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  1. @Bentfi Have you already tried without any league files? Look at my post from 13th of April in this thread, there is a .fmf file you can test without any league expansions. I also had Crash Dump there.
  2. @Bentfi It works for you because you use a German league file which only simulates down to tier 5. But you need one that simulated to tier 6 because that's the tier the player is supposed to be transferred to. If you only have 5 tiers of the German pyramid, the respective transfer will never happen because tier 6 never gets simulated, hence why no Crash Dump.
  3. I've spent hours in the Editor and in this forum in order to come to a solution, but nothing has worked unfortunately, so I hope anyone of you can help me! I've attached my league file here. The issue has to do with Playoffs - of course. It concerns Stage 0 and Stage 1 of Parent Competition "Kreisliga" and Stage 3 of Parent Competition "Kreisklasse". I've tried almost everything, setting different dates for the league, set earlier dates for the play-off games, set a custom season update day for the parent competitions, changed stadiums, duplicating existing (working) play-offs and then altering them, etc... I can't see any error, and especially I can't see any difference to the play-offs which are working in this file. Thanks in advance! Munich + Zugspitze 2024.fmf
  4. I just tested without custom league file, I just set a Past transfer of a player from Germanys 3. Liga and tested ingame with only this file but no league files. Same result: Crash dump. So it doesn't have to do anything with league files. I attached the Crash dump and the player file. test.fmf 77689117-107f-4f20-af1c-617d866340ed.dmp
  5. @Zachary Whyte How am I supposed to attach a save game when the Crash Dump happens while creating a save game? But I attached the custom league file that I used along with the "Playerfile with changes.fmf" which I already attached in the 1st post. Just use those two files while creating a save, use "Real World" game mode, and observe. I guarantee that there will be a crash dump for you. I just reproduced it once again, just to make sure. Fussball-Ligasystem Deutschland.fmf
  6. I repeat my question because it is very important for me: HOW to verify non-leagne files? And why is it necessary and since when?
  7. But how am I supposed to verify files where I haven't done any changes to league rules? I cannot find anything in the editor to verify a file where I only set a past transfer. And since when is this necessary at all to verify non-league files? @Zachary Whyte
  8. The issue has already been described pretty well in this thread, so please also have a look at it: I have tried this with only one player and 7 DB changes in total (see the attached .fmf file). There is no work-around that works for me. For one player, I changed club, Date Joined and Date Last Contract Signed, and then set the Past Transfer. I only added one (!) single line to "Past Transfer" and set the "From" and "To" clubs correctly. Then I saved this as .fmf file (see attachments) and tried to set up a game with this file in "Real World" game mode, and it led to Crash Dump (which I also attached). I also attached the .xml file of the 7 DB changes, and I'm not an expert, but all those "null" lines in the DB change records of "Past Transfer" aren't looking good at all. The game does NOT crash in "Original" mode with this file! Playerfile with Changes.fmf bc8b86cf-34eb-4266-8bf4-384fc42d97c5.dmp Playerfile with Changes.xml
  9. And what if you already have Advanced Rules? My file is from FM23 (where it worked like a charm) but after importing it into the FM24 editor, I got this issue.
  10. Unfortunately, this hasn't been fixed with the latest Editor update... I hope we don't have to wait too long for this, since this effects lots of files of several creators.
  11. I tried this workaround and it doesn't work for me. Hopefully this gets fixed asap.
  12. Same issue here! (File is attached) Munich + Zugspitze 2024.fmf
  13. Well, there are 1420 teams at the moment in "Amateurliga", but the highest number you can set in "Required Teams" in the Nation Rules is 1000. Which leads to the following error message:
  14. I'm facing the exact same issue and I would consider this a bug - a huge bug indeed, because I've got this issue with cups. And for cups, you are not setting the number of required teams in the Nation Rules. Example: I have a cup with 32 teams, the editor has a pool of 40 teams to pick (I use "Get All Teams From Division", so it's assured that there are always enough teams to pick from), but verification will fail, saying that only 19 of 32 teams can be found. Digging deeper into finding the solution, it turns out that lots of teams are being set to Extinct during the verification process. It's a FM23 file which I wanted to make run in FM24. In FM23, everything worked absolutely fine. This IS a bug, 100%. EDIT: I decided to attach a Screenshot. There you can see German clubs from Schleswig-Holstein, after trying to verify the rules, all the clubs that don't have a country anymore have been extinct. But they weren't extinct before, it happens during the verification process, that's why too few teams are being picked.
  15. I'm curious of what we can expect of the new engine. Everyone is talking about the match engine and graphics here, but I'm personally waiting for better multicore support for years now, so that it's possible to run all countries on full detail and still have a quick simulation. It's one topic that had been requested a lot here in the community, to enhance the performance with many countries activated. I hope there will be a massive improvement concerning this in FM25!
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