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Everything posted by SOULjah

  1. @Jack722 is on point. The problem with things are even though the AI is getting more intuitive (which I applaud) our own tactic management is stuck in the dark ages. I agree that changing tactics throughout the season is generally a good thing. However, the gauges like familiarity make you feel like you are doing something wrong as if stating "Do not do this" if you are someone that changes tactics throughout the season. @Jack722 points out that doing a lot of player management things will help out slumps and this I do agree with, for example praising conduct to each and every player once every couple of months is quite a good thing to do you barely get a negative reaction, the problem is this elongates my season a tad plus other things that I do concerning player management and I never understand how FM players tear through a season in a matter of days. When I first played FM it used to take me a whole month to get through a season I have now cut it down to about 2 -3 weeks with a few tweaks here and there concerning managing the actual match. However, I do feel this is still far too long to be playing a season and would really like to cut it down some more.
  2. Sadly, we won't get a fix as the last major update has passed. I hope they fix this for the next FM that comes out.
  3. I have to agree with the people here complaining of this, why are CBs ridiculously losing condition every match! I have versatile players that can play CB and CM when they play CM condition acts normal. However, I play them in a CB role condition is lost at a ridiculous rate.
  4. ... I got a notification that the board will get back to me concerning my request. However, I never received the email stating whether I can have more coaches or not or even to discuss it and in my board profile it doesn't even state that I made the request. The strange thing is this was in pre season in May, I am now in September and still can not request more coaches I feel it should have procced by now. Any suggestions on what to do or just wait it out?
  5. I found when managing a lower league team if you have lower league rivalries setting home matches with these bring in significant revenue, it doesn't cost much to set up and you get great gates. Sadly, with Bermondsey Town they have no rivalries at all so in this save I can not take advantage of this
  6. Don't see the problem... ... 26 man squad and all at least 'satisfied'.
  7. Thanks for your help on this, I'm on a 24" Desktop Monitor. I'm at 100% Standard Size so the zoom isn't the problem, I am very sure I had more panels - but can't for the life of me figure what's happened to the panels that 'were' there
  8. Thanks, that does help for sure! However, I am sure there are supposed to be four panels on this screen during highlights?
  9. ... on highlight screen when I watch highlights. I was thinking I may have got rid of it by accident? Anyone know how to get it back?
  10. There were slight UI tweaks concerning the way the options were laid out.
  11. I understand that, even though this years set piece UI has had a 'slight' rework - the same issues persist from the last iterations. I feel the set piece UI needs a complete overhaul and that is not going to happen on a full release I'm afraid.
  12. ... some loanees I get the option to 'compile report' at the bottom of the screen when accepting the bid and some others I don't - apologies I have no evidence of this you just have to take my word for it. So I thought "what if I stop my reports I have going on and report on the loanees I want scouting on" - but this did nothing. I literally have no option to 'compile report' on loanees even the ones I had a report on. Compiling a report would give me a notification in my 'Inbox' about my player out on loan, I thought it might have been restricted to the amount of scouts I have. However, I 'was' getting fours reports from four different players and only have three scouts
  13. This is a frustrating issue. However, I 'may' have a fix for you concerning less players on the UI. When this happens to me I usually find the missing player is overlaid by another player, annoyingly so you may have to move all your players to find the missing player to get back the 11 players on the pitch depicted in the set piece UI.
  14. I have played almost a season having my freekick takers aiming at near post for 'Direct (Small Chance of Shot)' 'Indirect (Wide)' and 'Indirect (Deep)' and in the Match Engine it barely appears to happen, like 1 in 20 freekicks may get aimed at the near post. I understand I play Lower League Football and my freekick takers might not be the best. However, I feel it needs to be better represented my out and out best freekick taker has scored 6 direct freekicks this season so far so he isn't so bad.
  15. @Mst82 Seemed to be having a problem over autumn not just November
  16. I'm curious at playing a versus game or an online game - either / or. Can the game be paused? What is the general consensus on pausing the game on the various online versions if so?
  17. That would make sense. However, there are no issues with my players concerning 'Happiness', no-one has any issues of any kind in my team every single square is at least 'satisfied' in the 'Dynamics' sub screen.
  18. ... one of my highest xGs all season, despite trouncing teams and highest pass completion I have had for the season. 1-2 down before our 80th minute goal, I threw on my fastest young striker on around 65 minutes and he got the winner in injury time 90 +3. My 30+ goal striker (Mudd) did naff all so I subbed him. Just saying
  19. ... since they added "Struggling to keep up with the match" (orange) and "Would have preferred to stay on the bench" (red) body language. I chat to most of my players when coming off the bench and in said window the body language would proc green i.e. "Motivated" or "Inspired". However, once on the pitch they have a red or orange body language.
  20. I suppose I'm wondering if the freekick takers efficiency is taken into account for the freekicks, because I'm playing lower leagues I'm not blessed with the best freekick takers I suppose which could be a reason why I only see 10% of the freekicks going to the near post.
  21. ,,, for approximately 4 matches I have set up near post freekicks to be taken and 90% of freekicks are going to the far post. I have done a vague search for the issue in the forum for said issue but the search function didn't come up with anything. Is this a known issue? Should I put in a bug report?
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