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Posts posted by macca7292

  1. Hi.

    I'm trying to get rid of the stars from this panel :1689669003_roledutyselectorpanel.png.9f5a4c328eafa08408ded9d9d6647a34.png

    I've identified it as tactics / role duty selector.

    It's getting the code for the roles and duties from somewhere else (that I must have messed with already because the stars are overlapping the text) but I can't find where.

    The code in the xml file looks like this :


    <container id="RlCn" wants_mouse_events="true" navigation_container="true" default_focus="true" >
                <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left" offset="0" gap="6"/>

                <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" gap="0"/>

                <!--table listing roles-->
                <widget class="table" id="rltb" layout="1, -1" auto_size="vertical"  auto_size_rows="true" fixed_size_rows="true" width="265" column_spacing="0" row_spacing="1" sort_disabled="true" >
                    <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" inset="0" />
                    <record id="default_properties" auto_size="vertical" />

                <!--container for radio buttons for selecting the duty-->
                <container id="dutC" >
                    <layout class="centre_in_parent_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" offset="0"/>
                    <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="vertical" offset="0" gap="0"/>
                    <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left" offset="0" gap="0"/>
                    <layout class="fit_children_attachment" alignment="horizontal,fill" offset="0" gap="0"/>


    If I remove the code for the widget underneath "table listing roles" , I end up with this :1925449601_roledutyselectorpanelv1.png.24a4476b6cd2110caa5f786f67d9748c.png

    It's not ideal as I now can't change the player roles and duties from the tactics screen , I have to use player / edit position instead.

    Any idea where the xml file is getting that table from?


  2. 1 minute ago, Daveincid said:

    Bitte ;)

    I would load Nations like Qatar, Egypt, UAE, Saudi Arabia and Tunisia as playable too. You already loaded a lot so you wouldn't notice a couple more ;) Theese Nations have a big influence for a balanced savegame due their financial power and/or their good youth-recruitment :) 

    Ok, thanks!

  3. 11 minutes ago, Daveincid said:

    Obsessed? I feel you mate:ackter:

    Great! I hope you will enjoy it:)

    I highly recommend some using at least some big custom Nations which aren't in the default game. 

    There are 2 megapacks which I trust completely made by @davie77 Just pick the bigger Nations (You can refer to my list of importance of Nations for a balanced save-game :)





    Thanks a lot (or should that be danke)!

    I'll have a look - I think I'm at the limit of playable leagues but I presume you mean for me to just load the nations?

  4. Have been meaning to post in this thread for a while. I've become a bit obsessed with testing various database setups to find a balance between game speed and realism.

    After some extensive testing (this is version 9) I've come up with this list as my playable leagues and I'm having every other league as view only.2127664381_leaguesloaded.png.4a77d2bf62a2e61ae09f4968e316f63f.png

    I'm about to start my (hopefully) long term save unemployed and see where that takes me. I had a great save on fm18 starting unemployed. 

    I've also downloaded your realism megapack so I think I'm ready to go!

    Anything else I'm missing?

    Thanks @Daveincidfor this excellent thread!

  5. It's in the settings file for your skin.

    You're looking for this bit :

    <!--colours for the position lines on the tactics pitch and widgets-->
        <colour name="goalkeeper_line"                             value="green 900" />
        <colour name="defender_line"                             value="green 700" />
        <colour name="defensive_midfielder_line"                 value="green 500" />
        <colour name="midfielder_line"                             value="blue 900" />
        <colour name="attacking_midfielder_line"                 value="blue 500" />
        <colour name="attacker_line"                             value="blue 300" />
        <colour name="substitutes_line"                         value="rgb(160,160,160)"/>

    It's line 531 on mine.

  6. Just a quick update.

    I found a workaround to the issues with the panel above. I changed the column widths in the xml file and made the ones for CA and PA both 1 , so it can't show them (and made the other columns wider to compensate).


    I just need to figure out how to make the player boxes wider on the pitch screen and to stop it defaulting to CA rather than role suitability.

  7. 55 minutes ago, Tyburn said:

    Haha. Yep. It’s everywhere! Inbox panels are particularly troublesome because you don’t know it’s there until you play through a season (even more), and there’s lots of them!

    Yeah, I had the recruitment meeting one a couple of days ago. The meeting irritates me anyway so I was tempted to just refuse to attend!

    Then yesterday I had a report from the loan manager about the players I had out on loan. Nothing obvious in the news item panel folder but I think I’ve tracked it down to club / players on loan . Haven’t had time to try it out yet.

  8. Hi @Tyburn, I feel like I'm about 6 weeks behind you!

    I've had a go at editing this but too. As you know, I'm trying to get rid of the CA and PA stars.

    The best I've managed on the popup box is to get rid of everything after name. As soon as I try to add anything back in (age say) , it always displays position then CA, then PA, regardless of what bits of code I've left in.

    It's kind of ok because if I've selected role suitability I don't see the stars anyway.1796203664_positionsquaddepth.png.e65f612220352c3013a37508edb58765.png

    I'd also like to increase the width on the boxes on the pitch as it's a bit difficult to see the names!

  9. I think I've nearly got every panel with the player rating stars in.

    I'm beginning to think I should really have made a list of the panels I've changed because I'm never going to remember what I've done!

    I've just got a couple of panels left that I can't identify.

    There are 10 panels in panels / team that start with squad depth, so logically you'd think that they would be one of them, but I can't figure out what is going on!

    Any help again much appreciated!

    position squad depth.png

    squad depth.png

  10. Hi.

    I really don't like the star ratings for players - I find it makes me a bit lazy as a player. I only look at them and tend to just skim over the attributes.

    On a previous fm I got rid of them by changing the png files in the graphics / icons / custom / star rating so they were all blank and I've found a similar one on the dd2021rm skin.

    The only problem is that it gets rid of every star rating in the game, including competition reputation and coach training category ratings.

    So what I'm wondering is can I have some star ratings but not others?

    The dd2021 skin has a folder in star ratings called reputation but removing it or changing it to stars doesn't seem to make any difference in game.

    The only other option I can think of is removing the code for stars for players on every panel it appears on. I got rid of the ones on the player profile screens but I got stuck finding some of the other panels, in particular the development / tactics (the suitability bit seems to use stars not the role rating), development / progress (the pa bit) and reports / coach reports (ability and potential) .

    Thanks in advance!

  11. 1 hour ago, PequenoGenio said:

    What controls the players name? I want do aplly this on my light skin but the players name are all in white

    I’m not sure as I use the dark skin.

    You need to look in the settings xml file for your skin.

    It’s probably one of the colours that starts “fg”. Just change it to something else and see if it changes in game.


  12. 9 hours ago, Tyburn said:

    That’s great man! Thanks for sharing the files, but thanks for explaining the edits more! :) 


    19 minutes ago, lugui said:


    Thanks again for such detailed explanation and sharing the files. After some effort I managed to get them working.



    You're both very welcome!

    I've had a bit more free time recently and have been working my way through @michaeltmurrayuk's guides on editing the xml files, plus some things I've picked up from searching the forums, so you should probably be thanking him!

    If anyone fancies offering me some help, I've managed to eradicate most of the hideous purple of the original skin by editing the settings xml file but there's the odd bit that has escaped me.

    One is on the background of the pre and post match press conference picture in the inbox and the other is during the match on the down arrow at the top right of the match screen (see below).1064222623_matchscreen.png.2ec6fe84294597ae8ab3b212ad458b52.png

    If anyone knows where the colours are being controlled from please let me know!

    I can't see where they'd be in the settings xml file.


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