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Issue Comments posted by Hildor

  1. 20 horas atrás, Michael Sant disse:

    Can you tell me a bit more about the error that you're receiving and do you happen to have a screenshot of this at all?

    Here's the screenshot. Basically just play a game without a assistant manager, when it reaches half time you should get this error when trying to do a team talk


  2. 1 hora atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Thanks for mentioning this - any chance you can send the original save in (with the news item) if you have it? (it'll save QA trying to reproduce that exact situation).

    (random fact: it's generally 'Algeria' in these sorts of situations because I think they're at 'id zero' in the database - so often show up as a default for such errors)

    Think I've sent it just now, just have to scroll back on the news. 

  3. I can be 100% sure but it think it was never at a specific point but I'm almost sure it was always on first half. 

    The 4th time I've encountered this bug I was just checking a notification from my email, didn't exactly changed apps, just dragged down the notification while the game was on, pushed the notification up and the game had skipped to the end, been trying to recreate this but the bug didn't happen. 

    Nothing specific had been done, didn't even had a chance to make changes since I do them mostly in second half. 

  4. 3 horas atrás, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Would you mind indicating what device you're using (and OS version) - also am I correct in presuming you're using the 'enhanced' match engine?

    (if possible should this occur again can you save down the match using the down arrow icon on the top right of the page, then replay it in the 'load match' option on the game start page and let me know if the issue reproduces in that, if it does then please send the match to us asap and we'll look into it)

    I'm using a Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 on Android 10 and yes, it's EME. 

    If the bug occurs again I'll do what you ask 👍

  5. Em 21/11/2021 em 18:26, Marc Vaughan disse:

    Would you mind indicating what device you're using (and OS version) - also am I correct in presuming you're using the 'enhanced' match engine?

    (if possible should this occur again can you save down the match using the down arrow icon on the top right of the page, then replay it in the 'load match' option on the game start page and let me know if the issue reproduces in that, if it does then please send the match to us asap and we'll look into it)

    Did what you asked but the issue doesn't happen in the game replay. 4th time it happened to me, not sure how to reproduce this bug. 

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