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Everything posted by SOULjah

  1. I suppose I'm wondering if the freekick takers efficiency is taken into account for the freekicks, because I'm playing lower leagues I'm not blessed with the best freekick takers I suppose which could be a reason why I only see 10% of the freekicks going to the near post.
  2. ,,, for approximately 4 matches I have set up near post freekicks to be taken and 90% of freekicks are going to the far post. I have done a vague search for the issue in the forum for said issue but the search function didn't come up with anything. Is this a known issue? Should I put in a bug report?
  3. ... I probably hate sorting out the set piece instructions just as much as anybody else. However, I believe that there should be an option where the graphic takes into account where freekicks are essentially corners, apologies for the shoddy picture but I hope it gives an idea in what I am suggesting?
  4. I just got 3 (three) crash dumps around the same match and what I could figure out it was because I was checking my 'Team Talk Feedback' and trying to check the 'Half-Time' Feedback created the dump because in the previous match I opted to not give a team talk in the pre-match team talk - sounds confusing? I'm on a few beers so sounds even more confusing to me - but I know what I mean. However... ... in the 3 (three) matches I played during said "crash dumps" I experienced 2 1-0 leads before half time to the good of my team before the dumps happened. Then I had to play the match a third time and actually didn't get a goal until the 90+4th minute to win the match. I got to admit, I was absolutely jubilant over the very last minute goal but I would have liked to have had more control over the match with an early goal. What is your preference?
  5. For 2 (two) sessions playing the same team my game crashes after checking the 'Team Talk Feedback' in 'Dynamics' in the second half of a match. This has never happened before. However, I did notice that the previous 'Team Talk' at the beginning of the PREVIOUS match there was no team talk present because I gave the team the silent treatment and when I went onto the dropdown to select 'Half-Time' the game crashes. I literally just replicated the same issue not in a match and the game crashed also.6a17803c-c592-4cb8-a96a-84bf2c14c381.dmp9e4f0724-55b1-4414-b59e-8e57b9c13f16.dmp201bb35e-d800-4c6b-bca4-0209b7fd73cc.dmp
  6. Occasionally and I mean occasionally when I read a scout report in my 'Inbox' and click 'Team Report' at the bottom and go to 'Senior Squad' >> 'Team Comparison' the report looks like this... ... this essentially makes no sense to me and have to wait for the opposition report to get a report I can see more easily. Like this... ... like I explained this only happens on occasions and I suppose this report is submitted to find out if there is a way around it because this has happened for approximately the last 3 (three) editions of Football Manager and I am unsure if it has been flagged before. Yes I am using downloaded badges. Yes in this edition I am using downloaded leagues. However, that is because I wanted to use a much lower down the league team in the English pyramid with this series of Football Manager. I'd also like to mention yet again this only happens on occasions for approximately every 4 (four) matches. Thanks for your consideration.
  7. Concerning my issue which I posted above. Said player actually wanted a new contract soon after to reflect his status in the squad, these things need to be watched
  8. Thanks for the clarifications, it actually means now I will not be so wound up about my keeper hoofing the ball as it all makes a little sense now. I do not use this "game management" system too much in matches just in certain situations and as I also said the tactics aren't the exclusive tactics I use. I'm going to have a lot cooler head in the hoofing situations now as my "game management" system rarely lets me down, there have only been a hand full of times it has let me down - but that's football, eh?
  9. Although I have no general issues with playing time, just BEFORE a match this procced in my players happiness - doesn't seem right. He was absolutely fine every other day prior to the match that week, I was constantly checking because I WAS THINKING of dropping him for a match to let someone else play in a different system.
  10. Apologies for the apparent bump, but it really isn't. I don't think I am ever going to complain about someone's sharpness again after this first half performance of said fella. However, he did get pipped at PoM in the second half by my striker that scored a hat-trick - not by much though tbf.
  11. Not sure if this is a thing, but bare with me. I have signed players and they have had decent morale when joining and their particular sharpness has been okay but not great when joining, I have no evidence of this so forgive me. I have recently signed a left midfielder and he has played 2 90 minutes in my under 21s friendlies and has not increased his sharpness at all. However, I noticed when he joined he had very low morale although in the screenshot he has good morale he didn't prior to the screenshot I have just taken. In the screenshot I wanted to show the non-competitive games he has played since signing, his morale has gone up, but his sharpness is staying at a lacking stage.
