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Everything posted by bjwphneb

  1. I can't find that game but was able to find another example where a player is subbed my the AM in the second minute and the formation was changed. Match File: Havant & Waterlooville v Lewes.pkm
  2. I've noticed three teams' League History graph on the general screen is completely squashed. First noticed it in my save in 2025 but I've just loaded a new game and it is the same. Teams are Dartford, Hemel Hempstead and Boreham Wood New Save File is: League History Test.fm And is loaded on 27 June, I haven't advanced anywhere in the game yet.
  3. 2024/25 Season Review League | Graph | Fixtures 1 2 Cup | Squad Season Overview Well I wanted a better start to the season and the boys certainly delivered. We sat top of the table after twelve games despite the media predicting us to get battered each match. A betting man could have won some serious money backing us at the start of the season as we won 8 of our opening 12 as the underdog. This gave us a healthy cushion over the relegation places which despite being top was always the concern. The concern wasn't misplaced, in the second half of the season we secured the fourth fewest points which meant we came tumbling down as far as 15th before eventually picking ourselves back up to the top half with an 13th placed finish. Similar performance in the cups this year, managed one round better in the FA Cup but got knocked out in Q4 by Torquay United despite beating them 3-0 in the league a few weeks prior. The old guard performed well for the most part, Joe Taylor was joint winner of the golden boot with 29 and Deon Moore followed him up with 28 goals in the league, thankfully JT didn't have a golden boot bonus in his contract. Three of last years graduates cemented themselves as first team regulars, sadly because the current options in those positions were so poor rather than the young lads being so good. Either way it was good to get them in the team and see a little bit of early development. The first of the old boys, Mitchell Nelson, is leaving at the end of the season at 34 years old and steadily declining there's no future for him at Lewes as a player. Every other player is contracted until the end of next season but I will attempt to move a few on over summer as the performance of some hasn't warranted their wages. Youth Intake Another 5 Start preview which promised some defensive cover unfortunately didn't live up to the hype, a few decent players for the future but only really one who might be able to provide cover to the first team. Much better personalities across the board but typically the 'star' graduate is unambitious. Hopefully the perfectionist of a RW can develop quickly and I can get him in the team this season or next (NB: As I've typed this I've seen he's dropped down to Realist now so perhaps not). The current CA of the first team means they only need to be a 2* to get regular first team football (our 4.5* players are only 'Decent' or 'Good' VNS standard players). 2024/25 Academy Graduates Top Prospects Simon Sargent 02a | An unambitious CB, slightly better than last years crop of CBs but with 4 determination I'm not expecting anything special from him. Jonny Dowling 02b | A third RB in two intakes. He's only 5'7 which is a concern so he might be better suited to RM Frank Meaney 02c | With a name like Meaney I was expecting 20 aggression, he probably looks the best of the bunch and I'm impressed with his mental attributes but the boy runs like he's in custard. Greg Rosser 02d | He's only 15 but is a 5'11 CB (I don't think newgens can grow right?) He's a bit of a better runner and has excellent mental attributes so who knows maybe there's a future captain at BWM hiding away in there. Other Updates + Next Season Managed to complete the National C licence in the off season and I'm now working towards my National B. We've also finally had a request accepted so are seeing our Recruitment bumped up to a Basic level. Rob Swaine's (HOYD) contract is up this summer and I'm tempted to shop around mainly because in two seasons only one player has come in that can actually run. Saying that with an improvement to recruitment I may wait another 12 months as his attributes are better than most available. I think we'll probably be tipped for relegation again so could be in for tougher season than last. JT fell off massively in the back end of the season so doubt we'll see as many goals from him. The rest of the team is in that prime age range of 26-31 so they should be able to maintain their performance levels for a few more seasons. I was able to renew players on reduced terms which was a bonus but there's still a couple that it would be good to get off the wage bill soon. Edit: Had a few job offers from League One Crawley Town and National League Aldershot Town so maybe the board will be a bit more willing to accept my requests. Spreadsheet Overload
  4. Question regarding scouting: Does everyone set their budget to zero and simply not have any scouts? Or does an improved scouting network improve youth intakes?
