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Posts posted by CalumF

  1. 6 minutes ago, Cleon said:

    I've posted an awful lot on here this year and the threads were really popular, even released a book. And everything I write is on my website;



    Just subscribed to the website.

    Ive used a lot of your work over the years to help and work on my own tactics Cleon, stuff that goes way back to 2015/16 im sure on tactical building, squad building, the 4231, it goes on. 

     Im on the forums constant from around October through to around February, mainly researching and looking for help on my own tactic. Once I have it working, I do seem to come on less due to the game cycle and basically the weather improving and getting out more.  I might be wrong in saying, but you might not of put that new work out before the end of the year and maybe missed a lot. 

    That saying, having your own website makes total sense and I will come on and take a look. For the forums here, maybe tactical content from creators like yourself should be highlighted and be given more visibility. And not just with stickies!! ????  

  2. I've been lurking around this forum for years taking bits from each one. Rashidi, Cleon,  Herne and a few others. Helps when things are going wrong. Another eye so to speak. But, and it is a minor criticism, they were getting out of date. 4-5 versions old. Still relative but in the last 2 years at least nothing new has come out to the level and of real good quality like what we used have.  

  3. I tried a 3 at the back with Sheff Wed on the Beta. Was fired after 29 games being in 7th place.  Restarted with Wed again with a mix of 4231 and 433 and finished 2nd in the first season. I found I was getting a lot of possession and very few shots. Being a promotion favourite team with 3 centre backs didnt work for me. Felt I needed that extra player further up the field. Its all depending on how you set up your team though. Everyone's different. Look at Spurs in real life. Its negative football, not great to watch, but if you can set it up correctly, can still get a result here and there. 

  4. The tactics and training guides pinned to the top are all 2-3 years old, or older!! Especially training. All very informative and have always been a good read. Not out of date but could be refreshed or less of them pinned maybe? Time for a little bit of housekeeping maybe. Cleons latest book certainly should?

    Anyone of these users working on new stuff out of interest? Would be keen to know if any of our favourites planning on working on new stuff for FM23. 


  5. 25 minutes ago, HUNT3R said:

    There are plenty of fixes. Just not a list as this is the release of the full version.

    I apologize if I've got this wrong, but the purpose of the beta is to identify and report bugs, issues etc so that full release is as good and bug free as possible.  The SI community, beta players, over the last couple of weeks have contributed and commented on the issues within the game and personally, speaking for myself and reading the comments over the last few weeks, would like to see, be informed of any changes on the full release. For me, has the centre back ratings been looked at, possession stats, AI defence passing, inside forwards being strengthened??? 

    On a side note, congrats SI. So much hard work and dedication has gone into this years game. Kudos to every member of staff involved in the game. Potentially the best game yet. 

  6. I'm away this weekend and was thinking about a mobile app for my save game. With the introduction of the data hub, I could gain access to all my stats and data and take notes and suggestions on my team. Look at my players attributes and training schedules and make some adjustments, taking notes I'm guessing it might be impossible to implement but I'm talking maybe a basic list of data from your saved game so you can think and take notes on your game when your away from your laptop, desktop or whatever you play the game on. We all think about Football Manger when we are at work, on the bus, at the grandparents for the weekend right??!!

  7. Quick ones from me.

    Doesn't matter what I try my possession stats are shocking. Something that others have said and should be looked at. 

    My centre backs get shockingly low match ratings. Ben White will get clean sheets and never gets over a 7. Anyone else notice low match ratings for their centre backs?

    Anyone scoring many goals from corners? I'm not getting any. 

  8. The way I see it, the more people playing the Alpha version, from SI staff, researchers, youtubers, the better. Potentially making the release version of the game better and more bug free. These youtubers put a lot of work into their videos and are very experienced in playing the game and what they do. In a way, SI are rewarding these guys with bringing more gamers, new gamers to the brand. More people playing the gaming,  brings more money and a better game. 

    I will buy the game every year. Why? Value for money. Best game out there. No questions asked. Quick sum. The hours I've put into this years game comes to 4p an hour. If SI want to hand out an Alpha version of the game to some youtubers, go ahead, I dont have a problem with it. 

  9. I think a lot of players might use Tierney as a wide centre back if playing with 3 at the back. 

    I think Arsenals first 11 is good. Young and should have potential, Saka, Smith Rowe both leading that. I think buying a striker at the the start of the second second will be top of the list. Laca's contract has only 1 year left and Auba getting older and starting to decline. 

