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Everything posted by Soulseeker

  1. I submitted another ticket about this earlier, hopefully they'll look into it, but, you know...
  2. I agree that it's better than it was in 22 and 23, but still worse than before eg FM19 (kinda speculative, but I never noticed this issue in earlier versions so it's either wasn't there to a noticeable extent or I just never realised that it was).
  3. I see what you mean. Looks like I made a pretty stupid assumption that subs not working correctly is a current bug in the game because I keep hearing so much about it and also saw tickets in the bug tracker, but now that I went through my games (both 1 and 10 seasons old) I can see that AI managers use subs more or less as I would expect them so I take that back and apologise for confusion. However, this doesn't address the main concern that I have, which is what I outlined in this bug report I would be very surprised to find out that actually the average age of the first teams after 10 years is comparable to 1 year across thousands of clubs and not just a couple dozen that I selected for my spreadsheet and even more surprised to find some extra high CA players (eg 175+) within those U25 (basically regens) players who became a part of the future first teams in 10 years. I now feel kinda bad for choosing U25 to be the threshold because if I went with 24 (so, the second generation of regens in 2034), it would be very unpleasant stats from what I can see
  4. Not only I read the response from the developer, I replied to it in that very thread several hours ago. I also posted this here Does this satisfy your requirements for the post weirdness check now? Still don't understand your point. If you think there is no issue here - great, why bother even reacting? Leave it to SI to double check. If there is? Cool, let's work on resolving it. I genuinely don't understand what is this about.
  5. People told me to submit this, not sure if it will actually be helpful in any way, but there it is. Basically, I ran 10 years simulation and compared average ages of club and national team squads between some arbitrarily chosen teams (clubs and national teams) between that (filename is "Game 1 - Leeds (Simulation End) and just 1 season long simulation (filename is Andrey Ignatyev - Unemployed) and also I went through a couple hundred clubs and national teams to do a glance comparison and most of them appear to be of comparable average age squads, but noticeably older first teams. I used U25 as a threshold because in 2034 it's the age of the first regen wave and U25 in 2034 is mostly 25 years olds, while U25 in 2024 is varied between 18 and 25 so it's actually not apples to apples comparison per se. If I used 24 years old as a threshold, numbers would be dramatically "worse" for the game, not even close. This is by far the most concerning part. I also noticed that national teams call up players that would not be considered playing consistently enough to warrant a call in older versions even in teams like Brazil, where competition is crazy. Finally, and this is my speculation, but it appears that AI is unable to develop extremely high PA players to realise their PA by 25. I couldn't spot a single 190+ CA player anywhere, but it's a fact that every year there are a few 190 spawn so it's virtually impossible for them to just not to exist. So either I am completely terrible at reading CA from attributes, they actually don't regen at the same rate as before, clubs can't effectively scout them or may be it's just that they give them playing time way too late to realise their full potential. No more Hollands or Bellinghams in the regen era.
  6. Do you suspect me in having a hidden anti-SI agenda or something? Another weird reply, where the point eludes me completely.
  7. Like I said, I suspect that the discrepancy is mostly because AI is not using younger players enough in the game, particularly because of lack of subs and not rotating the squad enough between the game, which is seen by it using unfit players in the games. Good thing is, the bug tracker is full of the reports about it and so I expect SI to fix this issue and that would be about it for the development discrepancy.
  8. I don't even understand the point that you are making. I reiterate for the third time that I merely want SI to follow through on their promised for two features that they specifically promised and we can clearly see that one of them (rotations and subs) are straight up not working at all right now. They clearly changed something in the engine, but it yielded the exactly opposite outcome in the game. Bug tracker is full of the reports that there are no subs or rotations unless players get injured or suspended. Are you denying this or what? And in turn, are you denying that this by the nature of the issue is hampering the development of young players?
  9. Exactly. if they just do what they promised - better rotations and longer development periods for players, it would fix this issue. I'm actually kinda optimistic about this. Surely they can't promise something and just do exactly the opposite (no subs/no rotations) and release the game like it's nothing. I honestly expect them to fix this bug in the full game release and we'll see a great improvement immediately.
