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Posts posted by nik33

  1. It's me again.

    Upon using the Amsterdam tournament along with some of your other ones, it shows as double or even triple entry in some teams' honours.

    Maybe merging the dbs would correct that (and the double past winners entries too)?

    Or maybe you could offer a single editor file with all the real preseason tournaments per continent in order to have max compatibility.  Just some ideas.

  2. Hey, these tournaments are great (and you are adding past winners as well, which is important), but I downloaded some from your site, one by one, and when I opened them in the editor I saw that each file contains many of the other tournaments as well. As a result, I saw some duplicate winners (for example at Marbella Cup) in the same years - also, it imports many unneeded entries twice. Any feedback on that?

  3. On 24/01/2020 at 11:39, RobinUtrecht said:

    Great addition! Playing FM for years but just find out your agents database now...

    FM always lack realism with football agents.
    Do you also give the agents some more realism? for example Eastern Europe agents wants more comission and are harder to negotiate with? 


    Of course, every agent has his own attributes based on his reputation, clients' transfers irl and media stories.

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