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Everything posted by KillYourIdols

  1. 3 out of the 20 EPL teams in 2039 for me. Most are playing 4-2-3-1 with a few others variations chucked in.
  2. England in my save in 2038 for anyone interested. Point of Interest, despite a decent few wins at U19/U21 Level in 2028, 2030, 2034 and several runner up spots, the Senior Team between 2028-2036 one 1 Tournement of note, the Nations League. Rankings have them Yo-Yo'ed from 1st to 5th in the last decade. However, English teams have won the Champions league 8 times out of the last 14, Which may be a bit on the high side tbh. It seems to me the game, as it has for a long time, Favours English players/Divisions but the Regens are pretty poor for long term saves. The Top Players by Scout Report, 1 English: Top Players by Transfer Value, 1 English Sorry, dont do CA/PA, but generally, speaking, the game levels out after several years and England are nowhere as Dominant as the first few seasons may Suggest.
  3. I went on holiday the first season before I took over and made up some story in my head as to why I was in charge and not Tricky Mikky. I couldn't just replace him day one...
  4. Same as Player Meetings. Because your not giving playing time to the 4th Choice keeper, they throw a Wobbler. Savescumming is perfectly jusitfied in these Secnarios, as well as the Team Meetings, which are a crapshoot at best.
  5. Dont mind what we have seen of the UI so far tbh, I like to think it is laid out more like an "App" that a manager and data team may use IRL rather than pages of text like we are used to. I just want to see the data packed in rather then it lacking and made to fill the screen, leaving blank, wasted space. I'm holding out for a skin that, invariably, adds more data/style than SI allow by default.
  6. Man, That UI change is a BIG Shift away, but as someone who detests the defaul skin currently, I'm looking forward to see what the skinners can do with it all.
  7. I think it seemed pretty chill ONLY because the Mods were on top of it and done a stellar job. IIRC it was a hell hole for Moderation
  8. Hope SI Hurry up, I want the "Unofficial Beta Release Thread" and all It's GIF-ey goodness and Speculation back in my life
  9. Only thing I see which you haven't mentioned (although it sounds like you met the Criteria) is "You gave a player under the age of 23 their league debut"
  10. I've had this and just put it down to me taking my eye off the ball. Fair Enough, but maybe a nudge from the Agent might be nice along the lines of "My Client is Engaging in talks with X as you have failed to make him a new contract offer" even if not for EVERY player, Maybe those with High Professionality/Model Professional.
  11. Someone hold me Also, Going back to what I Think OP is saying, I think they mean that Smaller teams are favourites for games when, In reality, they really shouldn't be and it holds weight in the ME, rather than complaining that smaller teams are beating bigger teams. Is that Correct @deltasfd11?
  12. Eh, You're 6 Years down the line. I'd be inclined to agree if this happened often in 23/24 Season, but who knows what teams will be doing what in 2029
  13. Congratulations on the most pointlessly aggressive post I've seen for quite some time. Impressive. Honestly, Paying attention to Steam Ratings is like getting your news from Twitter, Usually incorrect, Biased and greatly exaggerated.
  14. Hi all Please remind me, on the league table screen, how to I get 5 players to show per stat (Average rating, goals, assists etc) rather than the default 3? I've tried following what I done on FM23, but got in a right mess and nothing seemed to work for me. TIA
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