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Everything posted by BnadnerB

  1. @Cleon in your striker guide you often talk about pairing certain strikers with a pair of IF’s, which I get as they go beyond the striker into space. Whats the thinking behind playing IW’s in this tactic? Surely the false 9 would create space for at least one IF rather than IW? I always get confused between using an IW or IF!!!
  2. Hello all, What would you say is the best tactics based thread/guide or post related to FM you have ever read? Something which made the penny finally drop or that you still relate back to even now. Very interested to hear peoples opinions on this!
  3. Hello all, I’m trying to get a grip of creating tactics on FM, I’ve read all of the stickied threads and they seem great. I try and put this knowledge into FM with not great results. What confuses me is that so much that is written in this forum, such as balancing Defend / Support / Attack roles throughout your team and carefully distributing roles etc is completely ignored by many, including people who work at SI and other renowned streamers. I’m seeing tactics with 5 attack duties, whole frontlines having attack duties as well as the fullbacks etc. Now I know somebody will say that theres a reason it works, but it goes against a lot of the ‘recommended’ reading on this forum! Confused is an understatement!
  4. Are there any recommended rules for balancing support/attack duties throughout the team? Such as a fullback on support with the IW on attack ahead? Or that the Mez on attack should be on same flank as the IW on attack?
  5. Hi @Cleon in your book you state you don’t make certain changes unless **** really hits the fan, but in this thread you do make those changes (TI’s, player roles etc), has your opinion on this changed or am I reading into it wrong
  6. Hello all, I’ve had a break from FM but am getting back on the wagon with FM23 Touch. I’m wondering what is the gold standard to read to get myself back into making tactics? I’ve looked through the stickys and theres some good info but a lot of it is unfinished or 3+ years old which is extremely annoying. I know people will say its still relevant but some under the hood stuff has 100% changed with regard to mentality/team shape etc. I’ve seen Rashidi put some good content out on Youtube, Ozil-to-the-Arsenal’s threads are always gold and I saw Cleon put some recent stuff out which doesn’t seem to have caught fire. Basically I’m struggling to find a written resource to refer back to and help me start fresh, maybe SI need to think about putting a proper manual together!
  7. The strangest thing is that nobody from SI can explain it! Nobody every explains what their strategy actually is regarding Touch… IMO the whole thing needs a shakeup, including the main game. I wonder if they worry more people will love Touch if they advertise it, seen as the Full Fat game is like a fulltime job nowadays.
  8. I really thought the Apple Arcade partnership would be the turning point for Touch.
  9. Less than two weeks from release and still no feature information for FM Touch on Apple Arcade. Even FM Console have had their information by now. I’m just glad its back after a year hiatus, I just hoped this time would be different but looks like the same old left in the corner vibes! Disappointed.
  10. This is always an idiotic point of view, you think Klopp finds it easy at Liverpool at the moment? He’s won one league title in seven seasons
  11. And this goes for all versions, Mac, iPad and iPhone? Also are we going to have a feature announcement before the full release?
  12. Not sure what the Arsenal researcher has been smoking prior to FM23… barely any upgrades as usual
  13. Wish we knew about nations limits across iPad/Mac/Phone etc, its slowing down my new purchase of an iPad or Mac!
  14. Hello all, Can we at least have a date for when the FM Touch info will be released, it seems to be like this every year, tumbleweed until a couple of weeks before the game. Really does kill the hype and probably a reason why people look unfairly upon the game.
  15. Hopefully they just give a warning box that if you run say 5-10 nations on your Mac/iPad then you wont be able to continue the save on your phone. Would be super disappointing to see Mac capped at the same amount of leagues as iPhone.
  16. FM23 Touch coming back to Apple is built for you pal
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