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Posts posted by spireross

  1. I like this idea. Building off this have interactions with u-21 managers etc around their tournaments where they can say something like "I would appreciate of you consider not calling up X He would be a star player for me in this tournament" then you have to decide if your game is more important. If I thought he would be a squad player for a friendly then let him play for the U-21's but if he's going to play for me in a world cup qualifier I could respond saying "I feel being called up will be more beneficial for the player"

  2. Apologies if this has been suggested before however I thought I'd bring it up. I'd like an option to be added to allow the manager to go on language courses like staff and players can. In my current save I've just moved from England to Spain and don't speak a word of spanish, This should be an option to help my manager and should be payable by the club like training courses and ideally and option for the manager to do it as well.


    It should work exactly like the player and staff and how successful you are should depend on you Adaptability and Determination. While i'm not 100% sure how it effects things in game in my suggestion it will improve your Managerial Support and increase the speed of tactical knowledge, potentially improving relationship with the board, staff, players and fans. If anyone has any additional suggestions to build on this and I'll update this post with ones I like with credit.

  3. Hi guys and gals. I'm Ross aka Spireross aka LowercaseTuna45. I am looking at getting into football manager youtube (amongst other games) in the new year and would appreciate a sub over at https://www.youtube.com/user/TheRwhitehead


    I also occasionally stream on twitch under LowercaseTuna45 



    Finally I've started a be a player series on FMbase so if you would like to take part in that head over to https://fm-base.co.uk/threads/be-a-player-2020.162019/ and sign up :)


    I look forward to seeing you

  4. I think it would be nice to be able to target specific leagues when offering players out for loan, similar to selecting leagues at the start and also select the minimum level of facilites. If i'm Liverpool for example and I was to loan out Rhian Brewster I could go to targets and on a drop down menu under leagues select England - Championship and above and then to traning facilities - Great or above. I know most of the time these clubs offer anyway but it feels more realistic to target a specific level of club plus would allow us to better fine tune a players development when not at the club.

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