  10. I'm basically making two points there: 1. If you guys fix AI not using subs and not rotating players this would probably more or less fix the discrepancy. I literally say that in my conclusions there. Surely this isn't too much to ask given that it was presented as one of the features of the game? I'm sure you are aware of the problems with this part of the game given how many people mention this and how many bug tickets are there. I would be shocked to see it not addressed before the full game release. 2. AI is unable to fully develop very high PA players, I talking top of the top. No more Hollands, Camavingas, Messis etc with fully realised PA. I'm fairly confident that a natural striker who has 1 strong foot and has attributes like finishing, first touch, off the ball etc around 14-15, this is not 170 let alone 180-200 CA. You can brush this off as much as you like, I'm pretty confident in my ability of "reading" CA from attributes given that I've been doing this since CM 00-01 with pretty reliable precision. I'm not saying it's a new issue - I don't think I've ever seen a fully developed 190+ PA player in 15 years save unless it's me who's playing him since he turns 18 or better ever sooner. I assumed that another announced feature of FM24, which is players having longer period of development, would be what finally addresses this properly for the first time in the series. So in other words, just do what you promise and the game is golden in this regard. I've never stipulated that this is a deep dive or I find the numbers catastrophic, not sure where this came from. In fact I was pretty pleased with results of my admittedly surface level test. So PLEASE just fix stuff that you directly promised to fix.
  11. Ok so I ran the simulation (1 season vs 10 seasons) is here are my findings. I focused on comparing average ages of arbitrary clubs and national teams and U25 players. Why U25? Because in 2033 this is the age of the first wave of newgens. Here are the caveats: 1. U25 in 2024 and 2033 are very different thing. There will be many more players in the range between 18 and 24 in U25 in 2024, while in 2025 U25 will be comprised at least by 75% by 25 years old players. 2. AI does very bad job at developing players. Obviously it's speculative without the in-game editor but at a glance, even the starts of the future like the top Madrid striker would have stats that I would give 160-170 CA at most. Not terrible at all, but definitely not world start level. You can also see that in the media descriptions. Qualifiers like "elite" or "world class" are very rare and they usually tell the story about CA. 3. I expect the numbers to be somewhat better once this stupid issue of the AI completely ignoring the fitness of the players and therefore not making subs or rotations based on that. Even if it would yield 10-15% improvement between the game's results and the real world's, it would essentially fix the issue. 4. National teams seem to hand call ups out to pretty clearly underserving players. Like a third of Brazil in 2033 consists of players who barely play in their teams, which makes no sense and inflates the stats in favour of the game when it comes to the national teams. So what can be done to improve this still leaving a lot to be desired situation: 1. As mentioned before, fix the damn rotations and subs. This was literally presented as a feature of the new game and it's worse than ever before. What are you doing SI?.. 2. Make AI managers play high PA players from time to time just for the sake of their development, literally starting from them being fresh out of the youth intake. 3. Make players force their way out of the club if they are blatantly underutilised. Everyone's favourite example is Mukouko for a good reason - he never gets any play time in Dortmund except when he needs to come out as a substitution for an injured player. Even in a well functioning game engine (that it's not right now), this sort of situation would happen occasionally as they are a part of football. Great - just make it so that the players like that would leave, simple as. Transfer request etc. If you truly implemented the new "smarter" managers who buy people that they actually need, this would play very nicely into that improvement as well. 4. Finally, if everything else fails, just make players' attributes to grow faster from training and playing in lower divisions on loans. Like literally take the current rate and multiply it by 1.5 (at least). Everyone would like that, no one playing FM likes the current rate of player development and this is surely one of the issues at play here.
  12. Yeah, I wish people who ran those simulations for 10-15 years and compared how many NT worthy players the game generated versus how many were generated in real life and the average age comparisons would do this again for 24. If it's still that bad, it's time to refund. Edit: in fact nothing's stopping me from running some simulations myself given that I have the early access so let's see how it works in 24.
  13. If you really want to have Russian clubs and players playing internationally you can just imagine some sort of fantasy scenario where the war is over, Russia lost and now is a part of the new state with Kyiv being its capital so you can just move everything from Russia to Ukraine and now you have a new European league that will challenge Dutch, Portuguese and French clubs (except PSG) in the continental competitions regularly. That what I do anyway.
  14. I guess I misremember this then. Anyway, if there is a way to make it available a bit earlier than on the full game release date it would be great.
  15. Well, if it's not possible then it is what it is, but I definitely remember being able to create my team back in FM19 early access more or less from the get go. Also, unfortunately I don't have FM23, otherwise I would just do what you suggest. Anyway, In case it's at all possible to release the editor early as well, it would be cool if they do.
  16. I pre-purchased the game because I expected that the editors will come out (at least the pre-game one) with the early access like they used to in previous games (at least the couple that I bought at the early access stage). I'm sure there are not too many players like me out there, but essentially, I'm not interested in playing the base game and instead I like to create my own club and personnel from scratch and just overall change thousands of things in the game (transfer, foreign player rules etc) before I can have fun playing it. It's been like this since CM 00-01 for me. It's such a massive punch in the gut to not to be able to play it because of what appears to be a pretty arbitrary decision to not to include the editing capabilities... If there is any way to reconsider this, please do for the sake of players like myself.
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