  5. 2023/24 Season Review League | Graph | Fixtures: 1 2 Cup | Squad Season Overview With 14 players in the squad there was a serious lack of rotation options and every player made 40+ appearances, kudos to Alfie Young for starting every game (not that he had much choice). We have an abundance of 4+ start attackers so scoring goals was never an issue and we finished 6th in the goalscorers table with three players racking up 19 in all competitions. The other end of the pitch was a big concern as we let in a whopping 86! Our first clean sheet coming in December meant we started with 5 points from our opening 13 matches and sat rock bottom of the table. Things picked up in November and we lost just 3 league games in the next 3 months (15 matches, 29 pts). Just when it looked like we were on for an easy ride we got sucked back into the relegation scrap picking up 2 wins between February and march. With 4 games to go there were 6 teams within 1 point of each other at the bottom of the league, thankfully we pulled off an upset against play-off hopefuls Chippenham Town on the penultimate game to secure our survival for next season. With so few players I didn't want to risk injuries in the cup so after the 9-0 win in the FA Cup I then rested my best players and gave the greys a run out (I'm pleased to say they have now all disappeared into the universe of forgotten greyed out players). Youth Intake The preview, like many before in this thread, promised so much and delivered.. very little. To be honest I was grateful for whatever my HOYD gave me, just having some options next year will be nice. There were of course a few stand outs in the intake. Most surprising was the sheer diversity in the first intake, players flocking from Scandinavia and Portugal to play for a small village on the South Coast of England. The best of the bunch is Causso Gomes YI24b however if there's a position we don't need filling it's AM(L) so his play time will be limited to substitute appearance and cup competitions. The Sweedish GK Joseph Ebongue slotted straight into the team and immediately outperformed Lewis Carey with a 7.17 avg rating from 3 fixtures. His determination is an issue but hopefully he can do the job for the next few seasons. Other prospects include Josh Middleton YI24c who will bolst up a weak central midfield pair and Kenny Gill YI24a a 6'4 RB who I am retraining as a CB. I was probably a little reckless in offering everyone a contract but just wanted to get some players in and give them some time to show me what they can do. 2023/24 Academy Graduates Top Prospects Other Updates + Next Season It was rather uneventful off of the pitch, I finally got accepted to study the National C licence and was allowed to add a further coach meaning we now have a specialised GK coach - hoping to see further improvements to this next season. Financially we're doing okay, it's been a little while since I've managed in the depths of England so when offering out Landmark Goal Bonuses and Avoid Relegation Bonuses, I forgot that £4,000 is almost 1/5th of our balance so we took a hit towards the end of the season, however with so few first team players it was important to keep everyone for at least another season and for some offering bigger bonuses was the only way. Next season will be another scrap at the bottom but with some players improving and some academy graduate biting at the heels of last years squad I'm hoping for a slightly better start and hopeful we can kick on and achieve slightly higher. Spreadsheet Overload Edit: Not Youth or Lewes related but (Championship side) Sheffield United have won the FA Cup! There's hope for us all!
  6. As the title suggests I'll play a match and the AI will make subs to my team without me requesting it. The only match plan I have set up is for when leading by two goals in the 70-90th minute. Also don't have any staff responsibilities set up for the assistant manager to take control during matches. Screenshots: Pre-Match Tactics In Game Changes from AI: Other Example (subbed 16th minute with perfect conditioning): Save File: Youth Academy Challenge - Lewes FC.fm Steps to reproduce: Load the save file, advance to the next match, play the match with tactics shown in first screenshot, watch AI make immediate changes,
  7. Facilities Giving this ago for the first time ever with the mighty Rooks down on the south coast. A club and team I know very well. Arguably the best non league (or even EFL) pitch you'll ever see thanks to the women's team. After three retirements at the start of the 2023/24 season we are left with 14 players so the first intake can't come soon enough. Finances are good so and wage expenditure is minimal so if we can survive the first couple years we should be set for a good future. If not then expect a post in the near future announcing a new club.
  8. Seen that someone else mentioned an issue with reducing the asking price recommendations. This one is suggested I reduce the asking price set by a loanee's parent club. Worth noting this appears to be purely a UI glitch as the asking price from his parent club didn't change from me applying the advice.
  9. On the Champions League 'Stages' section where it shows the fixtures for each round, the club crests for the away teams are positioned incorrectly and the order of the flag and nation abbreviation for the team in position 1 are in the wrong order.
  10. Description: Just signed a player who has spent their entire career in Germany. When I confirmed the signing the fan reactions said: "Excited to see him drop down the levels upon returning to the country." Where this is the top division of a country he's not played in. Haven't got a save close to the date but save file: The Last Kingdom - FC Kobenhavn Steps to reproduce: Sign player who hasn't previously played in nation Screenshots:
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