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Sir Cristao

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12 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. I hope SI corrects this. This is happening a few too many times in my save.
  2. I have been reading and surfing through the posts while playing my own YAC with Caledonian Braves in the Scottish Premier league. Still on page 50. I got the below in my youth intake. I am absolutely gobsmacked.
  3. @OlivierL I have been looking for graphics files for Caley Braves and noticed you pop up quite a fair bit during searches. I also observed you have a facepack for the players. Could you share it? I would also be interested in the kits and stadium pics as well. I am currently doing an offline youth academy challenge with Caley Braves and would love to have the graphics. I was able to get them finally promoted to League 2 after a number (understatement) of load/reload cycles.
  4. Great to see this still going on. Keep it up folks. I am still on FM2020.
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