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Everything posted by Caletti

  1. Looking at what SI is doing this year, the patch could drop at any time. For example, the patch before Christmas came out earlier than usual. I'm betting on mid-March but I won't be surprised if it comes out even today.
  2. They've been doing release-test every night since Friday. I don't know if that means anything.
  3. Yes, I know. As I wrote it's my opinion. And as I wrote SI should take serious every opinion.
  4. stevemc's post wasn't speculation about the patch so why was it removed?
  5. You know that you won't gain supporters by doing this? I think we have the right to criticize a game that has such bugs. The game came out in November and it's March and the game is unplayable due to mistakes in the development of players or the behavior of players in defense. This is my opinion and the SI should take serious the opinion of every player and not pretend that everything is OK.
  6. I think you're right but hope dies last. I was hoping the patch would come out because I have the weekend off.
  7. I'm pretty sure the patch won't come out today. I think we'll have to wait until mid-March.
  8. I will play club from my city - Wisła Płock and want to get for them the first polish league.
  9. I think it's not a factor. Next minor patch will be released middle of the march. So c'mon, release the patch
  10. I hope it will be today. I'm going to be a father soon so every day counts before new responsibilities come.
  11. Do you have any transfer negotiations? Often not possible when negotiating a transfer.
  12. There was no update on SteamDB today. I think it's a sign... The patch is coming...
  13. I think it's problem with reputation. When a club's reputation is lower, clubs against you play worse. The higher the reputation, the harder it is. At least that's what I observed.
  14. But the defender behaviour is awful! He start running too late.
  15. I wouldn't do anything. I could only complain. It's a similar situation when they announce news in new editions of the game. Is everyone happy? NO! I'm just talking about some transparency and interaction with players.
  16. I think the full game wasn't ready for release either and it was released. I'm not talking about a specific date, they could mention for example that a patch will be released in late February or early March where they will try to improve the defense phase. At the moment it looks like I'm not playing because in my opinion there are too many bugs in the defense phase and I'm waiting for a patch that I don't know what will fix or when it will come out. My only guess is that the patch will come out in late February or early March. They don't talk with players. This is my opinion, you don't have to agree with it.
  17. This is exactly the problem we have already discussed in this topic. The SI doesn't tell us, the players, what they're working on or when they're planning patches. It's sad.
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