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583 "Wax on, wax off"

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  1. Tried break period in league schedule and in nation settings. Maybe i missed something
  2. Anyone managed to set winter break? I use fixture dates but winter break wont work in test file with start/end dates. Ideas? @Wolf_pd
  3. Club logos are uploaded. Still need to make comp logos. Credits for logos - @dzukis87@gmail.com
  4. Download link is here. Also in the first post. If you find any issues please let me know because its not tested enough. You also have club logos megapack- If you find any wrong logo or bad quality/not visible please let me know. Serbia Level 6 Logos Serbia megapack
  5. Bice ali tek sada. Naisla motivacija odjednom ni meni nije jasno Poduhvat nije toliko tezak koliko je problem bio editor na pocetku (kao i svake godine) a posle sam izgubio volju. Uskoro kacim fajl.
  6. No thats ok by me but i dont understand why they make some changes without any feedback from us. About that sh*ty verification. They added that in this way to avoid handling unverified files. This can be done much easier - simply add some marker for verified files to save game . Add rule where you say that you are not responsible for problems with non-verified files and thats it. Leave option to play without verification. This is especially case after release where editor cant verify vanilla rules and nobody can play almost any file until december. BTW contract bug is still here. We have 2 "star player" rows and game add contracts to new AI generated players only by "squad player" settings. All other settings wont work. I wrote this couple years ago and it was fixed but as always they forgot to update their main folder. I know that but im sick of mumbo-jambo hacker nonsence because editor cant verify something. My file works 100% without single bug. Tested 20 times for 10 seasons so far.
  7. I can agree on that. What exactly do you mean by "tricks"?
  8. If they need you for this they should lock their offices. After 20+ years of experience they need moderator for this??? Thats why i always say - cant hire people who dont have passion for the job. No matter how good they are in their field. You can hire best developer in the world and if he dont have any knowlege about football - its worthless. There was 1 guy before at bugs section - i tried to explain some problems related to complicated football league systems in order to fix "multiple instances of file" bug that was there at the time. It was related to mulitple instances of file when league have sub divisions. After 5 days of messaging he understood 2%. So...
  9. This is probably a waste of time because in the past I have tried and tried to explain some bugs to the SI members involved in the bug section at the time. Some of the bugs we fixed after numerous messages - reappeared in the next version as if we had done nothing. So am I or anyone else wasting my time helping to fix something that won't get fixed at all or will be the same again in November? No thanks! Until they change their attitude towards the editorial community, it is a worthless effort. Also the bug section should not be open to noobs. There are so many reported "bugs" that can be solved with the knowledge of experienced players. 50% of the threads there are nonsense. 8-9 years ago there was 1 guy who worked at bugs section. Max was his name and he was the only one who understood and wanted to answer. After him all we have is "under review" and "need more info" crap. I know you want to help but better spend your free time doing someting usefull.
  10. Yeah i noticed that on some regular bugs in last 10 years. On new version everything is same again like they forget to update their original folders You can be developer for any software company - this doesnt mean you are not confused as chickens at sunset.
  11. Sorry for that - dont wanna make problems on your side because i have respect for you. On the other hand - i have 0 respect to anyone who is responsible for development of this game. They simply dont understand this - only reason why this game is still on the top is because they dont have any good competition. Only reason. Not their good work. Their work is far from good! I wish one day some other good game similar to this is gonna happen to fm community. Only then will they start paying attention on customer feedback. Not because they care about our opinion. Only because they care about their money. Simply sad. I answered one thread in bugs section last year i think. My message was about answered bug threads. I had more answered threads and questions compared to guys who are "responsible" to that. They should delete that section. Its worthless like 90% of their work on editor. Not to mention fraud about game release date. You sold game as finished product and use false advertising. Game is full of bugs every time you release it and customers need to wait until december in order to get what they paid for. If this is not fraud i dont know what is.
  12. I have working file and verification is problem. After every change i need to spend hours to get verification. It was easier to add verf manualy and test in game. Much easier to find possible issues. I wish i can speak with some devs and ask them whats their problem. Unreal. They cant fix old bugs but hey lets fu*kup something else. Average tuesday at SI office.
  13. @Wolf_pd we still cant load xmls in game without verification with editor? Nothing works! Game and editor is worse year by year. Anyone with brain in SI?
  14. No let people help each other. Who knows whats gonna be in the future
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