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Posts posted by macca7292

  1. 9 hours ago, Tyburn said:

    Where in the match team talk panel did you change the width? Would you mind sharing the two files you mentioned? Thanks.


    I should really thank this topic for helping me fix an issue where one of the players wasn't showing up in the team talk.

    Because I'd started looking at the xml files , I noticed a mistake.

    See  thread : 

    In the match team talk panel the width appears in several places :

    4 times in this section : <!-- top row of players - numbers 8-11 --> , once for each player with id 7 to id 10

    Once in this section : <!-- left hand side column of players - numbers 1-7 -->

    Once in this section : <!-- right hand side column of players - substitutes -->

    You're looking for the bit that matches your screen width. For mine (my width is 1280) it's this bit :

                                <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
                                <integer id="min_value" value="0" />
                                <integer id="max_value" value="1366" />
                                <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
                                <integer id="true_value" value="300" />
                                <integer id="false_value" value="300" />

    Just change the true and false values to whatever you want.

    If you have a different screen width the code is below the one for mine.

    Since my previous post I've messed around with it a bit more.  I've changed the horizontal gap in the first bit of the match team talk panel so the boxes lined up better :

    <!-- top row of players - numbers 8-11 -->
            <container id="topP">
                <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_autosize" horizontal_alignment="middle" horizontal_gap="18" vertical_inset="0" />

    I also added a small container to the match team talk person info panel as the player reaction was overlapping the edge of the box slightly.

    I noticed in game that the team talk box was still narrow when you give a team talk to any subs you bring on, so I extracted and changed the width in match sub talk panel as well.

    I've attached all 3 files.


    match team talk person info panel.xml match sub talk panel.xml match team talk panel.xml

  2. 11 minutes ago, lugui said:

    How did you add the faces during team talk, please?

    I should start by saying I'm no expert by a very long way, so there is probably a more elegant way of doing this!

    First I changed the width of the team talk boxes in match team talk panel . xml. For my screen resolution I changed the width to 300 pixels.

    Then I added some code to match team talk person info panel . xml.

    I changed this


     <container class="main_transparent_box_no_margin" id="main" appearance="boxes/custom/interaction/person/paper" green_replacement="fg">
                <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_inset="4"/>

                <container height="40">
                    <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_centre" horizontal_layout="40, 30, -1" horizontal_gap="4" horizontal_offset="0"/>

                    <!-- Role -->
                    <widget class="icon_button" id="TPrl" appearance="buttons/custom/picking/normal/filled/button" colour="fg" alignment="centre" wants_mouse_events="false" height="22" style="bold" size="xsmall" navigation_focus_target="false"/>

                    <widget class="shirt_number_label" id="PSht" height="30"/>

                    <container height="40">
                        <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="right, extend" horizontal_gap="0"/>

                            <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" vertical_offset="2" vertical_gap="0"/>

                            <!-- name -->
                            <widget class="person_button" id="TTnm" info_popup_enabled="true" person_is_player="true" alignment="left, centre_y" auto_size="vertical" style="bold" size="small" navigation_focus_target="false">
                                <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="valu"/>

                            <!-- hierarchy -->
                            <widget class="client_object_property_panel" property="THic" height="16">
                                <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>
                                <record id="widget_properties" colour="faded text" alignment="left, centre_y" show_category_colour="false" size="small"/>

                        <!-- Rating -->
                        <widget class="match_rating_label_formatted" id="Mrat" format="[%fraction#1-2.1]" dont_format_numeric_grouping="true" alignment="centre" auto_size="vertical" width="38" hidden="true">
                            <record id="widget_properties">
                                <boolean id="wants_mouse_events" value="false"/>
                        <!-- Penalty order -->
                        <widget class="text" id="PenO" font="title" colour="yellow1" alignment="centre" width="38" hidden="true"/>

