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Gah Rii

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Posts posted by Gah Rii

  1. On 09/10/2022 at 21:05, gennamitico said:

    @Gah Riiwow, happy to find this post!!! do you think this approach and these same team instructions could be use with other formations? example 4231 or 433 or 424

    Yes, absolutely.


    433 specifically works really well for it I've found because you can keep the same midfield 3 which gives a lot of solidity in the middle. 


    4231's problem for me is that I don't like CAM as a role in FM when it's behind a lone striker, I don't like their interplay. If it's a CAM behind two strikers it works much better for me.


    What I've been trying recently with my Chelsea team is this: 




    The IF ends up being the main goalscorer for me with this so far. I tried multiple roles for the CAM and so far AP-A works with the lone striker, but I'd need to test it with other teams first to be sure whether I truly like it or not because my Chelsea team is really stacked with talent so it's a bad example of what does/doesn't work since the league isn't as balanced as it should be in the year 2041.


    442 is a good formation for this style of football too, it becomes really hard to break down.

  2. On 07/10/2022 at 16:03, Raymond85 said:

    @Gah Rii i am a big fan of your approach. Have you figured out some tweaks for when your team grows and teams start playing more defensive against you, leaving less space on counter?



    I'm currently in 2041 in a save and managing Chelsea. Throughout the entire save I've been using variations of my original tactic. 


    This is the one I've landed on for Chelsea that pretty much guarantees results for a top team if you build the team properly. It's not that different than what I was originally using, but the small tweaks I made definitely made a difference for me. 



    I've won everything there is to win at Chelsea. When I joined them in 2031 they were a mid-table team with multiple 33+ year old players so I was able to rebuild them as I liked which helped.

  3. 14 minutes ago, glengarry224 said:

    That's impressive!  Only 31 allowed in the EPL and four of those allowed in one game = 27 allowed in the other 37 games.  One goal allowed in your last eight matches!

    I wondered if as they learned your style, teams would start to counter-attack wider against you but it looks like your defense got stronger and stronger.  I'm guessing that your WCBs were great at closing down the flanks (?)

    What's your plan for next season?  Will you use the extra money to buy depth? or upgrade your starters?  or bring in some youth prospects?  or facilities?  I always feel the dilemna when I first get European football with a smaller club.  I can play reserves and tank the cup matches so that I can concentrate on the league games, but each cup match won brings a lot of money.

    The anchorman is key to not conceding goals.


    The WCB on support specifically can be more aggressive when the opposition enters their zone of control, which would be a problem if there wasn't a covering CB behind both of them with the anchorman also there to cover positions where needed. What I see quite often when I watch this tactic in real time is that the WCB will have a higher start position than any other defensive role I've tried (apart from WCB-A but that role isn't suited for any style I'd play, needs too much specializing around it to work), so if there isn't someone covering behind them then you'll get absolutely destroyed by through balls. With the Anchorman + CB-C my team can play extremely aggressive as a unit closing down, specifically on the flanks as you said. The wingback isn't 1v1 or 1v2 anymore, because the WCB can move out to help and the anchorman will slide over into his position. My fear is that better teams will eventually exploit this with a wide switch of the ball, but we'll see :)


    As for plans for next season; Delia Smith retired the moment we achieved champions league football and we got bought by a tycoon, which was funny. We are now owned by Vincent Kesler for better or worse has yet to be decided. He instantly declared he wants 1/4 finals in the champions league, final of the FA cup, final of the league cup, and finishing in the top 4. So, maybe I don't keep my job too long this season :lol:


    He promised significant investment, so that's going to be helpful in one way but harmful in another. As ridiculous as it sounds there really isn't that many options I realistically see can upgrade on Benteke outside of Calvert-Lewin and maybe Lorenzo Lucca. Everton are asking for €328 million for Calvert-Lewin and Lorenzo Lucca won't get a work permit xD . So for now we're relying on a 31 year old Benteke to do an important role.


    That's what always becomes a problem for me in these kinds of saves. I want to keep the idea of the team alive while also making the team improved enough to challenge for the league title, but I don't want to compromise on what I was originally trying to do. 


