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11 "You're a bum, Rock"

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    Union Sportive Saint-Malo

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  1. new save new club same problem, ligue 2 --> 20 clubs in 2024
  2. nope, its a FM24 save but i'm sorry, if i look a save of me now, i look 2° french division, and it's still with 20 clubs ! i look in january 2025 and it's same ! ur format is not correct
  3. The French relegation system is not the right one in Fm 24! On the main lines : Ligue 2 with 18 clubs in 2024-2025 All explain here : https://www.foot-unis.fr/actualites/2022/01/05/de-2022-2023-a-2024-2025-la-longue-marche-vers-18-clubs/ hope u will can correct this soon
  4. The French relegation system is not the right one in Fm 24! On the main lines : Ligue 2 with 18 clubs in 2024-2025 All explain here : https://www.foot-unis.fr/actualites/2022/01/05/de-2022-2023-a-2024-2025-la-longue-marche-vers-18-clubs/ hope u will can correct this soon
  5. - it's " au " and not " à " - it's " l' " and not " la "
  6. another error here, it's " Le " président, and not " la " please correct
  7. Some staff advise still in english
  8. I have a goalkeeper loaned to me, he plays the starting goalkeeper, obviously, but the coach of the club to which the player belongs is not happy because he would not play his position (or obviously he only plays goalkeeper)! A coach not happy that his goalkeeper plays goalkeeper ... i have same problem with a central defender, who plays central defender every match, and his coach is not happy! screenshot is for defender problem .
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