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Posts posted by tiotom92

  1. On 05/01/2021 at 17:57, Pav_Makarov said:

    What's the point of even having dribble less TI if every player either runs to the byline to have another corner via blocked cross or just circles with the ball, waiting for oposition to come back and take their positions? What's the point of having "play out of defence" and GK instructions if those are ditched in favor of thumping the ball upfield? Let's just face it, since 19 (new tactic builder) ME has been inconsistently bad. What's the point of even having tactics builder if engine anyway plays out the same way?

    That's rhetorical question

    My players play out of defence and don't thump the ball upfield.

    It must be your tactics.

  2. I'm usually rather forgiving of this kind of thing but it honestly appears that fantasy draft mode wasn't even tested for bugs this year.

    It would be quicker to list the things that do work than those that don't.

    But anyway here goes (again - some of this was pointed out in the beta)....

    • When adding AI managers none of the searches work. I search "Man" under club name for "Mandoza FC" and a few clubs come up (not the one I'm searching for though of course), some of which don't even include "Man"!
    • Filtering for players doesn't work. It constantly resets various aspects for no reason when you go in and out of the filter.
    • Clearing positions from the filter doesn't clear roles.
    • There's two "add to shortlist" buttons on the player menu for some reason
    • Often the "pick player for draft" button just isn't on the player menu and you have to click on a player then go back for it to appear.
    • Every time you start a fantasy draft it keeps asking you to choose a captain, even when you already have.
    • What's with the news stories of hiring a new assistant manager?
    • Part of the pitch is obscured under the player's bar in 2D, even if you zoom out fully
    • Replays are off by default for some reason, and when you tick it goals are still unticked by default
  3. 4 hours ago, damjanovski said:

    Altough this might be off topic I played FM 2012 and I am really suprised how much better it is in many aspects. First about the match engine: The game does not look like pinball - players do not make stupid decisions like shooting instead of making space for that before. Crossing looks far more natural. Players do score from corners. 

    Outside the match engine: Scouting is many times better. Scouts actualy find far more players and they actualy are good for my team. In 2021 the scouting is the worse part of the game. Players can keep their phisical attributes much longer. For example Javier Zanetti who is 37 has 14 speed and 13 acceleration - which as a someone who looked hime play is correct for that time. If he was in 2021 his phisical attributes would have dropped significantly. 

    I must admit that the game just made many steps back, and only a few forward over the years.

    I score loads of goals from corners on FM21.

  4. I'm into my 5th season in the Premier League yet I haven't seen a single player gets booked for a second time and get sent off, either playing for my team or the opposition.

    I play with closing down more and often with tackle harder (and have seen plenty of straight reds). I've even got Alfredo Morelos upfront - the nutter himself - playing as a pressing forward. He's always "angry" but never has never got sent off in 4+ seasons.

    Has anybody else noticed this? I remember reading that SI this year have made players aware that they're on a yellow cards, maybe this is causing it?

  5. Loving the match engine since the patch.

    Has anyone else noticed that long shots are now way more effective? Not complaining as they were a bit ineffective before! One of my CMs has tripled his last season (pre-patch) goal tally and we're only 4 matches in, and my other CM has equalled his. All long-range screamers, love it. Even my wing-backs are banging in the occasional goal from 30 yards.

  6. 2 hours ago, jckc221013jamie said:

    Is there any way to train a players weaker foot as it was in the players individual  training trait last year and all the other years but this year i cant find it no where and i thought that was a very good thing as i like my players to swap flanks at times and training there weaker foot made it work better 

    I asked this question previously and they said they'd removed it.

  7. Hi, I'm wondering if someone can help.

    The below lists Lamptey as home grown at my club, however he's not included in the count (it says 4/4 when it should be 5/4). Also, when I register my Champions League squad it says he's not home grown at the club? Is this a bug or am I missing something?

    Dunk, White, Roberts, Freeman and Lamptey are in all my senior squad.




  8. On 14/12/2020 at 11:09, Thomas Hardy said:

    Hey @tiotom92,

    Do you have a save before this news item appears? 

    I understand that it'll likely be before the match. 

    This would help me reproduce and get this logged internally. 



    Sorry mate two seasons have gone by since this point haha. I'll remember in the future to save a separate file when I spot a bug and will let you know if it happens again!

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