    Ideal scenario is I find youth players that long-term can improve over the current players I have while still keeping the original philosophy alive, and maybe improve some areas that need it urgently now (LCB, BBM, AMC being the main ones), all while making sure we don't regress in the league as a priority. I need to keep champions league football if I want to test how far this tactical style can actually go. If I drop out of the top 4 places then something's not right and needs to be fixed.


    FA cup/league cup will get my attention if I manage to get deeper into them without too much focus, and the champions league depends on how bad of a group I get. I assume I'll get an awful one due to seeding.


    I'll keep this updated if something interesting happens, and any changes I make to my strategy in the future. I'll definitely be doing more with the home version of the tactic because I'm not at all happy with it. 


    Thanks for reading it all, and I'm glad you enjoyed. :)

  4. I'd not defend narrowly to start with because one of the main weaknesses with a 532 (in my opinion) is overlapping fullbacks/wingbacks crossing into your box when it's overloaded, resulting in goals. Defending narrower will just open it up for them to overlap more frequently.


    Could also try changing the halfback to a defensive midfielder defend/support, and make the DLF a support instead of attack and move him to the left so he fills that gap on the left side where the cm (s) isn't moving up.


    That could offer more passing options coming out after you win possession back, because at the moment you've the halfback essentially sitting on top of your BPD when you're out of possession, and then you win it back and it makes it difficult to get back out fast enough to influence the game and possession probably just recycles.


    I'd just mess with player roles, the overall strategy looks fine to me. 


    Could go like:


                DLF (s) AF (A)


          BMW (s) Mez (s)

                    DM (s)

    and leave your back line as it is.




    Watch extended highlights in a match while changing roles around to see what links up, and try to see which players aren't offering much when the opposition attacks you


  5. 2 hours ago, 13th Man said:

    WB has hard coded dribble wide, even on support which I specifically would prefer not to have.  I would like my wingbacks to either dribble wide or attack the middle depending on their teammate's movement and the what the opposition gives them.  It's a small thing, but it does matter.  The movement on and off the ball by the wide players when playing as a WM is much more what I want than how they move when played as a WB.


    Looks a lot like my set up - though I swap a AM for the DM and have been keeping my wingers in the wingback strata.  My AM is a monster and the secondary goal scoring threat or I might use this (3-1-4-2) as my 'defensive' formation - though again I prefer the WMs over the DWs most of the time.  Anyway, my AF also is killing it - scoring 36 goals in Serie A in a season.

    I have an AM version too but teams in Liga MX absolutely abuse me team when I play it so I stick with this instead for safety xD


    I'll try WM over DW with AM instead. What do you use for WM? Auto/def/supp/attack? Any PI's? I'd love to try some new stuff

  6. 4 hours ago, Delial said:

    Why did you pick Defensive Wingers and how are they doing? They're dribbling too much IMHO.


    Well I wanted to get a 3 centreback formation to work and after testing for ages I didn't enjoy a single wingback role, and a flat back 5 is really ugly (imo).


    The wingback (auto/def/supp/attk) just don't do enough for me, they either sit too deep and don't offer any pressure on the opposition defence, or they sit too high up to ever recover properly when I get counter-attacked.


    The complete wingback just seemed to smash crosses from anywhere on the pitch repeatedly and recycle possession to a level I couldn't deal with.


    So then my only real option was to move upwards into midfield positions to find the solution, and most of the options there are awful in terms of having 1 wide player control the entire flank vs usually 2 opposition players.


    I read the descriptions of each role and tried to imagine what I'd like my players to actually do, and then watched full matches to see what happens.


    Winger attack/support is the same as wingbacks in that they end up in no-mans-land and get caught out way too often.


    Wide-midfielder didn't move enough to threaten the opposition so they'd end up getting overloaded and pushed out of the game if I was against for example a 4-2-3-1 because they'd be dealing with the 2 wingers + 2 fullbacks/wingbacks of the opposition.


    So instead I decided to try the defensive winger to see what it'd do, and it works absolutely perfectly for what I imagined my team doing. They do dribble an awful lot but what I've also found is that they cut the ball back A LOT more than any other wide role rather than just smashing a cross to nowhere or shooting into the side netting.

    This is an example of 2 full seasons of my right defensive wingers stats in the league. This is the position that seems to perform much better than the left defensive winger, no idea why, might be related to the DLF s being on his side pulling people out of position?



