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251 "I mean, funny like I'm a clown? I amuse you?"

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    Stranded in Tokyo. Usually live in Buenos Aires

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  1. Daveincid's mod doesn't alter AI behavior. I'll list the changes he makes to promote more squad rotation from memory, so I could be wrong. 1. He raises/lowers the manager attributes and tendencies that lead to more squad rotation and more use of substitutions. For example, there are manager ratings that influence: how much AI managers rotate the starting 11 for matches in low-priority cups, how much they rotate in general, and the likelihood of offering hot prospects on loan. 2. He raises injury frequency to a more realistic level, which obviously leads to more rotation. 3. In FM23 he also made several changes to boost how young players gain reputation, which influences their likelihood of getting playing time, but I'm not sure if he replicated this for FM24 yet.
  2. You have about 50 posts telling SI what they should or shouldn't do. What about some humility and letting the highly successful videogame company decide? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but isn't it a bit much when I can't read through a single page of this thread without reading your opinion of what SI should do?
  3. It's awesome if you provided a lot of great evidence about there being excessive goals. Sincere thanks for the amazing contribution. The posts I've seen and the ones I replied to are those to the guy with Fiorentina, and you made an objectively bad apples-to-oranges comparison to make your point.
  4. The goals you are seeing in the game are from a Fiorentina in 2025 that is the best team in the world, so the comparison would be against the GPG Manchester City scores in the present. Fiorentina in the game: 106 goals in 32 matches for 3.3 GPG Manchester City last 32 matches: 100 goals in 32 matches for 3.1 GPG Again, perhaps there are too many goals in the game. I haven't played or tested enough to have a strong opinion. It would be nice if you and anyone else who is clueless about how to provide the proof would calm down a bit. Simulating leagues and looking at the total goals scored is the way to do it. Some users have done it, maybe even yourself. SI are investigating. You can stop trying to drown every comment in this thread with terrible arguments.
  5. If you are going to obsess so much about goals, you should at least know that GPG for the big teams is much higher than the average for the league. This guy is managing the top team in his game world. How many Manchester City games finish 1-0?
  6. All these comments about the game being easy are ridiculous to me. Do you guys really expect to play an offline game for several years and still receive a big challenge? If you want a challenge, get together and play a network league.
  7. Has anyone tried Malaysia? In real life, the top team Johor has lost one match total in the last four seasons combined.
  8. Your point is made and frankly, it is not a good one in my opinion. You don't get to have great players sitting on the bench for years. Most young promising players leave their teams when they get to a certain age if they don't get to start the majority of matches. Everything you are posting suggests to me that the game is working great in terms of how players react to their roles, with the exception of the complaints of the leaders about you not renewing the contracts of the players who want to leave for more playing time. Like, Parisi is 24 and has already won a CL as a bench player according to you. Of course he would now want to leave for more playing time.
  9. In this same page you have two other people saying they have lower league teams playing like Barca and scoring on through balls.
  10. No. You are the only one who refuses to accept that the match engine is the same, even though you were told BY THE GUY IN THE MATCH ENGINE DEVELOPMENT TEAM that the match engine is the same. You seriously need to stop looking for ghosts and like read a little about randomness and variance. Sorry for being harsh. It's a shame that you are wasting time in such a ridiculous quest.
  11. For XaW or anybody who may know, is it possible to use this file and only make the 1st-through-4th tiers playable? I know on some of these files you need to load all the way down in order to avoid problems but promotions/relegations, so that's why I'm wondering. Also, if you don't mind me asking something that I can't check for myself right now, is the 4th tier researched? Or would I need to add players to playable teams? Anyway, thanks for these leagues XaW!
  12. And what is "reality"? 2.4 goals/game like in the championship last season? or 3.0 like the prem this season? or 2.0 like the Spanish second division last season? Perhaps it's 3.6 like Bundesliga this season? I'm from Argentina. Maybe we should do it like our third division, with 1.9 goals per game!
  13. If you have a specific league in mind that you want to play in, I'd recommend looking at the Bugs thread for that competition to ensure there isn't anything game-breaking. You can find the competition bug threads here: https://community.sigames.com/bugtracker/football-manager-2024-early-access-bugs-tracker/competition-rules-and-schedule/ Other kinds of bugs can be resolved with patches on ongoing saves. Outside of that, I'm echoing DD's comment above. This type of game will always have bugs that if you read about them, they sound game-breaking and stop you from playing. The final version of every FM ever has bugs that look massive if you read about them. Odds are you would never find out about them if you just played.
  14. I would have never noticed if not for this thread. I guess my peripheral vision is not good enough for a 27'' monitor
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