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Everything posted by chucklehead

  1. Hi GIMN, thanks for taking the time to explain that, much appreciated mate
  2. Hi folks. I was going to ask this down in the football forum, but the topics there seem much less specific. So what is this 'John Stones role' I keep reading about, and how it's difficult to replicate in-game? I'm a Gooner, so I don't normally watch loads of City. Is it much the same as Zinchenko at Arsenal, just from the right? Cheers!
  3. There needs to be more options when discussing potential contracts with your squad. I don't mean during the actual contract negotiation, but the interactions when a player wants a new contract. The current options are to cave in and give the player what they want, or tell them to get lost. There might be various options to click, but if you're not giving the player a new deal, they all seem to have the same result. The different options are also generic, they don't have any relation to the information the game has available. There needs to be some options that take into account the player's current salary and contract length, what other players in the squad are earning etc. It is not possible to let a player know you won't be extending their contract until I think 6 months before expiry. If, with a year to go, you could have a convo with a player informing him that you do not intend on extending their stay at the club, it would prevent a lot of the instances of players wanting new deals
  4. Hi folks I've wanted to create one of these 'advanced' formations / tactics for a while, but don't really have the know-how to do it, so this is really helpful, cheers. Quick question if you don't mind though: would I be right in thinking you need a pretty competitive team to pull this off? Not, for example, a 1st season in the prem team?
  5. 35 minutes into my 1st game after the patch and my Dulwich are 3 nil up against Wycombe and absolutely tearing them apart! My striker, Jay Stansfield, who is a young player at Fulham IRL, has suddenly been infused by the spirit of prime Henry and has bagged a hat trick! Good work SI, I expect this level of performance in every match!
  6. Hi folks Question as the title really. I guess they analyse recruitment, but do they provide you with anything useful at all? Cheers
  7. Appreciate you sharing this mate, cheers. I've never watched a commentary vid like this with regards to FM, although I've heard their names in other threads. I thought they had some very worthy and considered debate. Everything they raised was valid and well rounded. Good vid
  8. Hiya mate, cheers for the reply. I'm playing non-league, no one has agents down here!
  9. Really disappointed that there's been a change to approaching free agents to get an idea of their demands. On FM22 and previous versions, you used to be able to approach a player to see what their playing time and desired promises were, and even see their initial demand for wages, without any penalty. You could move on with no consequence. Now, once you approach a player, you're locked in: you either give them a contract or you walk away, stopping you from approaching them again. Whilst this approach may be slightly more realistic, does it honestly make the computer game more enjoyable? I really feel this is a change that absolutely nobody was asking for. Playing at non-league level, I feel it almost makes the game unplayable. At that level it's natural to approach lots of players. Often what you're looking for is the lowest wage demands, particularly for staff. Scouts, if you even have one, do not accurately give you all this information and most players will not have agents. I desperately hope this is reversed for full release. More than any other change, this has massively impacted my enjoyment and enthusiasm to continue
  10. I've just come in here to report this myself. Surely that's got to be reconsidered? Often, particularly at lower levels, you have no real idea of whether a player wants Fringe or Star player status until you click the contract negotiate button. To then be committed to or locked out of talking to that player again is ridiculous
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