    He doesn't look like an amazing winger, and that's because he isn't. He's just a good central midfielder for my league (too good since he wanted to leave apparently xD). I essentially play with 4 central midfielders + a defensive midfielder, and just make sure the left defensive winger is left footed and the right is right footed.


  7. 54 minutes ago, JoOSTAR said:

    Do you use any specific Player Instructions?


    Left/right CB's to stay wider to make up for the defensive wingers going forward, DLP to dribble more because I don't want him just being totally stationary since there's a DM behind him already for cover and the DLF to shoot less because I want him to hold the ball for as long as possible for the on-rushing CM (a) instead of trying low % long shots


    all just basic otherwise. The most important instructions for me are the CB's staying wider, or else it's super narrow and oppositions with 4-3-3 or 4-2-3-1 will absolutely destroy you with overlaps

  8. 2 hours ago, Chief232 said:

     I'd be training him as a box to box mid personally as it'll keep training him to be well rounded, and also to work on some of his physical stats. I'd consider putting him on individual strength training as well.

    great idea, didn't think of that. Box to box is perfect to balance out the rest of his stats.


    I've moved him to the first team now to slowly introduce him, thanks very much for the advice :)

  9. I just got this player in my youth academy, he's already easily on the level of my other central midfielders if not better. 


    What I'm looking for is some tips on how to continue his development.


    When should I integrate him into the first team? He's at that level now but I'm pretty sure he shouldn't be in the first team at 15 or it'll mess up his development?


    How should I train him? Train him in a role or focus on specific attributes?


    I use a defensive midfielder (this guy would be wasted there in my opinion), deep lying playmaker I'd prefer someone stronger/taller to hold their own, so that pretty much leaves the CM attack.


    Any tips/advice on development and training for him? 



  10. 13 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

    That might work.


    I just did a little counting. From the last 16 goals I have conceded, 8 have been long shots. 4 of them have come from players with long shot abilty below 10. 

    Funnily enough, thay have all happened away from home


    what formation is the opposition using in those games? from my experience 3 at the back systems struggle against 4-2-3-1

  11. 22 minutes ago, Mr_Demus said:

    How do I avoid getting ounished by long shots?

    I could push up my d-line, but I would really like to avoid that.

    Players with 8 or 9 long shots are drilling them into the top corner, because we allow them the space. Could I ask my DM to hold position?


    you need to close down the shooters so they don't have space to shoot, holding position will just give them more time.


    defensive line moving up is the obvious but if you don't want to do that you could try changing the DM to a ball winning midfielder? It honestly depends on where the long shots are coming from and why they are.


    If it's too much space then try ball winning midfielder in DM slot, but that might open up space behind him for them to play through which could create more issues.



  12. 2 hours ago, Mr_Demus said:



    So, like this? No other TI's?

    I changed the AF to a PF A and put the TM on A, but obviously he can switch to S.

    I was able to ask the two CM's to press more.


    How about the AMC one?



    that looks good imo apart from a target man, that's a really specific role, PF S can do the same as him without messing up the overall formation. Target men always make my team go way too direct to him, he's a ball magnet, so he needs to be really good at his role to use the amount of ball he receives.

  13. I personally found wingbacks to be awful in a 532/352


    I go with defensive wingers instead, they perform much better and you can still use your wingback players in that position instead. Just my 2 cents.


    I don't recommend all the instructions I've given my team but you're free to try them if you want, it works for me.


    The team roles however 100% work better with defensive wingers than wingbacks ever did.





  14. Just now, OlivierL said:

    So timeline is not coming back? Any words about the nicknaming bug ? i reported it twice. 

    They said a few times already that the timeline isn't coming back for sure. Guess they might change their mind in the future, but doesn't seem likely. No idea about the bug, if it's been reported then I'd assume they're aware of it and will fix it when the other priority stuff is dealt with.

  15. I'm Chelsea in this image.


    Still finding it relatively easy to restrict the AI into not being able to play the game. Kinda disappointed that this wasn't dealt with better. They still seem to be setting up extremely negative/cautious in a lot of games that I've seen considering the caliber of players they have.


    This is with all my own tactics/instructions, no exploits. Surely Spurs should be at least able to manage a shot of any kind after 3 corners, 86% passes completed and 45% possession?








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