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10 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. @keysi Hey, is there a way for me to expand the green part down to the divider As it’s cutting off some information? Aswell is there a way I can adjust the goal keeper dot in the small pitch? As it’s be behind the net. Thanks
  2. Is it possible for me to expand the green bar at the top down to the divider underneath? Thanks
  3. Here's the skin, All thats been added is a bigger match tablet and your player panels. Thanks FM24 Base Skin.zip
  4. @keysi Is there anything you can think off that would fix this? (I added your player panels into the original base FM Skin. If I load up your skin and revert back to the this skin it works as intended until I reload the game. Thanks!
  5. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I put your player panel into the base fm skin and it looks like this but If I was to make your skin active and switch back to the base with your player panel it looks fine. Thanks
  6. I added the role ability back into the tactics screen but I can’t seem to get it to refresh when I change a role? Is there anyway I can get this to work without having to change screen then come back to the tactics screen? Thanks Screen Recording 2023-11-12 at 12.38.40.mov
  7. Is there a way I can reduce the size of the player face icon during the match on the bar along the bottom?
  8. Love the skin! Only issue I’m having is that on the profile page the attributes panel is slightly squished. Is it possible for me to remove the “Selection details” to the right of the attributes and expand the text for the tabs so they’re not cut off? Thanks
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