                <!-- player morale/reactions -->
                <widget class="team_talk_reaction_label" id="ReLa" height="26"/>

    to this :


    container class="main_transparent_box_no_margin" id="main" appearance="boxes/custom/interaction/person/paper" green_replacement="fg">
            <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" layout="60,240" offset="0" gap="0"/>
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="vertical" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />
            <!-- Profile picture -->
                    <widget class="picture" id="prop" scale_picture="true" keep_aspect_ratio="true" image_alignment="centre_x">
                        <record id="object_property">
                            <list id="get_properties">
                                <!--Facegen data request-->
                                <record get_property="fcgn" />
                                <!--Fake name request-->
                                <record get_property="Pfke" />
                                <record get_property="prpc" set_property="valu" />
               <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_offset="0" vertical_gap="0" horizontal_inset="4"/>
                <container height="40">
                    <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange_vertical_centre" horizontal_layout="40, 30, -1" horizontal_gap="4" horizontal_offset="0"/>

                    <!-- Role -->
                    <widget class="icon_button" id="TPrl" appearance="buttons/custom/picking/normal/filled/button" colour="fg" alignment="centre" wants_mouse_events="false" height="22" style="bold" size="xsmall" navigation_focus_target="false"/>

                    <widget class="shirt_number_label" id="PSht" height="30"/>

                    <container height="40">
                        <attachment_group class="horizontal_arrange" horizontal_alignment="right, extend" horizontal_gap="0"/>

                            <attachment_group class="vertical_arrange" vertical_alignment="middle" vertical_offset="2" vertical_gap="0"/>

                            <!-- name -->
                            <widget class="person_button" id="TTnm" info_popup_enabled="true" person_is_player="true" alignment="left, centre_y" auto_size="vertical" style="bold" size="small" navigation_focus_target="false">
                                <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="valu"/>

                            <!-- hierarchy -->
                            <widget class="client_object_property_panel" property="THic" height="16">
                                <record id="object_property" get_property="objt" set_property="objt"/>
                                <record id="widget_properties" colour="faded text" alignment="left, centre_y" show_category_colour="false" size="small"/>

                        <!-- Rating -->
                        <widget class="match_rating_label_formatted" id="Mrat" format="[%fraction#1-2.1]" dont_format_numeric_grouping="true" alignment="centre" auto_size="vertical" width="38" hidden="true">
                            <record id="widget_properties">
                                <boolean id="wants_mouse_events" value="false"/>
                        <!-- Penalty order -->
                        <widget class="text" id="PenO" font="title" colour="yellow1" alignment="centre" width="38" hidden="true"/>

                <!-- player morale/reactions -->
                <widget class="team_talk_reaction_label" id="ReLa" height="26"/>

    I just made sure that the two numbers on the second line down (60 and 240) add up to the 300 that I'd set the width of the team talk boxes as.

  3. I've figured out what the problem was. I had a look at the team talk xml file and spotted a mistake.

    This is what it is showing for player with id 7 :

    widget class="match_team_talk_person_info_panel" id="7">
                    <attachment class="test_screen_size_attachment" skip_if_false="true">
                        <list id="properties">
                                <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
                                <integer id="min_value" value="1366" />
                                <integer id="max_value" value="1365" />
                                <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
                                <integer id="true_value" value="230" />
                                <integer id="false_value" value="220" />

    This is what it shows for the other players on the top row :

    <widget class="match_team_talk_person_info_panel" id="8">
                    <attachment class="test_screen_size_attachment" skip_if_false="true">
                        <list id="properties">
                                <flags id="alignment" value="horizontal" />
                                <integer id="min_value" value="0" />
                                <integer id="max_value" value="1366" />
                                <symbol id="set_property" value="width" />
                                <integer id="true_value" value="230" />
                                <integer id="false_value" value="220" />

    If I understand it correctly, this means if you have a resolution lower than 1366 (like mine at 1280) it won't display the player with id 7.

