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100 "Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer"


  • Biography
    Football Manager and Diablo 2: LoD are a redline in my gamingcareer.


  • Interests
    Simracing, gaming, reading

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  • Favourite Team
    Cork City FC, MVV

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    AZ Akmaar

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  1. I've learned to use: No - no- half - normal - normal Then manually put everyone under 24 at double. When they reach 24 I put them on automatic. Also I give everyone a second training-thingy unless they are 30 and older. Works great in FM21.
  2. Thank you very much. I took a huge break of the game cause I was not really satisfied, but I am back and enjoying your updated skin. I will donate soon! May Dwayna look upon you!
  3. Yeah. I got two at my Cork City save in FM21. Both named after me as well, haha. Fun times.
  4. My favorite is FM08 as well. I started with FM05, tho. I wish there was a full updated FM08 database for FM24, so I could play that. Would love that a lot. Maybe even crazier to get newgens/regens like in real life, with a mix up of newgens. To keep the game fresh. it's strange not to get Odegaard, for example. Cause we know he will be there a couple of years after 2008. I don't follow football that much after 2009ish anymore, but FM still makes me play every year, haha.
  5. I am interested to editing the scoutingcard/report back to how it was in FM21/22/23. When stats were still being displayed. Can anyone direct me in the right folder/panel. I found a bunch of scouting panels + widget, but I lack the skill to see which is the correct one, so I can edit it for FM24. Would appreciate it. The rest I will try to trial and error by myself.
  6. They removed the stats, positions, medical-list, etc. It only shows stars, the stuffs like ''Enjoys big matches', and some other stuff. I think for scouting it's easier to see the stats, etc rather than just guessing on stars and have to click every player one by one to view them. Can be really annoying to go through 100 or 50 players. Specially if you're a big club. I think FM23 still had this layout. It was only changed until FM24.
  7. Thanks for the patches. Going to download them straight away. Do you think ripping the scoutingcardmenu.xml from FM21 resource program, and then place it in your skin folder would work?
  8. Some of the stadiums still have huge rows of disabled people on first floor, etc. Its a bit strange, and I don't think so many wheelchairs are realistic too.
  9. I believe FM24 Beta is one of the best beta's SI had. FM20 had so many bugs and gave up after 24 hours.
  10. Their salaries are also crazy. Virgil was bought for 86m. Gets a 96m salary every year. Then Frenkie de Jong, who is a topballer, gets barely a 14m at Barcelona. I don't know if I like this Saudi stuff. It's gameplaywise a bit weird. I made so easy money with AZ Alkmaar. I am swimming in 200m at the moment.
  11. @CeyvolThanks. I really like the skin. It's dark, it's useful, and its doesn't burn my eyes or the colors are all over the place. Wish I knew how to edit the scouting card, tho. Maybe an awesome suggestion for a mod, just like the other mods in your skin. Looking forward to the FM24 skin.
  12. Great looking forward to it! Edit: I am using FM23 version with FM24. Works flawlessy. I tried modding the scouting card with someone else .xml file, but it wouldn't work. I really want to see the attributes like in FM21, haha. Ofcourse there are some bugs like: But I am impressed the skin works. Surely need some tweaks + updates for FM24 Edit: Deleting the match continue panel fixed the pause button.
  13. Thank you for publicizing the base skins! ps. Its says Baseskin 22 in your post on the top
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