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165 "Just keep swimming"

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  1. Tony Pizza at Kerala United FC - Go Hornbills! - Season 12 If there is one thing in life I have learnt - it is to keep complaining, and eventually you will get what you want...but more on that later! Preseason Cup Ah the lovely Durand cup that no one cares about, even me! I got to the final but didn't really notice it was the final (I haven't slept much lately) so I forgot to take a screenshot of the team, whoops! We lost anyway, serves me right I guess Youth Intake Better than last year. Apparently it is below average but we had one decent guy in it. Bhowmick He has great natural fitness, bravery and finishing...and that is about it. Champions League Wow, just wow! Out of the 6 games in our group we managed to get 3 points, even in that game we didn't deserve anything. I can't see us getting close to any of these teams yet. Superleague The league started well, we were winning games (in between all the losses in the champions league) and storming up the table. Then January hit and we decided to lose every game. Finishing the season fourth wasn't ideal but it was play offs. We easily beat Hyderabad and then faced Kolkata in the Semi finals. Which we won! So...final time again baby. Luckily all my moaning about players leaving for the U23's worked and there wasn't an international game that day, so I can actually use real people! The brave men taking to the field in our lovely purple! Report: 9' Penalty to Kerala...GOAL 1-0 (Dream start!!!) 20' GOAL - 2-0 - Saha smashing it from outside the box (Pinch me!) 24' Penalty to Jamshedpur, GOAL - 2-1 (oh no) 26' GOAL for Jamshedpur (bugger) - ruled out for offside 28' GOAL for Jamshedpur (Nooooo) - again...ruled out for offside 39' GOAL for Kerala - 3-1!!!!!!! 73 GOAL for Kerala - 4-1! Final whistle. We've done it!!! (Well the first part anyway) The little manager is back! That win was well deserved, lucky with the offside goals but we played amazing. Super cup I think we were hungover from the league - group exit! Team of the Year Gurung for the third time in a row - what a player!
  2. Oh I am not complaining about the amount of games - we have hardly any! Just wish I could get the players to stay for the biggest match of their careers instead of an U23 qualifying match
  3. Tony Pizza at Kerala United FC - Go Hornbills! - Season 11 I haven't posted for a while as there has been a bit of a motivation hit. The save is great but we are currently unable to field many players in the league final, I know the league isn't part of the challenge but when you finally get to the final and have to field your reserves it is slightly annoying... more on that in a bit! Superleague 3 losses to start the season wasn't ideal, but after the third game (and a bit of angry team talks) turned things around. We then went unbeaten until the next year. Finishing the league in second place and feeling confident going into the playoffs. Semi Final against Jamshedpur was pretty straight forward - but then a final awaits against Kolkata. However....there seems to be annoying time glitch with the save. The final is held at the same time as the Indian National team have youth games....8 of my first eleven were called up and we had to rotate the entire first team to find any players to play the game. We got destroyed, they could have scored 10 probably! Cups Preseason cup we got to the Semis, nothing exciting there Super Cup - We got knocked out of the group stage, we got the same points as the team in first but Jamshedpur were picked randomly to win the league - meh! I assume "Randomly" means they bribed them with a bag of Haribo and some Sunny Delight. Youth Intake Crap...utter crap! None of the players look any good, but most were signed up as we pay then £8 a week. Team of the year Gurung had another great season, his speed is so useful, but luckily he is still with us in the Purple! (colour of the shirt, not a euphemism). I think I need to power through until the team are a bit older so they don't get called up to the U23's, but that could be a while! Slightly frustrating but I guess the challenge is for the champions league and not the league itself.