    Change it to min value 0 and max value 1366 like the others and it works fine!

    team talk works.png

  4. Hi

    I'm trying to edit this panel but I'm not sure what the name is.

    The bit I want to change is at the right hand side - there isn't enough room to show the attributes without having to use the scroll. Ideally I'd make the attribute bit a bit taller and the other two parts a bit smaller. The stats bit doesn't need to be so big.

    I've used the resource archiver to extract the files, I just need to know which one to edit!

    Thanks in advance.

    player tactic.png

  5. On 07/12/2020 at 19:34, a31632 said:

    Look for this piece of coding in your intro panel, as you can see I have it on the left:

         <container class="bordered_box" appearance="main menu/intro">
        <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="0" />

        <container id="mIco">
          <layout class="arrange_horizontal_attachment" alignment="left" offset="0" gap="0" />
          <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" alignment="left" offset="0" gap="0" />
          <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="all" inset="60" />

          <!-- Content -->
          <container id="mnla" height="950" width="1200">
            <layout class="arrange_vertical_attachment" layout="top" offset="0" gap="0" />
            <layout class="stick_to_sides_attachment" alignment="left" apply_to_children="true" inset="0" />


    This looks really good!

    How did you get the box to show transparent?

    I've got mine over to the left but I'd like to move it down and reduce the size.

    Any help gratefully appreciated!

  6. 9 hours ago, Tyburn said:

    Try ticking it.

    Thanks for the suggestion, although it didn't make any difference.

    I've figured it out though - I needed to change another code at the top of the match in between highlights panel.xml :

    <!-- these are defaults tablet sizes-->
        <integer id="TbWs" value="930"/>    <!-- 0 - 1360 -->
        <integer id="TbWm" value="930"/>    <!-- 1360 - 1920 -->
        <integer id="TbWl" value="1560"/>    <!-- 1920 up -->

    Because my resolution is below 1360 I needed to change the TbWs value to 930.

    Works now!

  7. On 24/12/2020 at 18:26, michaeltmurrayuk said:

    If the Home Page panels are resetting themselves this is an option you can change in the preferences menu found under Advanced -> Interface -> Untick Automatically Override Custom Panels?

    The Match panels shouldn't be resetting size or selector - outside of the shot map one as that is a game issue (default ones follow H/A instead of Human/AI).

    For people having problems with resetting panels;

    - What Resolution are you using?

    - Which Panels have the problem (Notable Events, Tablet, Half-Time, Full-Time, Post-Match?)

    - Which view within the selector panel is causing the problem as it may ben an issue with the view (e.g. had to remove the your side shot map panel as that one was resetting to another panel, similar if you have the table panel selected and go from a league match to cup and back the game may reset that view due to it not being selectable for a cup but it won't always switch back correctly).

    Hi Michael.

    Firstly, thank you for this amazing piece of work. I’m so glad to be rid of the annoying dugout panel!

    I’m finding the panels are resetting themselves though.

    My resolution is 1280 x 1024 and initially the tablet wasn’t filling the screen. I followed the instructions in the 3rd post and changed the settings (width 930) and it worked. When I started a match I was able to stretch the tablet out so that it was next to the notable events one without any gaps. I’ve  reduced the tablet to just 4 panels - home / away body language in the left two and away shots / away formation in the right two.

    When the game returns to this screen after a highlight, it has shrunk back to the original width. I can still drag it back wider though.


  8. 2 hours ago, Abdullah Patel said:

    Hi guys. I'm assuming you're in windowed mode,  so if you go to FM and preferences stay in windowed mode but adjust your zoom. Make sure the tab is maximised and that should fix it until we sort out the underying issue which is when changing zoom preferences. Please let me know if this helps  

    I play in full screen mode but I’ll give this a try later.

  9. Unless I'm being incredibly stupid / blind there appears to be a player missing from the team talk screen.

    It all looks lovely and symmetrical, but there are only 17 players on that screen and starting 11 plus 7 subs equals 18 players!

