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rusty217 last won the day on October 22 2022

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  1. Yeah, probably just something random. Actually had something somewhat similar last year, but it only affected Spain and it fired my manager in Spain too so was a bit more complete. That was fixed by the last update to the game though, and I had a save just before it happened so not too bad. Really annoying that I don't have a save before. Having to go 6 months back is pretty insane given the way I play and how long it takes. It took hours just to simulate that time, let alone playing it. Ugh and FM25 is still so far away for a new save. Feels too late to start a new FM24 save too (it really annoys me if things don't go the same as IRL, so starting from 23/24 when the whole season is complete will be problematic). Maybe I'll try an international only save or perhaps South America only and start in Jan 2024. Just until FM25 comes out (hurry up SI!).
  2. hmm, I don't think England's are mandatory anyway, I mean Brentford opted out for a bit IRL. You could try choosing a few clubs going to their Reserve Teams page and under Reserve teams to create add both a U21 and U18 team then tick the Never Used box. As long as they're teams that don't already have youth teams in the existing setup I imagine it'd work.
  3. Easier said than done, I'm using around 200 files I do have a save file from when I first started the save, as well as Dec/Jan backups (I typically make extra saves at the start/end of every year/season in case I want to go back and check any data). Currently testing my original save file to see if it's a repeatable issue, it's a pretty large file so isn't quick to simulate though. I could send the initial save file if you want, but it's 194MB, so any suggestions for how to share it? Edit: Holidays up to mid-June from the Jan backup (took quite awhile!) and nothing broke this time. What happened between Jan and June that caused it to go wrong?
  4. I'm managing like 20 different clubs all over the world. Makes it extra annoying since that means it's taken a couple hundred hours just to complete the first season. Things worked 5th June, I added 2 new managers then for Red Star/Partizan. But now my most recent save is 12th June where everything is already broken (I didn't notice until 1st July). Holidayed up to 19th July so far hoping things would work out and it's still broken. Ghana is the only nation that works.
  5. Wondering if anybody has encountered this issue before? Just got to the season end update and nearly everthing in the game has become view only. I look at the job security page and it only shows the Ghanaian Premier League. Go to a club with no manager, eg. Liverpool since Klopp just left, and there's no option to apply. Try adding a new manager and everything is greyed out except for Ghana. International jobs don't show up either. Haven't been fired from my job either so I can keep playing, just not able to ever change club. I'm assuming this is some kind of editor issue, but what could cause it? And why is Ghana seemingly immune?
  6. That's not done by default, it's done under nation rules. The rules for that country tell the game what youth teams, if any, to generate for each club. There's a setting in the database for each club not to generate specific youth teams, but I'd imagine that's ignored if they're in a country with non-optional youth teams.
  7. Potentially. I don't really have much free time at the moment though, sorry. Lots of overtime until near the end of July. What kind of format exactly would you want for the Nations League?
  8. With custom continental competitions or the default ones? With custom, I'm not sure you can. With the default ones, the issue is usually dates. Play around with the start/end dates for your league and you might be able to get it to work. I know for sure this works in Europe at least, some nations won't display those if the dates are slightly off (although qualification still works correctly) but will with some slight adjustments. I'd assume it works for South America too.
  9. Number of Promotion Places should be 0. That's for the group stage itself. As is it's trying to promote the top 2 in each group. It would then put the 3rd-7th placed teams into a playoff, but gets confused when they're declared champions/promoted. You should double check the Set League Fate instructions as well. There should be an option to transfer that fate to another stage, you want to make sure that's on and the fate is transferred to Stage 0. I'd also highly recommend looking at a league with pro/rel playoffs between leagues (eg. the Bundesliga), there are some extra settings you need to apply to make them still work when the lower division isn't loaded as a playable league.
  10. Glad it helped. And yes, it is. Not sure about basic rules, but in advanced rules on the Requirements page (the main one, not the ones for individual stages) you can put a start year, just put 2024 in there and it won't start until the 24/25 season.
  11. Have a look for the Resource Archiver tutorial somewhere round here, not sure where exactly it is sorry. With that you can make the continent section editable. Then just change Russia to Asia, can be done as a separate file or part of this file, either way should work. All of my tournaments should automatically update to include a new team, so if Russia is changed to Asia they should be added to Asian Cup/WC qualifiers.
  12. It should be done under Other Cups. There are other options for team selection there. The Qualification System, Nations, Teams and Cups pages should all be completely blank (and deactivated if possible). Edit: I think I've seen people say it won't verify without those pages before. In which case, you might need to convert to advanced rules (you'll need at least 2 countries on the country list to do so) then remove Nations/Teams after you convert to advanced.
  13. m Arab Club Champions Cup.fmf Based on the IRL one with a couple qualifying rounds earlier on, then the main tournament in July/August.
  14. Updated versions for the current patch are in the OP! Haven't tested as much as usual, but looks like it's all running fine. A bit of fixture congestion for some countries, but not much that can really be done about that when adding tournaments.
  15. Sorry for the late reply. The host, or B team of the host, qualifies automatically. The 8 best losing teams (out of 9 total) from the Copa America playoff qualify. Then the B team of the 3 best North American teams in the Copa America, and 11 highest ranked countries in North America not in the Copa America or Copa America playoff, qualify for the Gold Cup playoff. The 7 winning teams from that qualify for the Gold Cup.
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