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Posts posted by MRAFTCT

  1. On 30/11/2020 at 18:34, jimbo22 said:

    Not sure whats going on here im in July 21 and im trying to buy players but its telling me that players cannot be registered until 1/1/22 but when you look at the registration page that the last day to register players for the league is 31/8/21. 

    Am I completely missing something here?


    Im still playing a my save from the beta is that makes any difference. So if this is an issue it may be fixed for the full release. 

    i have just posted the exact same issue. I am a bit puzzled as some transfers are ok and some arent.

  2. Playing Dortmund as my BETA save and he has 21 league goals in 12 games :lol: (very few are pens as well). was injured for 6 weeks then came back and just continued.

    He is absolutely incredible and its refreshing as I couldn't get my strikers to score goals in FM20.

    So aye, top goalscorer in the league by 9 goals even though he missed 6 games due to injury.



  3. 23 hours ago, Johnny Ace said:

    I'm the same, I guess logically thinking about it, if you want a possession tactic you don't want roles that risk losing possession ie runners & risky passers. So limit roles like SK, BPD, WB, W, IF & the like as they're roles that like to either run on the ball or look to play through balls. Then you need to combine your roles to provide movement & options for you players to pass too 

    That is the conundrum though isn't it. You want structure but if you have too much you end up with lots of 0-0s...or in my case, potential 0-0s so you up the tempo, directness and width and then end up losing 1-0 :(

  4. 10 hours ago, zabyl said:

    Did you try him as a CFa? I think he has more quality than a DLF. By the way this can help your winger's and wingback's crosses to strike his head accidently and enter the goal. :onmehead:


    10 hours ago, Nes1995 said:

    When you play with a DLF as a striker he is not going to be your main goal scorer if you do want him to score more thou you could change Zaniolo to and IW support or IF S  and dzeko to maybe a poacher or pressing forward A 

    I am worried that making these changes might disrupt the recent good form...also Zaniolo is making up for his lack of goals at the moment. If the results start to slide though, i will definitely take these tips into consideration.

    Thanks :)

  5. 9 hours ago, Experienced Defender said:

    And actually, your overall setup of roles and duties (not just the attacking AP) looks more suited for counter-attacking than possession football. Instructions on the other hand are possession-friendly, but the problem is that they are not in harmony with roles and duties. 

    I think this is where i am struggling most of the time. I think i have a decent understanding of the team instructions that i want. I just struggle to then compliment that with the correct roles and responsibilities. In my original tactic what other roles and duties are more suited for counter attacking football? (thanks for the explanation for the APa!) I assume its the lack of attacking support from the FBs?

  6. Updated my formation to the below.



    Zaniolo has been fantastic as the IF. Definitely looked more dangerous going forward and my results have improved as well in the last 6 games I have used this tweaked formation. (albeit my fixtures in the league have been relatively straight forward...always nice to win the Rome derby though :)). My only issue now is Dzeko isn't really scoring.

    Results are as per below


  7. Hi All, I am a long time sufferer in Football Manager and this is my first main post so might not post everything correctly.

    I have an idea of how I want my team to play but always seem to struggle scoring goals, regardless who I go.

    I want to play possession based with a high press, but stay structurally sound. I want my width to come from my full backs but I don't want them to bomb too far on that we are caught on the counter. My wide players I want the AMR to provide penetration and creativity and I want my AML to provide width to spread the defence out. My 2 CMs I want one to link play between defence and attack and want my other to help the lone striker and provide for the 2 wide players. I want my lone striker to play as part of the team and not get isolated, but also score goals. My current formation looks like below.

    I have a split block so my front 5 players have close down more and the rest don't have any additional PIs.

    Any advice would be most welcomed as I have dropped lots of daft points because I don't score goals.


  8. 7 hours ago, lfds89 said:

    3. Artfield usually plays as CM on the right? He did against Celtic, with Davis as DM (or a more holding CM). Maybe Artfield as BBM instead of CAR or CM-At with Stay Wider, and have the same side AM on Support duty. Or Gets Into Opposition Area PPM and leave it as CAR-Su or CM-Su

    yes he would play on the right of this midfield, i would say that its more like a flat 3 with Davis as the DLP. I like the idea of CM-At more than BBM as it doesn't have Roam from Position hardcoded.

