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Everything posted by desmond91

  1. Hi guys, I am trying to replicate Bayer Leverkusen approach without the ball. Here my considerations: 1) HIGH BLOCK When opponents play out from the back, they use a man to man system. Occasionally conceding numerical parity at the back (as in the 5v5 shown in the image above) .The marking is tight, with the aim of forcing the opponents into a long clearance. Defensive line is very high as well as the line of engagement. I would say something like that. 2) MID-LOW BLOCK: In these areas, Bayer try to stay compact and close the central spaces and lines of pass, forcing the opposition out wide to recovery the ball. Defensive line is high but line of engagement is not. I would say something like that, or maybe with mid block line of engagement. All of these without considering the Tight Marking players instruction. Do you have any ideas on how we can give the right instructions to achieve this result?
  2. I made these adjustments: - double pivot composed by Regista & Segundo Volante - Advanced playmaker in the AM position - IWB in support - very narrow width - focus play through the middle The build up seems to be much better, passes direction is now central. The only problem is that Wingers are too narrow now, whilst as I said I would like them very wide to stretch the play. What if I remove the focus play? As far as I know the focus play through the middle increase the passes into the center (good) but also attract players to the centre of the pitch (bad) What do you think?
  3. Without Mezzala and Wingers than I will not attack as I want. I want the the very spreaded in creation phase. I made some adjustments, but im not sure how tempo could influences the direction of the progression
  4. I don't mean I want the CB to pass to 8 at the same moment of the screenshot but in general
  5. I would like my players to go through the center (purple lines) but they constantly go wide (green line). Any suggestions?
  6. I'm struggling to fill the position in the screenshot. I would like a player staying behind (same vertical line) the striker. I tried all the positions in AMC and MC, but they always move into the half spaces. Any suggestions?
  7. Hey Rashidi, how would you set Width and Focus Play if your game style is to stretch the pitch as much as possible with your wingers in order to create space to attack in central areas? I would logically go with Wide width + focus through the middle, but then my wingers will move to the center while I want them very wide. What about Very narrow + Focus on the flanks?
  8. Ah alright. I hired a sport director and asked to hire staff, but he's not doing anything. is that normal?
  9. Ajax always started without any staff, even if I select the options in the career settings at the beginning
  10. Back on this topic again: I noticed that with the last update, the IWB is not moving in the middle of the pitch even during the development phase. Are you aware of this? Someone else is experiencing the same?
  11. If this is how the mentality is reflected in the game, it narrows my options to: Midfielder line - Invert Winger /Attack: Midfielder line - Wide Midfielder /Attack:
  12. Hi, I am struggling in choosing the best role for my wingers. The interpretation of the role would similar to Mitoma (Brighton) or Robben and Ribery with Guardiola, so he has to stay really wide, hugging the touchline, and whit the ball on his feet seeking for 1vs1 . Whereas, without the ball, I want him involved defensively involved. So the active instructions must be: - Stay wide - Dribble more - Cut inside with the ball I narrowed the options to these two roles: Inverted Winger and Wide Midfielder. And the possible combinations of duties/roles are the following: Trequartista line - Inverted Winger /Attack: Is not helping when my team is not in possession Trequartista line - Inverted Winger /Support: Midfielder line - Invert Winger /Attack: Midfielder line - Inverted Winger /Support: Midfielder line - Wide Midfielder /Attack: Midfielder line - Wide Midfielder /Support: I tried all the other roles/duties and they look pretty similar in both defensive and attacking. Should I pick a random one or there are some hidden settings or role concept that I should consider in the choice?
  13. Hi everyone, I am trying to understand the new setting "Cross engagement" but for how it is explained in the game it doesn't make any sense to me. "Stop crosses asks the team to seek to avoid defending crosses...force the opposition to find another way to attack" "Invite crosses asks the team to allow crosses to defend in situations they would be confident of being successful in" Now, while Stop crosses makes sense and it's the way to defend a threat in the wide areas, what happens if i choose Invite crosses ? Will my defenders let the opposing winger cross because sure that the cross will not be dangerous? Fullback: "hey Mezzala, help me to close him down" Mezzala "naaa, that's fine, let him go, they are not dangerous into the box" Fullback "ah, ok" Honestly, it's not something we see in real football, defenders always try to close down the opponent, whatever it takes. noone invite opponent to cross. And what if you don't select any option? they will close down the opponent or not?
  14. Hi everyone, I am using a 4-3-3. In possession, i want my fullback to overlap and attack the wide areas WHILE the mezzala underlap and run inside. Which setting should I use? Overlap or Underlap?
  15. Hi everyone, are there any instructions to set the high pressing marking of the offensive line when the team is not in possession? I would like to have Guedes in the same position of the #7 but on the other flank. They have same roles instructions as well as opponent instructions.
  16. yep i was thinking about hidden instructions. I know some roles have it, like the 2 roles you mentioned, would be nice to have a complete list of those roles with the specific movements
  17. Hi everyone, are there any differences between roles with the same Instructions in terms of movements, like the example below?
  18. So in a nutshell it's not about the position of the defensive line but about how it reacts to long pass behind it. Got it, thank you!
  19. imho but options refer on when the opposition has the ball, confirmed by the fact that are part of the NON POSSESSION section.
  20. Hi everyone, I'm wondering if the Defensive line option (step up-drop off more) has a different purpose than just setting low or high the defensive line bar in the Defensive shape option. Does it just move more down up or down the defensive line bar in the defensive shape setting? Seems logic but I am wondering if there is something else hidden, because otherwise makes non-sense. It's like if next to the slider of Tempo you can select "Increase tempo" or "decrease tempo". Why add that option if there is already a slider for that purpose?
  21. I play a lot the IWBs. In possession they move inside the pitch, becoming a kind of CMs. They don't stay wider and cut into the middle as I wish Thanks anyway guys!
  22. I just tried, but he is not enough higher in the pitch :/
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