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97 "There's no crying in baseball"

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About DamienQilBormliz

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    Juventus FC

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  1. This may sound stupid but I have been trying to figure it out all day. I messed something up and as a consequence I'm having the following when it comes to VAR checking and penalty decisions... Graphics are in place and here is the file I believe is connectec to it. Any tips? match caption panel.xml
  2. This should be the file controlling it mate. match commentary.xml
  3. Thank you so much buddy! They both worked out well and thanks for the guide, it really helped me understand. Regarding your shout for help, do you mean the commentary bar?
  4. Hey brother, hope you are well. I am having both of your issues as we speak. What a coinendence. Can you guide me through it please? Will be much appreciated!!!!
  5. That's really a shame because you've managed to elevate the matchday experience a lot since last year. I hope they will work for future years to come.
  6. Looks nice! If I may ask what background picture are you using? My eyes really settled in with it. And would you be able to just share the tactic overview panel? I've been trying to put names on the back of the shirt for a while. Thank you.
  7. Love the IBH panels! Is there a way I could move the part selected in blue a bit lower because when playing with the EPL scoreboard the whole panels gets a bit smaller. Thanks!
  8. I've been having the same issue myself, huge lag in just the intro panel. UI and 3D engine runs smooth.
  9. @Zachary Whyte were these adjustments included with today's update please? or shall we wait for a future one? Thanks a lot.
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