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Everything posted by looknohands

  1. I've noticed that the game doesn't seem to be treating the B/II/affiliated teams as separate entities; for instance, if I try to delegate the hiring/firing of staff to someone else by clicking on the staff/player contracts options under Staff Responsibilities for Vancouver II, absolutely nothing will happen with the team in terms of signing new players and/or staff (In one save, the head coach of the II squad was fired by the Club President but he never made an offer for a replacement head coach the rest of the season despite also being in charge of the hiring process.) However, if you choose to delegate those same responsibilities for the main team, the delegated person will begin filling vacancies for the II squad. Obviously, this can create a huge problem when you simply want to add players to the II squad but the person in charge starts making offers for the main squad (this also applies to coaching staff.) I wonder if this also ties into the fact that manually trying to hire staff for the II squad results in the interested party asking for wages that are more in-line with the first team, regardless of how (un)talented they are? It's almost as if the game doesn't realize that there is a difference between the main club and the sub club and treats them almost as two versions of the main club...
  2. I remember running into this issue in last year's version--if I'm not mistaken, I think a possible cause was the fact that B teams don't appear in a playable league? I recall messing around with the editor to make a potential Vancouver B team eventually show up in a created Canadian pyramid, but I never made it far enough into the game to see if it worked and allowed you to hire an actual staff. Sadly, you can't even use the optional Real Time Editor to assign B teams a full coaching staff as a work-around as only a few positions (i.e. Head Coach) can be selected.
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