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  1. This was included in someone else's USA edit originally, so it would be really silly of me to object to someone else including it in their USA edit now! Kinda feels like coming full circle.
  2. This has been a long-standing challenge through past versions of this and there doesn't appear to be an easy way to do it - from what I can tell, the default continental competitions do this through some system I can't enable in the editor,, and editing domestic leagues to show it instead would be a mess.
  3. Youth League selection is intended to work as follows: 128 U19 teams are chosen. If a given club doesn't have a U19 team the game will look for the next lower step (U18/17) then the next higher (U20/U21). First the rule looks for U19 teams from the 32 FIFA CL auto-qualifiers the 96 FIIFA CL qualifiers If not enough of these clubs have available youth teams, it falls back on picking from: Randomly from a group of the one "Best Youth Setup" team from 31 major nations (this is an editor rule, not sure how it is defined) the 128 World League qualifiers Randomly from a group of the next 4 "Best Youth Setup" team from 31 major nations Randomly from a group of the remaining "Best Youth Setup" team from 31 major nations If you've been qualifying for the CL all of those years it should pick them for the Youth League but honestly it has always been a bit fiddly and I could probably stand to adjust it to be less so. All the fallback stuff is because a) it is weirdly unreliable to find 128 youth teams among the 256 teams that qualify for the main competitions and b) it is weirdly difficult to ensure the youth team gets picked rather than the main team (which would cause difficulties for the squad selection AI and the fixture generator that I would prefer to avoid).
  4. I play all my games in MLS too and what should normally happen is that the game keeps track of Trained in Nation/Trained in Club anyway, it just only matters for the FIFA CL. Unfortunately, since 24.3 there's been a bug in the base game (see here or here for the reports) preventing this from happening. I was aware of the issue and impact (honestly it's kind of put me off playing the game at all) but was hoping that SI would fix the bug. However since it looks like there won't be any more updates to 24, I'm releasing a version of this file that replaces the 8 homegrown/4 club homegrown requirement with an 8 domestics requirement. If this issue is fixed in 25 I'll bring the real rule back though. For now this is a test version down here but if there are no issues I'll move it to OP unfortunnately it will require a new save Worldwide Champions League.fmf
  5. nah, they were only ever "my closest team" even before I moved east for work. I'll definitely be watching tonight, at least - they've started the season very well, though of course I've already learned this year from my other underachieving team in blue and white not to put too much stock in a hot start On one hand I think that could work, or at least I can see the structure of it. On the other hand I know I will never have the energy to actually do it. Plus, the idea that custom continental rules block dynamic reputation makes no sense (even if dynamic rep is just a weird hack on continental coefficients, why not let it use custom coefficients?), so year after year I hope in vain that SI will actually change it.
  6. You mean the mechanic where clubs get more of the TV money based on how much of it their nation's broadcast rights were? I didn't see one but I'll admit I haven't looked at the TV money in a few years. That said I don't know if I'd implement it anyway, bigger markets have enough advantages already. There isn't a specific setting that would explain that, the draws for those rounds use the same rules (except that the second knockout round blocks teams from the same nation from being drawn against each other and the round of 16 does not)). Honestly I haven't gotten to play far enough to notice either! But I'm pretty sure it doesn't, custom continental competitions have blocked that from happening for as long as I can remember. Maybe that's changed now that you can do custom coefficient systems but IDK.
