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706 "If you build it, he will come"


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    Back from the Brink. Well 2006-ish anyway.

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    Colchester United

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  1. Nelson Vivas, Theres a name I haven't heard in a long time.
  2. Nice Find. Shame the Page 404's but its certainly a placeholer of sorts. Edit: Unrelated, but a glimpse into my Mindset, I dont fancy the Penis dog that is available.
  3. Out of all this, have you missed the bit where I said "SOME" purposly for your own miserable agenda?
  4. I'm talking about Leakers and Gossip. Being Promised something by SI and not getting is fair game, A "Leaker" telling you something and not getting it is different.
  5. Speculation is fine, Just some of those that "Speculate" then come in here complaining X, Y or Z HASNT been added, despite there never being any indication it was ever planned. They just get themselves stewed up.
  6. I've nearly tanked my all conquiring Colchester United team by not really realizing: a) How much a 10% wage rise REALLY is on 400k, multiplied by 15 Players. Doesnt seem like much, but its £1.6 Million a month, year on year. b) Footballers bloody love a bonus, they WILL kill your funds if you do it on the regular, both Contract and Competiion c) I'm woefully inept at Balancing the Books d) When the board want you to Spend the Wage and Transfer budgets, its a recipe for disaster e) Winning competitions, when at this level and this deep, Doesnt Even touch the sides I have 80% of my Squad in the GOAL50 year on year, and by god, their Agents know it. But I have top quality depth, so I have that going for me, which is nice. Half the fun is going to be recfitying this mess. I think.
  7. I Love the "Gossip" and Leaks, but reading too much into these is what causes people to be disappointed come release when it ends up being utter nonsense. Temper your Expectations until anything is offically announced.
  8. Yeah, Potentially just missed then. As with you, I can't remember it ever not being there. Nothing noticable I've done to get it.
  9. Same. Only thing I can think of, Maybe, is does evey club have a press officer? Can't see why they woudln't but at the same time can't see why OP woudln't get anything and the only thing i can see linking our saves is a Press Officer.
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