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33 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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    Paris fc

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  1. Trying to pick a nation and decided to see what nations have been done from the HOF list
  2. It's pretty impressive how you get through so many seasons @Padders keep going it seems your turning a corner.
  3. It's that time of year where reading this part of the forum makes me want to try this challenge. Is there a way of getting a team promoted two tiers down possible? Is it advancing two seasons? Or is it more complicated than that. At first thought was thinking of Aviron Bayonnais. Sadly Mexico and Korea is still a no..
  4. I don't think ive ever managed in Germany so the challenge takes me there, I didn't realise how many players you start with in Germany a lot more than you usually do.
  5. Every new fm for the last few i have tried this but never got past the first season.. It's that time to try it in fm24... I loaded a lot of leagues up and holidayed to give me the new teams. I narrowed it down to these.
  6. I think if you did all that on the vanilla. You could just use the last club in Mexico I know not part of the original challenge but this is something but more crazy lol.. would be still be an incredible achievement
  7. Congrats @Padders you've got patience of a saint. Not sure I could handle that many seasons in one division
  8. I've just had a save end with vaduz. Wasn't a youth only but went into a bad form and got the sacked. Taking a small break from it. And I don't normally like added databases (as a long save sometimes there not stable enough) but might give it another go at some point and use another team instead of vaduz. And do it youth only. So it's nice to see that we can change the coefficient. Second season I got to round of 16 in conference league.
  9. One thing I saw a lot at vaduz in the new youth intake is that they were asking me a lot to send them on Italian courses. But I thought main language in swiss/Lichtenstein is German? Defo will get back to this save again but at moment I'm taking a break with something else
  10. spellachia in the couple of season with vaduz he improved pretty well.
  11. A great ending to the season, some solid results. At least you able to stop that bad run.
  12. A good player. I had him at vaduz... Sadly just been sacked there in my third season.
  13. I've had this thought before trying to do a youth only Pentagon so can move teams (but with only the vanilla database). But as I've only attempted this challenge a couple of times and never got past first season I've always put it on the back burner. Be cool to see how you get on.
  14. What country would people recommend to start this challenge?? I don't mind random ones.. just have to be on the regular database
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