    8 hours ago, lfds89 said:

    @MRAFTCT, I'm curious, where do goals usually come from? Against Celtic one was a set-piece, for the other one Goldson stayed upfront following a set-piece if I recall correctly and Tavernier is your top goalscorer...

    Set pieces are quite important for us, we have great delivery from Tav and Barisic. In the games we are expected to win, normally goals are scored from inside the box coming from crosses from Barisic or Tavernier. It has been a criticism of the tactic that against park the bus teams, we struggle to break teams down because we lack something different.


    In bigger games, we have scored goals from quick counters or from beating the press in the middle of the pitch and having the wing backs bomb on...absolutely no doubt either way, you really need very good attacking WBs for this formation!

  9. As a Rangers fan myself I have wondered how to replicate our system in FM20. I haven't attempted it as I don't think I am as good as Michael Beale 😃

    However here are some of my observations. Defensively it is definitely narrow width and I would say it's a higher DL and Standard LOE. The 2 10s need to do a lot of defensive work as well so not sure TQ would work, maybe AMs with certain PIs?

    This season Arfield has come in and played really well as a sort of CM on support who will support the attack with some runs past Morelos so might be worth thinking about as well.

    The WBs have usually been WBs on Attack I think but I think this season, especially the old firm and the European games, they have started further back so maybe FBs on Attack instead?

    The system is really interesting though and the opposition are definitely funnelled to the wings before setting the traps inside to then counter.

  10. 1 hour ago, 04texag said:

    That's awesome! Glad to hear, interested in some specifics of what you've tried implementing?

    I lowered mentality to balanced from positive, my GK, back 4, 2 CMs, AMC and Striker are on the same roles. My AML is IFs and my AMR is IW(A)

    I have less TIs, only Wide and Be More Disciplined and use a split block for my press.

    My team is incredible with the players I have but this change has really made them unbeatable ☺️

  11. 20 minutes ago, Crazy_Ivan said:

    It does help yes. Quite a lot of tactical problems result from not having the right players with the right attributes I find, so no doubt someone will tell me this tactic is awful and doesn't work for them, and certainly I have seen some of the best FM minds get told their tactics are rubbish but I find this is because a lot of people are putting literally zero thought in to the attributes their players have and a big one is the traits their players have. 

    I haven't tried this with a forward that isn't a F9 but potentially it could very well work. The one issue is that both the RPM and the CAR can start from kickoffs really deep and if you have someone in the attacking role that isn't deep enough to help link up you are going to have a big disconnect between midfield and attack. If you find the right F9 and get him to learn the traits Comes deep to get ball, Tries Killer Balls often and Plays One Twos you should find an improvement. With a F9 don't discount the ability to dribble and especially their Agility as they have to turn on a dime and make smart passes. The main thing is that my F9 is there to link up play, he will chip in with 14-18 goals a season if he has a good one but he is not by any means the star of the team.

    Thanks for the reply, its definitely food for thought! 

    I have just started a Rangers save and Morelos doesn't fit the F9 mould i dont think, so i will test it with CFsup. Once I sell him (which i inevitably will have to) i think i will look for a F9 player.


  12. 1 hour ago, crusadertsar said:

    I dont understand this game anymore :idiot: 

    I have been struggling for most of the duration of FM20 trying to create a balanced 4-1-4-1 Wide that actually scores consistently. And you just come up with a tactic on Attacking mentality with no less than 6 attack duties and every single tactical instruction checked off. And you go on a 72 match winning streak? Wow

    That's it I give up.

    You can't give up as I need some inspiration 😂

    I love FM and my favourite formation IRL is a 4 1 4 1 wide but for the last 3 or 4 versions I have really struggled, especially with scoring goals.

    So I definitely do not think it's over powered! 

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