    For me it's the player in the MC position (I'm playing a deep 4231 with a shadow striker as my main striker) who is missing.128584381_Teamtalk.png.3ff5125ff5ca026311300c32543d1454.png


  10. As the title says, I can’t see the images on some posts in the forums on my iPad.

    Older posts, like the training guide from last year , are fine.

    Some newer posts, like Rashidi’s recent post, I get a link for some images and a blank space for others.

    I can view them all on my iPhone.

    I’ve tried different browsers on my iPad but still have the same issue.

    My iPad is old (iPad 2) and won’t update beyond iOS 9.3.5.

    I’m just puzzled why some images are ok but others aren’t!

    I understand it may be my elderly iPad! It’s just easier to view than on my phone.


  11. 6 hours ago, herne79 said:

    So I took a break from the forums over the holidays which I've now decided to make permanent.  I may pop by now and again just to keep up to date with how the game develops, but other than that I won't be around any more.

    So all the best to everyone, keep plugging away and remember it's just a game.  If I leave you with any small pieces of advice it's:

    1) Don't expect too much too soon.  Yes be ambitious, just don't put undue pressure on yourself.  Your Board and players have their own expectations, which is all you need worry about.

    2) Don't over complicate things.  Only add in tactical instructions if you want to achieve a certain style of play or have a specific requirement in mind.  Remember that Mentality sets a whole bunch of TIs by default and it isn't always necessary to adjust them.

    3) Think about how things combine.  Mentality, TIs, PIs, Player Traits, Roles & Duties and Attributes will all have an impact.  Don't just think about the role/duty to get a player to behave how you want.  A Wingback (defend) combined with a player who has the Trait to get forward often is not just going to sit back and will provide you with overlaps down the flank.  And he'll do it even more as your Mentality becomes more aggressive for example.  You don't have to make him a Wingback (attack) to do all that.  Combinations.

    Cheers all and have fun.


    All the best for the future. I've really enjoyed your articles and threads over the years !

  12. 26 minutes ago, FMunderachiever said:

    Just out of interest, why is identical flanks a bad thing?

    I don't know these players but lets suppose that the winger left and right had different PPM's, one had one to dribble down the left flank, the other had cut inside from right wing or get into the area.

    Or what if you had two exceptional wingers who could beat their man in a 1 v 1 situation.

    Why would it be a bad thing to ignore this?

    I'm no expert but I don't think identical flanks is necessarily a bad thing, just here they're identical and there's no penetration.

    I've seen plenty of tactics with both wingers on attack duty that have worked, like anything else it depends on the other roles around them. Using that as an example you would probably end up splitting your team into an attacking unit fairly advanced and a more defensive unit deeper. In that circumstance, a short passing game might not be appropriate as your players would be a fair distance apart.

    I think the main reason for not making both flanks the same is to give a bit of variety, so that your attacks are a bit less predictable.

    For the OP, I'd change one of the inside forwards to an attack duty,the opposite side full back to an attack duty and the other inside forward to winger on support.


  13. On 08/12/2019 at 20:29, Lone Gooner said:

    Does anyone know what I would need to change to stop the blur when loading up the game? I have done it for the dialogue boxes but if anyone can advise what I need to change when the screen blurs when loading a new game that would be greatly appreciated :)

    Thanks all

    This is what I do - there may be a more efficient way!

    In graphics / boxes / dialog / background change blurred val to false in paper xml

    Change blurred value to false in blurred xml in graphics / yacs / background / overlay

  14. 22 hours ago, Lone Gooner said:

    Does anyone know what I would need to change to stop the blur when loading up the game? I have done it for the dialogue boxes but if anyone can advise what I need to change when the screen blurs when loading a new game that would be greatly appreciated :)

    Thanks all

    I've done it on mine - can't remember what I did off the top of my head but I made a note on the PC. I'll post later when I'm on it.

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