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23 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. How can I change the column widths of this panel? Right now it's 50%-50% but I want to change it to 70%names - 30% description. edit: nevermind, solved it! adding layout syntax does this. "<container class="legend_list_table" id="Csvp" layout="-6,-2">"
  2. Thanks! If I remeber correctly it's based on the FME Zealand FM23 skin's first version. I just modified the colour scheme, added the stripes from an old default FM skin for better logo visibility, and changed the tab bar/date/continue buttons.
  3. A mix of skins I liked (mainly FME, WTS, Tato) over the years, combined with little to no knowledge of skinning:) worked out well in the end.
  4. I've been searching for this for years but couldn't be able to find a solution using the official editor. However, there's a workaround using a 3rd party tool. Genie Scout let's you export data to CSV, and this data can include UIDs. You can use this data and with a minor work in Excel, you get this; I've been editing my own "real name / colors fix" for 3 years using this method I haven't done this for FM24, but I can share my file for last year if you want.
  5. sorry, i might not be clear with the question i know the id is blue_replacement but i want to know what corresponds it. <colour id="red_replacement" name="primary"/> <colour id="green_replacement" name="secondary"/> <colour id="blue_replacement" name="???????"/> what should be the "name" for blue_replacement? as in primary, secondary etc.
  6. apologies if this is answered somewhere before: i want to add the third colour that's used in the default club and comp logos to my skin. the primary & secondary colours are used in the xml's as such: <colour id="red_replacement" name="primary"/> ----> this returns the green color in the logo <colour id="green_replacement" name="secondary"/> ----> this returns the white color in the logo what is the id for blue_replacement if i want to use the third color, in this case black? i tried everything but couldn't find it. thanks in advance!
  7. Everytime I try to use the edit commands (Edit > Remove injuries, Edit > Remove Bans etc.) the pregame editor crashes. Doesn't matter if I select "remove injuries > all" or "remove injuries > nation". Attached the dmp file. Editor 2023 v23.1.0.1758101 (2022.11.08 10.05.02).dmp
  8. I think there is a general issue with Non-EU slots for Serie A. I've started a season beginning in september and all non-eu players in Italian clubs are unregistered and either transfer listed or loan listed because of it.
  9. actually i did decrease the font sizes at first, but it didn't solve the problem unfortunately.
  10. hey, no worries and thanks for replying. i've changed the regular fm font (forgot it's name) to "HelveticaNeue-Regular" and bold font to "HelveticaNeue-Bold" honestly i love how tidy and compact the old fm13 regular skin looks so my aim was to change the regular fm 22 font (which i think looks horrible on standart 1080p displays for some reason) to fm13 font but alas i couldn't get the desired look
  11. hi everyone, space between lines increase too much when I change the base font to another one. is it because of the font i use or should i add a line to xml files? (to be fair this screen doesn't show it much, but the titlebar is the most extreme example for this) thanks in advance!
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