  7. Well I spent a lot more of my week off in the editor than planned or hoped for, but I think I've fixed a couple of the bugs reported here and on the Steam workshop. I'm attaching a release candidate to this post while I run some overnight tests, and if things look good in the morning I'll update the OP with a new version: Removed the Central American and Caribbean Cups, as they do not check for clashes with other competitions, and teams participating in those competitions would delay CL/WL qualifying into October Fixed World League squad registration in September to properly notify teams at the deadline Added 2023 entries to CL/WL history Not sure if that last one will fix the reported issues with the "last winner" qualifiers but we'll see! Worldwide Champions League.fmf
  8. In my experience with custom continental cups, you should typically be able to assign continental spots in any way your heart desires by editing the nation's advanced rules (in the top division under Other Stage Rules->Continental Cup Rules, so in this case MLS), and placing your second division rule high enough that the game actually picks that many teams. The CCL is weird and has a bunch of opaque stuff, so this might not work normally for your specific plan, you might have to edit the CCL advanced rules directly, and that's a bit annoying to do (because it's not as easy to access continental competition rules in the PGE advanced rules unless you want to replace the competition entirely) so might be best saved as a last resort.
  9. Thanks for this, I was able to track it down as a result - those clubs are all involved in the Caribbean Cup and Central American Cup, which both run a group stage between August and October at midweek and don't reschedule their matches for clashes with this competition (even though their leagues aren't active in the game so there is space). I would like to keep those competitions around (especially since clubs from those countries tend to go out in qualifying so it'd be good for them to keep their regional competition playing teams at their level) but if I can't get this one to have priority then I'll have to disable them. I'm currently testing some options, and I have this week off from my day job so I hope to have a fix one way or another this week. Thanks, I'll try and look into this.
  10. Winning the national cup should get you into the qualifying rounds in any country, yes. For countries with two national cups (are there even that many anymore?) the "main" one will get you in, but which one that is depends on the country.
  11. Thanks for the bug report! Far as I can tell, the issue is that when the CL final qualifying round gets delayed long enough for whatever reason, the losing teams get added to the World League after the registration deadline and have no chance to register a squad. While updating for 24.3, I've also made some changes to the scheduling of the CL and WL qualifying rounds to try and prevent this from happening. The updated version is here and will also be in the OP. Worldwide Champions League.fmf WCL Canada Compatibility Mini.fmf
  12. edit: oh wait, from looking at your file you aren't using the advanced rules? I can't see anything that will do what you need in the basic rules, and I built mine from the ground up in the advanced rules rather than trying to convert it I do this in my own Worldwide CL file - it's over here in case you want to look at it in the editor - but the key is in the Qualification Rules subpage of League Settings (All Groups) in your group stage. Here are the settings you need: This other one is helpful for some behind-the-scenes details but may or may not be necessary: Hope this helps!
  13. Yes, the continental CLs (and second-tier competitions like the EL and the Sudamericana) are all replaced and will not run in a save using this edit. Exceptions: the African Super League, which is an unintentional oversight. I'll look at African teams' schedules and see if it's causing problems regional club competitions like the Czech-Slovak supercup or North America's three regional cups (Leagues Cup/Caribbean Club Cup/Central American Cup), which are intentionally left in.
  14. I looked at it in the editor and this version also includes qualification, yes. Thanks for this great idea, I'm definitely adding it to my save.
  15. It's not a small thing to do exactly because it would need to realign qualifying slots a bit (or a lot, depending on how many such nations would need to be added). A quick look at the DB suggests there are 17 such nations so I'd need to find somewhere between 17 and 34 spots (depending on whether any nations should have only one slot - which used to happen but I changed a few years ago based on feedback), and because these nations would need to start in Q1 those spots would need to come from other Q1/Q2 qualifiers (ie, ranks 67 and below), etc, etc. This would mostly be design work and math and fiddling on one screen in the editor, and I absolutely get the desire for total inclusion so I might get around to it, but I won't make any promises. This is even less of a small request because it would need, at least, a restructure of the entire qualifying phase to produce 128 qualifiers instead of 96, which would need both redesign work and fiddling with the stages and rounds and ranking levels etc in the editor. I get the meritocratic urge here, which is why only the CL/WL holders and the top 30 league champions (it is the Champions League and they are undoubtedly Champions, etc) get those spots in the current design and 3/4 of the group stage spots go to qualifiers, but I'm pretty happy with the structure as it stands and given the amount of work this change would take I'm even less likely to do it. Thanks for your playtime and feedback though!
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