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Everything posted by gladman1

  1. Theres nothing wrong with inclusive whatsoever. The problem is politicians creating situations and distractions for their own gain. They dont care about anyone who doesnt vote for them. Or even the ones who do. look at the history.
  2. I should not have to be forced into any political stance fullstop. At the end of the day it was a created movement used for government advantage, These government people dont give a t@ss about people or what they are going through. They just want votes.
  3. Yes as the teams walk out the people holding the uefa logo in the centre circle are taking the knee.
  4. I can see the point though. Why not just have a game which is completely neutral? I noticed that the people aroiund the centre circle in champions league games take the knee. Politics should be left out of games. We are getting so much of this thrown around in normal life theres no harm in finding something which is just completely fun only. Or at the very least have tghe ability in the options to turn off what you dont want. That way the game would be truly inclusive of peoples beliefs.
  5. Hi, Great skin. Unfortunately i cannot see player pic on the attributes page, i have shirt only. Is there a way that i can swap the shirt with the face pic? This happens on both versions. Thank you.
  6. I normally do too but i left it this time. I dont edit money or skills just the unhappiness thing.
  7. It happens a lot to me too. I sometimes use the editor to remove the unhappiness. Not every time because if i have neglected to do it fair enough. But if i have done as promised but still get complaints i just make him happy again via the editor. Not ideal i know but makes it a bit more playable. Another slight issue is that if a player is really tired so i chat to him about resting him next match, he agrees. But when i play the next game he is devastated to be left out?
  8. Hopefully they will fix the player unhappiness thing in a patch soon. At the moment i use the editor to remove player unhappiness, i dont really like doing it but I only do it when i think there is a good case to use it. If i feel it is a genuine complaint i just put up with it.
  9. yes i would be interested in using backgrounds. How did you do it?
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