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80 "There's no crying in baseball"

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  1. Oh, is there a way to uninstall them without deleting them? It is soooo big and I spent a lot of time downloading and copying them Do you guess that it might be a visual bug caused by custom add ons?
  2. I have collected some screenshots, because some people told me that there is no issue... actually, right before the game, I activate the OIs for each position I want. During the game, almost every time, some of the positional OIs just vanish... I was told that it may have something to do with the opposition changing the formation during the game, but first, thats not true, because, as you can see, even with the same formation OIs vanish during the game. Second, this would absolutely make zero sense for the usage of positional OIs... Is SI actually aware of this issue? My tactic heavily relies on OIs and I really hate it to always follow the OIs during a game...
  3. I don't wanna play anymore xD... never experienced something like this... at least not used to it in a top league... could easily be the dutch, german or french leagues... but serie a?
  4. This is just crazy... I became a Serie A winner after 5 seasons, but since then, Inter has completely taken over the league... in my last 3 seasons, I collected 87 points on average and it wasnt enough... It really kills the joy... I am happy with my team and results, but this is extremely unrealistic that a team like Inter is dominating in such a way... they only dropped points against me at home...
  5. well, thats what I have read a lot, but somehow it does not work for me... I am literally fining and criticizing my players after every bad game, but yet to see an improvement in determination and work rate after 2-3 years...
  6. I signed 3 non-eu players in a season, as I was not aware that Serbians do also count as non-eu. However, I was told to prioritize two players and the third one could only be registered when an existing non-eu player is sold. So, I had one non-eu player who I signed two years ago and I sold him. Note that I have also sold him to a club outside of Italy. Yet, I can still not register my third non-eu player. Why? It seems like a bug or did I get something wrong? Any workaround here?
  7. I wonder whether a player that is assigned the inside forward role for the individual training would suffer from a work rate decrease, as this attribute is not highlighted as affected attributes. How does individual training really work? Are non-highlighted attributes not affected from training and would they still increase over time?
  8. no it just happened again... this is so frustrating ....
  9. sry mate, got frustrated, since I lost some progress and had a good run. it happens the third time today... seems like a bug... can't click on skip...
  10. Happens so many times now... I can not click on skip pregame and have to restart the game... I am playing on a Mac... what is this? Had a 6 months break and thought with the final patch things like this would not happen...
  11. I mean, come on, this is not something you will find irl... this fixture issue is existing since FM10 and it has never been addressed... It really makes the game unenjoyable and it is extremely frustrating when you miss all your goals in the last few weeks of the season, because of such a bug...
  12. Winger with opposite strong foot works best for me. Somehow there is a ME weakness and IW/IF do not behave as they used to...
  13. The ME and the game does have its flaws, so no matter, how good your setup is, you will still be disappointed a lot of times... However, here are some things that I have done, to improve my results (also playing with a 4231 in PL with West Ham) Maximize "Closing Down" - You have 5 subs and also, despite SI telling us that you can play with other styles successfully than just Gegenpressing, I have to admid that it is still like in former FMs... I have had two separate saves with 9 seasons and all I noticed is, no matter how good your team is, going full pressure is still the best way of defending in this game. Also keep in mind that with the current flaws in the ME, e.g., long balls over the CBs, defenders suddenly stopping to react (or freezing), it is just suicide to allow the opposition so much time on the ball and invite them literally to make long passes. "Trap outside" is really good for two reasons - Players never cross by just running down the flanks... It is an existing flaw of the ME... no matter what you tell your players, they will run down the line, will turn and pass it to either a midfielder outside of the box or a full back. So therefore it makes totally sense to say keep it tight in the middle of the pitch and allow space on the flanks as crossing is not threatening anyway. I would also recommend you to use "Allow crosses" as this will also help to keep it tight in the centre of the pitch and do not allow your opposition to cut in, which is far more dangerous than crossing. Play counter and counter press in transiition Change your Volante to "Support" mentality, as your Anchor and CBs need one more passing option Change your left IW to Attack duty - Will allow you to press earlier in the opposition third and they will make more counter attacking runs. Somehow, "Positive" mentality plus support role for Wingers just doesn't work... they do not make forward runs as consistently as you would imagine... If you still want them to participate in the build up play more often, then use overlap/underlap options, which will increase the mentality of the full back and decrease that of your winger. Change your striker to a support role, as otherwise he will be isolated, despite having an AMC, I made the experience that it is not enough to ensure that the striker is not isolated. try out complete forward, it works wonders in my save. Change your CWB on the right to wing back, as I think having an IF(a) plus a cwb is really too attacking minded on that flank
  14. I am really sick and tired of this crap... it happens in every single game, mostly in away games... this can't be about tactics anymore... I tried everything, from lowering the mentality to dribble less etc... nothing works... its always the same pattern... my defender wins the ball back, just stops playing, loses the ball and then of course it results in a goal... whoever claimed that you can also play low block this year is just a bunch of liar... no, you can not!!!! its all about full gungho gegenpressing... lose the ball, win it straight back because of the stupid AI acting stupid... More and more, SI reminds me of EA.... releasing unfinished products, which will never be finished during the lifecycle and give a damn about players, as there is no other competitor... oh wait, it also reminds me of infantino and fifa... yeah, we love football and we anyway gonna consume that crap, so lets do whatever we want...
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