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21 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Hi guys, i'm looking for a sortitoutsi data update before June 1st 2024, e.g. May 31st 2024. Does someone have a file from this date or before June 1st? Thanks in advance!
  2. Hey @pr0, can you please upload your transfer file v3.0 for me? Thanks in advance
  3. Thanks for that mega youth players pack! Is there a list, filtered by club, which you can please upload?
  4. Sounds like a born german! I can update your skin in our forum everytime, no problem.
  5. Hey @GIMN, quick response of my translations: I've done it well, you can see the result in the attachements! Is it possible that i can upload v1.02 with the german translations in our biggest german forum, called Meistertrainerforum? Your skin was already mentioned and the users are "in love" with your skin, so i do. Thanks again for your masterclass artwork!
  6. Hey @GIMN, thank you for your quick response. I'll try the polygons ans translation with your files! A screenshot with the missing numbers is attached. Thank you!
  7. Hey @GIMN, first of all i've to say thank you for the great work, especially with a bright skin! That's just a beauty and my new overall favorite skin of all time, that's for sure (i'm playing FM since 2004). I've got two questions: 1. I don't see any numbers with the nummarical version. My resolution is 1920x1080 with 85% zoom and Windows 100% What i've done wrong? 2. Is it possible to translate the words in the attachements into german? Thanks in advance & best wishes from Germany! Greetings, Sascha P.S. If necessary, i can translate the words for you and sent them to you by private message.
  8. It's the most beautiful time of the year - the Football Manager 2023 was released last night! 🥳🤩 Therefore i created my german media file, which i've done over the past few years. I'm known as Thekensportler from german Meistertrainerforum. My file based on the versions from @Sebastian53, who is/was a user in the same forum. And in talk with him, he decided to give up the work to myself a couple years ago. Content: 200+ german media sources 125+ german journalists Also 15 female journalists Some media sources where linked to another (e.g. BILD / SPORT BILD) No duplicates Downloadlink: FM 23 German Media File 0.5 Information: This is version 0.5 but don't be put off by the zero, the file is absolutely playable and, after several tests, probably also error-free. In the upcoming weeks/months there will be updates following. Installation: The file have to be copied into [...]\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2023\editor data. Future Option: We're working on logos for the media sources. They'll be public with version 1.0 in the next weeks. In terms of questions, errors or suggestions, please feel free to post here, send me a private message or text me by Discord (Thekensportler#5515). Have fun with it and happy release day! 😎
  9. Hi guys, how is it possible to mass edit players, to increase their ages without changing every players birth year? Thx in advance & stay healthy! Answer: Only per XML, but then super easy. Thread could be closed.
  10. Merging both files has the result, that the league fixtures won't be accurate, as without merging. E.g. other teams qualified for the european cups or will be relegated to the second league. The future DB has also the problem, which is already known and visible in the description, that the cup results won't be accurate. E.g. Eintracht Frankfurt hasn't won the Europa League and won't be playing in the Champions League. For me both is very important: - Playing with an accurate file - Playing with the german lower leagues But that's only my favorite setup.
  11. Nice, thanks. Can you merge it with other files from the respective nations? E.g. the german file from german Meistertrainer Forum, with which you could play in 4th Divison and below.
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