  4. Tony Pizza at Kerala United FC - Go Hornbills! - Season 10 I am pretty proud of myself for sticking with it for 10 seasons! (sorry for a bundle of updates, I had the last few days to game all day so I took the opportunity) Preseason Cup Lost in the final - we didn't play well but also we had a few players missing either through internationals or tired from previous internationals or suspended. Shame as it would be nice to win this once. Superleague 3rd place finish - I think now we can say we are the third best team in the league. loss in semi final play offs to Kolkata. Youth Intake Not great! One Elite talent but he looks terrible. The best was the AML Fernandes, very fast player, could be useful! Fernandes Asian Champions League Well there certainly is a gulf between our league and the others! Al-Duhail win all 6 games then are easily beaten by a team from Saudi....so we need to improve a lot to even get out of the group stage. Super Cup Kolkata in the Semis again! Team of the Year Gurung has exploded onto the scene, top player for sure. I locked him into a three year deal with an option to extend for another 3 years - he ain't going anywhere for a while! He tried to get a new contract at double the wage - I was happy to agree but the agent locked in a release clause of £75k, when he is valued at double that...nope! Next years team
  5. Tony Pizza at Kerala United FC - Go Hornbills! - Season 9 Preseason cup Terrible start to the season - didn't even make it out of the group stage. Superleague Much better in the league than before, and sitting top of the table going into January. It wasn't to last but we still recorded our best finish. We manage to make it through to the final, beating Mumbai in the semis (It was nice to start in the Semis for a change!) I assumed it would be against Kolkata but they lost to Jamshedpur. This was looking a much nicer tie than previously expected as we haven't lost to them in the league for a few years now...(I think). Feeling very confident for this one, and we absolutely dominated them, over double their XG but....no win for us! The score here was harsh, but for some reason they put away the difficult chances and we missed the sitters. This was our biggest chance to win the league and we might not get another shot like this for a while as I am sure Mumbai and Kolkata will be even more up for it next year. Takeover time! It looks like our chairman wants gone, so consortium here we come! We received devastating news to say we had a transfer embargo while they sorted this out....I will have to cancel all those signings I had planned They did complete the takeover and gave us a lovely £9k extra in the bank! Youth Intake Probably our worst so far since we have been here, but they will look decent. One player stood out even thought he wasn't listed in the elite talents here. Johnson Sharma is a decent Right back, looks much better than the 2 stars they have given, maybe I am missing something. Johnson Sharma attributes below: Super Cup Semi finals again - nothing special! Team of the Year Next years team Singh at Left back seems to have come from no where to be a really good left back!
  6. Yes do it! I'm tempted to with my Kerala team but that last time I tried it was unsuccessful. I'll have to do some research at work!
  7. Tony Pizza at Kerala United FC - Go Hornbills! - Season 8 Preseason cup I got a bit excited when we started this tournament, we dominated rivals Goa - until I realised it wasn't the Goa in our league, but the crap one in the league below! The real Goa were also in our group but we couldn't beat them. As always...Kolkata beat us! Tycoon takeover in India????? yes..but not for us! Lake City FC have a tycoon takeover two leagues below us. When I saw the news I was very tempted to try and join them and start with them (as the extra money for facilities would be pretty cool) I stuck with our Hornbills and it was probaly the right move -(over a year later they only have £500k in the bank and the facilities are the same, also no new signings so....where did the money go???? Superleague Third place - our best so far but out in the Semi's Youth Intake My prayers have been answered....We have been getting brilliant intakes (apparently) but this is the first one where someone really stood out! Arindam Gurung looks to be one of our best players from the start. It's a position where we have talent but I am pretty certain he will slot straight into the first team as soon as we can register him! Gurung's Attributes Super Cup Semis again! The top two are just too good. Team of The Year Next Years Team Charles Rodrigues was one of our best players - but now he is barely 1.5 stars - so it shows we are improving! (Well I hope it means we are improving, either that or the guy doing the star reports is crap)
  8. I have just caught up with this one today - seems a very fun challenge. Good luck! I am sure you will get promoted this season! I have full faith in the team.
  9. I think Karlsson looks really decent, speedy, great physicals (apart from Strength, but you should be able to focus on that and develop it). Good Determination and Work Rate - looks very good!
  10. Tony Pizza at Kerala United FC - Go Hornbills! - Season 7 Preseason Cup The Durand cup wasn't very successful this year - we never made it out of the group stage.7 Super League The league started terribly, 3 losses in a row and I did start to panic a bit. We picked up form and got back to our trusty 5th place finish which we seem to like finishing in. Goa in the Playoffs but they proved too much for us. Bit disappointing after how well we did last year. Manager Profile Starting to get some decent attributes now with the coaching badges - I am known for a High-Tempo game - nothing about youth apparently. Youth Intake Another Excellent preview - still no full backs!!! There was a fullback!!!! but he is pretty crap. Best two youth players Super Cup Much better than the other cup but another final loss to Kolkata. We need to be working on our penalties it seems! ACC We did incredibly well in the continental competition, until we faced a team outside the South Asian section. Johor were just too good for us, they managed to come runner up in the tournament. Team of the year Kumar up top was the standout - even though he mostly got those games due to the injuries of others. Next Years team I think the team has improved over the last year - but results were much worse. Onwards and upwards next year!
  11. Congrats on the AFC Cup win - big achievement! I have just qualified for it too so this has given me more hope that we won't get embarrassed by the other teams!
  12. Gutted you didn't get the win! Next year is the Lions year!
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