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Everything posted by MariusA

  1. Anyone know where I can change the button with Finalize Promises? The icon is black there, want it white.
  2. Where do I find that widget? Extracted all fmf files, but can't find it.. EDIT: I found it:)
  3. Anyone know where I can edit the commentary colors? Want to remove the border.
  4. My own. Im going to release it later, just need som fixing first See player profile here:)
  5. See attached image. Anyone know where I can find these? I want to remove the black line under the text. I found some tabs in the graphics folder, but no luck with that one.
  6. I know, but I realized I´d have to install FM 23 again for it to work.
  7. What do I need to update? Have to wait for the Resource Archiver maybe. Don't have the graphics button, only the continue.xml.
  8. Hi. I have 2 problems. The shadows on the Continue-button is abysmal. Wasn't there on FM23. Also, the border around the box on match text. Here you can see a white border around the blue box. How can I remove these two? See attached images.
  9. Ive looked in my files, but can't find it. I thought the bordered box was a new file since it wasn't there in FM23
  10. Hi guys! Im going to release my light minimalism skin soon, I just have to make some changes. Do anyone know how I can remove the border around the names in the attached picture? The border is new in the 24 version.
  11. any news on Base skin @TCSSkin?
  12. Yes, Ive hided it. Don't use it. I use keyboard shortcuts :)
  13. @Olas Nick the dark version of FM 22 as Svartowiz mentioned.
  14. I have done so many changes. Club colors in header, removed many unnecessary things, most text are black on white background, player profile pictures on match++++++++ Don't have time to mention all the changes.
  15. Don't have the time unfortunately.
  16. Hello. I have updated my Minimalism Light skin from 2022. Download link: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/6b2z446nhu07yde/AACfMMSwBTEFfJHgaImsv0Wja?dl=0
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