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1,039 "Here's Johnny!"

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    Virtus Francavilla

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  1. I dont think there is any reason to expect a delay in feature reveal. They would have probably said by now about a potential delay.
  2. I liked how in older version the skins adapted the color of the team you managed... The earlier versions were very good with colors... Especially the CM versions
  3. Are we really waiting for literally the last day of September for the reveal?
  4. Making in and out of possesion formations makes sense as its a standard thing in modern football.
  5. I hope AI Superman Goalkeepers are cut out from FM 25. It made me not enjoy this version at all.
  6. To me it happens almost every match.. TBH i think my game is broken. As FM 24 is almost EOL, i dont think there is any point to raise bug reports for this version. .
  7. Yea.. there are too many offides.. i think i had at least 7 or 8 offside goals in 15 games. The culprit seems to be a striker in the advanced forward role.... or playing a 2 striker formation like im doing right now.
  8. If i see stuff like this happening in FM 25 i will def raise it as a bug. It's not Realistic at all IRL to face MoM GK every week in week out. Another one.
  9. I have no clue about women football. I might check it since i know absolutely nothing about the players.
  10. First time i FM'd the AI on FM24... AI does it to me much more often
  11. IRL no they can't be promoted as they're owned by the Ministry of Decence. In FM i've seen them promoted from time to time.
  12. I bet 90% of the people saying they won't buy it because of what's been removed will buy it after the reveal
  13. When did he leave? Wasn't he the match engine lead for FM? This doesnt seem like good news at all..
  14. Nothing that is part of the core gameplay so far.. To me some of those were unnecessary bloat like social media or touchline shouts ( never used them )
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