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Everything posted by ATW

  1. Congrats @the_hdk Winter has come(and gone), so it is time to try this again! Off to Brazil. Started the 2023 season so Re-Set date is 3 January 2024 Brasiliense Futebol Clube I also have the transfers due in. A keeper, I will try not to use him, BUT I have only 1 keeper in the squad (a 16 year old fresh face) so I can not be sure that will happen
  2. There is... 3 Rangers, 2 Aberdeen and Celtic, 1 Hearts, 1 Motherwell and 1 Hibernian...
  3. So... lets see, if there was some sort of list kept every season...
  4. No mention of too many Celtic players in top 5 though... why, is that?
  5. Do you believe Kyogo is far to good for Celtic? Do you believe he is by far the best Japanese Striker in the World?
  6. No, you have provided attribute numbers, without taking into account what they do when put altogether. Not to mention not taking into consideration real life performances. Kyogo, isn't devastating because of his raw finishing ability, but because of his sublime movement, and the tactics Celtic employ to get the very best out of him. If anything that's where you you should be questioning, have we got this part of his game right? As for proof. I ran a 2x 1 season test and Kyogo topped the goal scoring charts in both, with in 1 no player getting within 15 goals of him in the league. What in game tests have you ran?
  7. Hi. Thank you for post, but your conclusion is incorrect. Kyogo finishing ability is higher than Morelos' in game. Have you run tests, by playing as both Rangers and Celtic, and as well as letting AI do it's thing.
  8. We have tbf already said we'd look at moving CalMac to 18, for AI purposes but 16 still makes him the best DMC in the league, by quite a margin. The AML/R is not Left Winger/Right Winger in the true sense. As you will notice a true winger will have the ML/R filled in, Kyogo does not. What it represents is he's an attacker who can play right across the line rather than just a CF Fair points tbf.
  9. Because he played 14 league games this season FFS. It's a winter update
  10. Good to know you watched a lot of Pro-League football as well as J-League.
  11. But we don't just compare CA numbers as it means f-all. But tbh, No idea, he's only played 90 minutes of Scottish football - most of which against a Championship Side already losing 4-0.
  12. DMC - Levitt 104 DMC - Iwata - 120 Now... sit down and learn what you're looking at.
  13. 16 points better CA for same position is not a similar CA. It's a whole level above. Now learn what you're looking at when discussing CA and attributes when comparing players please. A good start would be for the love of God reading @Giro's two posts on player ratings. Then we can maybe discuss it.
  14. I'm so glad you watched a lot of the J-League - and you put so much stock into POY awards, as I've said forever, in their primes Michael Higdon was a far superior striker to Leigh Griffiths (I haven't really). As for Campbell, he a very solid, if unspectacular player, who is right in the middle of the pack of decent Scottish Premiership players Don't, please. If you wanna question it, come with substance we can look at, but comparing two players, from diffetent positions is a no.
  15. Levitt currently has a CA of 0 compared to Nisbet and Shankland for striker. Are you saying Nisbet and Shankland should be better rated at midfield than him? Or are you comparing a brussel sprout with a steak?
  16. Which McGregor is in game... in fact he's the best in the league. You do understand what having an AML rating for a striker means? don't you?, Don't you?. If not, that's may be an issue. Go, on I will entertain you on a historcally 1 in 3 "pretty significantly underrated" Kevin Nisbet. Where do you think the joint best striker in the Premiership outside the Old Firm (5th natural in league, and 8th overall) be "improved". Or how about Greg Taylor who is looking at the overall package (I'd recommend you do that btw) is the 2nd best in the league. Floor is yours my friend.
  17. We watch the players, every researcher we have watches a lot of football, but especially "their team". We also have year long discussions on players, teams, managers ... you name it we probably discuss it. The problem you find though people compare CA, without looking behind the numbers, knowing the weightings each individual Attribute rates. Not to pick on you (really not) but when you think of technical player, you've mentioned "technique attribute" but none of the others that make what you'd class important for a technical player (e.g First Touch, Passing etc.). Then you have all the hidden attributes that doesn't effect the raw CA number but effects the real in game CA performance...
  18. This - and this is shown perfectly by a hidden attribute.
  19. Not a data issue, but I am guessing it's a visual thing because of the black background.
  20. Cut out the bickering, we as a team in the Scottish Research are happy with where Porto is as a player. Although they have decided not to take part in the Reserve League, it was either create a Reserve side (like many Premiership sides have) or let the game create an Under 21's side after game start to take part in the SPFL Trust Trophy. As you can imagine, the Reserve Side makes more sense. Cheers mate. Can confirm we're making changes.
  21. Although born in Germany he was born at a BMH, specifically RAF Wegberg. We also have already used all Nationality slots available to us (even though German wouldn't be one anyway). Will add the language. Too young for FM23 RE: Newell - yeah, he's not even close to being one of the worst.
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