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Posts posted by NCFCRossky

  1. 2 minutes ago, faldal said:

    @michaeltmurrayuk Even with default skin it is still the same.
    What I noticed though is that no matter if I clear the cache or even use reset -> all, the positions/settings of the widgets/panels are still saved/the same as before. So my question would be where these things actually are getting saved/cached?

    @NCFCRossky I had the same issue for the team stats panel.
    In "match team stats full top.xml" and "match team stats full bottom.xml" at line 30, I set the value for "default_view" to "moti".


    <flags id="default_view" value="moti" />

    Then clear cache, reload skin and upon the NEXT match, it started working for me.

    Nice one I will give that a try :thup:

  2. I have noticed that when I select Body Language on either the Body Language or Team Stats panel it defaults back to 'Basic Info' at random points in the match. It doesnt stick to Body Language.

    Does anyone know a fix or how to make Body Language default for on of the panels?


  3. Nice work on the update. Something that is stopping me from using it is that within the tablet during a match, it doesn't stick to body language so I have to keep changing it back between highlights.

  4. On 25/08/2019 at 13:25, godzilu said:

    Hey guys

    I have a quick question. I want to remove the background image from the Pep Talk screen: http://prntscr.com/ox8xxa , and add more columns to PKD, Status, Name, Hierarchy, etc box. I did it last year but I haven't wrote down what I did ( I am doing it now ), and it seems I just can't do it, looked around, read all kind of threads but I just can't pinpoint the files I need to modify. 

    Any quick tips? Thanks

    EDIT: Columns are in panels\match\match team talk panel.xml . Now testing the background.

    EDIT2: Backgrounds are removed from panels\client_object\client object browser.xml . I removed them before but probably the skin was not refreshed and it seemed it did not work.


    Hey, are you able to share your match team talk panel.xml file as I would like to customise it like you have.


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