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13 "You're a bum, Rock"


  • Biography
    Bolton Wanderers fan, Been playing football manager games since the good ole days of CM 01 - 02, still not got a clue what to do when building my own tactic. Plug and player!! Love the game.

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    North West


  • Interests
    Football, UFC, WWE, keeping fit and obviously FM

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    Bolton Wanderers

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  1. If anyone could also help me with getting the percentages rather than the icons on this inbox panel too please
  2. Thank you for the info, I've had a look at other skins and the ones I have looked at that have percentages are also missing the column name, do you know of any that I can reference to? I assume the example.ltf is in the football manager 2024 files within steamapps? *Found this within the documents folder of the game in C: drive, however I can't see anything that relates to overall physical condition/match sharpness How would I go about attaching an ID to a new addition to the file? How do I find the ID for this parameter? Thanks
  3. Afternoon, I'm not sure if this question has been asked before but I can't find anything related to it. I am using WTCS v1.1 in FM24. I have tweaked the skin slightly so that condition and sharpness are shown as percentages rather than the icons. However, my problem is the column name doesn't appear, does anyone know how I can add the column name please? Thanks
  4. Hi @TCSSkin Great skin, if possible may I ask if you can add the the fitness percentages instead of the heart icon on the squad screen, tactic screen and the match bar please? I've had a go myself but unfortunately can't get the percentages to show on any of the screens. Thank you
  5. If you don't mind me asking, how did you determine that Capa was the key man to apply OIs to?
  6. Lovely, Thanks mate, I shall take a look although I don't think he will move De Ligt or Upamecano. I think Ahmedhodzic will score plenty in that setup
  7. Get yourself a big guy with 16,17 or 18 jumping and stick them in an area and aim for them Brilliant
  8. Is this correct? So in terms of set pieces, you just change the player instructions to near post? you don't change anything positional? Thanks
  9. I tried that too, but it wasn't working for me unfortunately which is frustrating because it looks very impressive
  10. Did you make any changes to the tactic? Are you ok to share it with us? that's a very impressive result, I've been using the 4231 preset gegenpress with Bayern, but it seems to be struggling with them and the little tweaks don't seem to be helping. Do people change the set pieces when using the presets?
  11. Dude he literally apologised in the post immediately after because he spotted the GD in the screenshots, just look at the posts lol
  12. Fantastic result with Liverpool. I could potentially get more from it if I changed mentality but don't want to really move away from the foundations of the original too much
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