yes, sometimes they do field some tired looking players. Not as often as it would happen to my own team if I didn't effectively have two starting 11's that I rotate each game. As someone above said the problem is they then whining about playing time even on regular starter. To me starting every other game would be regular when you have 50+ game seasons and at times only having 2 days between a set of four fixtures in a row. This often happens to me in the Spanish league with champions league.
  6. Not sure if the fee dictates but as you have Japanese players I'd say you made the right choice. I'd go China or USA next. Took me 6 or 7 seasons for my board to let me make a commercial link after initially making both affiliates a youth system thing first from South Korea and USA. My board seem very reluctant with affiliates despite lots of success and cash in the bank.
  7. I too try not to agree to anything more unless it's a goalkeeper. Like you say most the time it's ok to rotate between the two but as soon as I don't when there is a game a week apart I start getting complaints. I just wonder how people manage to play a starting 11 most a season when in Europe? The AI seems to do it with their teams but as a human player I can't see how I would do it without literally stopping them from training most the time. In my latest season I've literally just had 3 games in 6 days. Then 3 days training to the next game followed by 2 days between games then international fixtures again. This is in Spain. The schedule is relentless and stupidly unrealistic. When they come back once champions League group stage is done I get the super cup. Maybe get a week between the odd game when it could have been spaced out maybe four days apart but no. A week apart with a game 2 or 3 days later. Makes no sense. I just want to know if anyone has a system or way of playing 11 players in 3 quarters of games when in Europe. 2 thirds would be max if I didn't need to satisfy regular starter promises. So its near enough half and half without injuries.
  8. I've found its usually the champions league where the game makes my team throw a wobbly. Just before a quarter final pretty much every season I reach it, one key member of my squad gets injured for 2 months or more and even though I have good replacements, my team play well at home and then have a disaster in extra time away from home. FM22 though. Only time I got to the semi final was when I finished 2nd to Barcelona one season out of 8 with Real Betis. The rest I have won.
  9. I'm still playing FM22 but it's probably still the same as it was the same on FM21 as well. I get players moaning a lot that they want more first team football when they are classed as regular starters. The problem is with champions league and long domestic cup runs I'm often getting 2 games scheduled just 2 days apart or maybe 3. So usually a rest/recovery day off training and then maybe one session before the next match. They just can't recover in that time. So I basically have 2 outfield teams and a constant goalkeeper (if not injured) that I rotate every game even if I get games a week apart. How do others manage this? I can't manage to get a player playing over 40 games a season or they'd be basically dead most the time even without much training. I recently had it where my team suddenly took part in the world club championship which was in the off season and my players just weren't recovering whether rest was set or not. This must be a bug in the game as there was training scheduled once they started the tournament. so by the quarter final they started in the orange/red and 2 players got injured as a result.
  10. Yep that's annoying when not to long ago they've been whining about wanting a new challenge.
  11. Maybe some where like Maidstone Utd. Was once a league team that went bust. Not many big teams that close. Gillingham probably closest league club. Kent doesn't have many big teams. Dover and Tonbridge have conference teams. I expect most in Kent support London clubs.
  12. Good question. Depends if you're thinking country specific or just generally. How low do you wish to start. Just a guess but maybe someone like Forest Green. In real life they are building a new stadium. A club like that could be what you are looking for. I haven't played FM23 so I don't know if they build a new stadium on that. I'm still on FM22. Bournemouth on my Real Betis save, built the Eddie Howe stadium. Depending on how good your geography is I'd suggest trying to find a well populated city or area which doesn't currently have a team in a big league. Plymouth for example. It's down the West country where I can't currently think of many big teams. Bristol has 2 teams I suppose and not sure if Cardiff and Swansea would pick up many fans from down there. Wrexham could be an idea with Ryan Reynolds money.
  13. I'm assuming if you have a separate manager in charge of club 2 then they can handle contract renewals of players that are in that squad. That's how it works with B teams in Spain on my Betis/hispalis save.
  14. On club sponsorship, I've now been in charge of Real Betis/Hispalis for 6 and a half seasons. Despite surprising myself by winning la Liga in my first season and then going onto dominate with 6 in a row and multiple Spanish cups and super cups and last 16 and quarter finals for 5 seasons in the champions League my sponsorship is still absolutely rubbish. I think it started at about 5 or 6 million a season and now it's up to about 11 million. Surely with the increase in reputation to nearly 5 stars and being a top 10 European team in a big league 2nd behind premier league I should be looking at much better sponsorship than that. Of course Barcelona and real Madrid will always get loads but I would have thought I'd at least be getting close to Atletico Madrid whose sponsorship was always around 55 million. Im not even sure I'm getting more than celta Vigo yet. On affiliates my chairman seems to be very reluctant about this despite the obvious benefits. I've got the club on a good financial footing with buying and selling players. Bayern Munich seem to like taking my best players as they have taken 3 of my best strikers/inverted wingers for a high minimum release fee. Any way I digress, despite the how good my finances are decent or high my chairman will not let let me get a commercial affiliate or one to increase rep in other countries. When sponsorship is so low why wouldn't he allow it? The increase rep one he just says our rep is good enough. I did manage to get a South Korean club as a first option club after I got angry with the chairman. He really doesn't like affiliate clubs. Even the club that was our parent club but now the other way around Atletico National (Colombia) has no real benefit. I suggested changing it to allow loans but he won't have it. I've never had this issue in FM in previous versions.
  15. Thank you for that, I shall untick that next time I'm on.
  16. Sorry for going back to FM22 when so many are now on FM23 but I had the same issue on FM21. It may even be the same on the new one? My issue is that I get avalanched with scouting reports constantly on the same players. Whilst I don't mind the occasional update, getting a report on the same players every month gets quite annoying and surely my scouts should be searching for new players and not just scouting the same ones on my shortlist (not so short) constantly? I'm sure it's a settings thing and I know I can stop it being sent to my inbox and just looked at in the scouting centre but I don't want to miss out on actual new scouting reports of players or when circumstances change like being listed etc. The thing is that won't stop the endless time consuming reports on the same players that I feel like I'm seeing every couple of weeks. It just seems strange how often the same players are being scouted when they are all set to scout different regions i.e south America South. Maybe it's something you have to put up with if you want to try and keep on top of finding the best youngsters or players for your team but the further into a save you get, the worse it gets and more time consuming. I have tried searching the issue but haven't found anything more specific to my needs other than just turning off notifications to inbox. When clicking on the settings I can't see what I'm looking for unless I'm missing something which is possible knowing me 😂 I hope someone out there can help me streamline this a bit.
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