    I think finding a partner in the middle of the field next to Partey will be important. Xhaka im not a fan of and Sambi is still very young. 

    Still to get a lot of dead wood out of the club to free up wages a priority also. 

  10. On 02/10/2021 at 09:42, hm86 said:

    I know I'll get slaughtered for this, but I'm probably one of the only ones worried about the fact tactics will be less 'plug and play' :lol:

    My game time is limited and I like the fact some tactics can be plug and play with really minor tweaks. I'm hopeless with tactics but absolutely love the game, and being able to pick a tactic I like the look of or that fits how a particular team play lets me get right into it without having to mess about too much.

    Sorry to all the tactical legends out there but I need all the plug and play help I can get.

    I've mentioned this earlier in the thread. I'm totally against plug and play tactics but understand fully the reasons why people use them and for people that don't have as much spare time to come up with their own. For me, the possibility to bring an option for an AI difficulty level of some kind?  Playing one tactic, a super tactic that wins most games no matter the situation and opponent, shouldn't happen. Adaptability over plug and play please. 

  11. 8 hours ago, Zemahh said:


    These are some pretty big words right there... Either this will be one of the biggest match engine changes in the recent years, or this picture will be used as a meme when your usual downloaded tactic with maxed out lines still absolutely rolls the AI. I'm remaining cautiously optimistic, because I've heard and read it all before.

    For me this is music to my ears. I have a big issue with plug and play tactics. Dominating a league campaign with one tactic. Not adapting and making changes mid game. One tactic wins all.

    I get it, some players dont have much free time and want to plug in a tactic and away they go. Win with ease, fair play. Maybe there should be an option at the start of a save, ticking a box for a casual gamer to be successful with one tactic?? AI difficulty level?? (if you know what I mean) Who knows. Personally, countering the gegenpress, switching and changing your tactics to face different oppositions every week, home and away, starting with a low block, different mentality, managing a football team on a game by game basis, yes thats what I want. 

    Good video SI. Im in for FM22. Would be lost without it. 

  12. On 20/09/2021 at 13:55, bosque said:

    I will love to have a deep explanation on how to watch games. I think it would be gamechanging for the community.

    If we could spot what is happening on the pitch, then we can come here and say what is the thing we want to fix.

    Or ask what are the instructions we should use to fix the thing we spot.

    Take this with a pinch of salt mate because I am no genius, but what I've learnt reading the forums and watching youtube videos, is that keeping your tactics as simple as you can to start with and only tinker and add more team instructions when you really know how they work. So many have loads of team instructions ticked to begin a game, then try to tinker mid game, but maybe doing the opposite effect and making the situation worse. These guides are so beneficial to the community. Less is more. 

    A guide on each team instruction, when to use, before, during and late on. Back to basics. Understanding what your team DNA, your philosophy you want to build and bring to your team. A guide that doesn't over complicate things foe the average player like myself. 

    I would like to see a guide about a low, split and high block and what each really is and how to use this in certain games. Something I do get a little lost with.  

  13. Thank you for the responses. All make a lot of sense. 

    I've always been a player that likes to make their own tactic with guidance from the forums when things go wrong. But can understand those players that want that exploit tactic that's there and easy to use. 

    Weaknesses in the match engine? Is there that many? Is the AI not good/high enough to exploit straight back? Going a little over my head now. Getting that balance I suppose. 

    Thank you again. 

  14. I dont understand how plug and play tactics work. "This tactic is the best there is"."It will work for every team". How can one tactic for every game of the season, home and away, give you the success to win trophies and be at the top end of the table. Am I missing something???

    Ive been playing as Sunderland. Ive managed to get them to 5th and 6th in the last 2 seasons in the premier league, struggling this season though tinkering away with my 352 wing backs that's got me a little frustrated of late. Do I stick with my high defensive line at Anfield? Do I make my wing backs more attacking at home against a potentially weaker side than mine? Do I go balanced or more positive? Decisions a manager needs to make on a game to game basis right?

    Some of these tactics that come up on the forum (dont get me wrong, look good tactics in there own right) work for every game? And more importantly work for other peoples teams that have completely different players to theirs? I know a lot are put on the forum as a guide or to help others who may be struggling but do these players stick rigid to these, never adjust between games? Would love to know. 

    Thank you.  

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