  12. I have never seen this in 17 years of playing FM - a keeper with additional positions? 'Mind Blown'
  13. Ah, apologies. It was silly of me to not add my mentality - it is set as cautious... Welp, I just added 'Take Fewer Risks' to his individual instructions - maybe this'll help
  14. I get it, I'm playing a downloaded database for my lower league team. However, this tickled me as it says my team are essentially playing in the "." (dot) - seems ironic.
  15. In terms of game management I've been trying for the last few issues of FM to get my keepers to occasionally play short. However, when I assume I'm doing everything I can do to make the keeper to play short a lot of the times he doesn't and hoofs the ball more often then not, Some of the tactics I employ into my "game management" system are: 'Much Shorter Passing' 'Play out of Defence' 'Be More Disciplined' 'Roll it Out' 'Distribute to Centre-Backs' 'Slow Pace Down' and 'Lower Defensive Line' These aren't the exclusive tactics I use particularly and I do not have any 'Individual Instructions' on my keepers other than 'Ease off Tackles' which I have on every player in "game management" system to avoid any unnecessary freekicks in awkward areas - not that this works 100% of the time. I play a 'Sweeper Keeper' role, are there any individual instructions I should add on my keeper to force him to play the way I want at these times? I have done a vague search in the forum for any hints on this but I received no feedback from the search function.
  16. I admit there does seem to be a lot fringe players whining quite early on. However, an early indication of a player having a gripe with play time is in 'Dynamics' >> 'Happiness' and it is an early indication of when a player is likely to have an issue at some point and is the way I usually counteract before the player comes to me by either reducing said play time (could also cause conflict) or playing the player.
  17. There are a number of things you can do like actually resting players on non training days this also gives an increase in 'Overall Physical Condition' over the rest day. Under 'Training' >> 'Rest' I have my training intensity also set up so if any of my players condition are at a certain level the game automatically sets the players training intensity, like this... You also need the intensity levels set at 'Automatic' in each players individual training for this to work, if you go into 'Training'>>'Individual' then click on the drop down at the top left that likely says detailed click on list on this page you can highlight EVERY player here and set all to automatic in one click.
  18. I see sense in your reasoning @thecaveman . However, as the 'Social Group' is a default column seems silly not to incorporate said dynamic. Maybe incorporating mine and your theories together might be a great idea. I don't honestly believe that putting people together that don't socialise with each other is particularly going to work based on positions solely. They aren't particularly "clumped" together like you suggested, I am honestly checking on social movements at least every other game day to see what needs changing if anything at all
  19. So he'll try to fully master the position then gradually forget said position
  20. Is the priority of the assignment set to ongoing? I think there is an issue where one or the other setting don't work properly
  21. Concerning the 'Social Groups' in 'Dynamics' - I like to make 2 or 3 groups in 'Mentoring' under 'Training' depending on how many Social Groups there are. For Example For the Core Social Group in Dynamics will I make a 'Social Group 1' under Mentoring and put everybody in the Core Social Group in there For the Secondary Social Group or Social Group A I will make a 'Social Group 2' And for Social Group B or 3 or more 'Others' I will make a 'Social Group 3' Remember you have to have at least 3 people in a group to make the mentoring worthwhile so essentially 2 'Social Group B' or 2 'Others' won't make a mentoring group. I find it a nice way to keep track of the movements in Dynamics too and in my head it makes sense to keep people who are getting in with each other. You also have to constantly check your Mentoring groups to keep track of movements I'd say on at least a weekly basis if you follow these rules. Here is a screenshot to show you what I mean if it isn't clear
  22. I believe for it to work properly you need to have your 'scouting range' set up too, it is the monthly payment you pay for your scouts to scout a specific region. I could be wrong, but it is how it works on my save
  23. It's owned by Fisher and is actually a modest 2.5k capacity. Just looks like any standard lower league stadium tbf. I hope this DB causes no problem with the game as I am having a whole heap of fun with with this save
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