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5 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"

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  1. Thanks let me try that out, I know already all the nation leagues stuff is going to be a pain once I remove the nations.
  2. Anyway to set a nation to inactive in the game? I tried moving all players, competitions, local regions, cities pretty much everything to another nation. I also uncheck this nation to be part of fifa but from time to time, there will be one or two newgens from the nation I want to remove.
  3. @dalian Can I make a suggestion for future versions of this mod? So I've been playing for awhile now and I recently started playing in the MLS as Toronto FC. So when it comes to FIFA CL registration time I realized that in MLS (and also in the Canadian Premier League), there is no such thing as Trained in Nation status or Trained at Club status. So I'm stuck with only able to register 17 players (as everyone is considered non-homegrown) and the rest I have to field under 21 players. So maybe in the future just allow registration of 25 players with no rules? Another possibility is to use the foregin/non-foreign status rather than trained in Club/Nation status. Just a suggestion. Just to add, while I can temporarily workaround by signing lots of under 21 players, it seriously hampered the quality of my squad as I'm not able to field 8 of my senior players. Also I doubt the AI is smart enough to get around this.
  4. Is there a way to mass edit player's second nations to another country?
  5. Turns out this is a more serious problem than I thought. Now my players are unhappy because i didn’t win the SPL and i failed the board objective. I think the results from the championship group copying back to the league caused this. I will try to remove it and see if it fixes the issue.
  6. The game is confused after I won the Championship Group. 65 points behind with 37 games in hand LMAO.
  7. If I just want to make a small change in the UEFA Champions League, how do I go about getting the existing rules to make a small edit. I'm familiar with how to get existing rules for a nation's league but not continental rules. Thanks
  8. That's already been done my friend. Check out Rusty's file which is where I got the idea from.
  9. I've added your idea as the alternative version, download link at the top.
  10. Hello everyone, I've added the alternative version at the top, please check it out and let me know which version is your favourite?
  11. Oh I love your idea. And yes there can be 2 splits. I actually started off this database with a 10 team SPL playing each other 4 times with no split. But for some reason the relegation playoff kept crashing so I gave up on that idea. Maybe I'll have another go at this with your idea over the weekend.
  12. Found an example where Rangers went on to Europa League final. Looks pretty brutal but I don't know.
  13. Testing out with the Champions group idea and what it does to fixture congestion. This is what Ranger's schedule look like. I don't know what this would look like if they go on a deep UCL run. But let me sim it some more and see if that actually happens. Also can you imagine if a team is in a relegation dog fight and going thru the Scottish title run at the same time? LOL
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