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27 "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

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  1. Just wanted to share this tactic incase anyone else would like to trial it out. Never posted in here before so not sure the best way to go about it. Relies heavily on high stamina, work rate style players and aims to run over teams with the wingbacks constantly supplying crosses with Koyade, Biraghi and Parisi as wingbacks were brilliant. Fiorentina Serie A Champs.fmf
  2. First of all, I'd like to say I've not had anything like this ever happen, I normally manage low-mid table clubs get them into Europe after 4-5 years. I've just won the Serie A with Fiorentina in the first season with a tactic that may be a bit broken on the match engine. I have the philosophy with this save to sign players with high determination, aggression, work rate, teamwork, stamina and natural fitness with the concept being that 'we will run more than you' and just work teams into the ground. That being said, the tactic I created I never expected to do as well as it has, it dominates shots and goals compared to other teams in the league. We lost two of our best players in January and if anything that improved the team as it allowed for more rotation to keep up with the high stamina reliance style of play. Not only the amazing feat of champions, on the final day there was a 3 horse race for the title, of which we played Juventus in the final game who were first and beat them 2-1 with two goals in the 85th and 89th minute from Andrea Belotti on loan, this save sounds like it's made up! We got thrashed in the final of the conference league to Aston Villa but I blame the fact the players may have been on the beers for a few days after that crazy Juventus game... Attached screenshots of this crazy season which will always be my best.
  3. Thanks mate! Never done one before like I said, any tips? I'm very conscious of the release clauses in Spain due to other saves.
  4. Time to get started with Laredo in Spain! Attached is my manager profile, first squad and the stats! Really excited to try this challenge for the first time after following the forum for years.
  5. Just trying this challenge for the first time in Spain, now holidaying to next year! Will keep you all updated on the team I go with....
  6. I see the intermediary as a last chance to sell the player, we've all had a player who we just can't get an offer for no matter how long the interest is, then the intermediary manages to get one for a % less than what you wanted but it means they're out the door
  7. Think I will be trying a save of this, followed it for the last two FM's and fascinated by it all! Does anyone have a good spreadsheet template I could use? Love the idea of tracking this all! Then I need to decide on a country...
  8. Pretty much as the title describes, if I manage the Atletico Madrid B team, will that help my chances of managing the A team later down the line?
  9. Yeah pretty much, just dont expect a club predicted 14th to be comfortably 3rd
  10. Yeah pretty much, the two CDMs when playing better sides or away and thats it
  11. None at all, which seems even weirder to me! Very basic tactic performing really well
  12. Not sure if anyone else has had any luck with playing a direct, counter and aggressive 4-4-2? I've basically used these two formations all season, with Maxi Gomez at DLF/TF getting a tonne of goals from corners also. Had some brilliant results against bigger teams too hitting them on the counter, also found some real luck with set pieces and having a large team good at headers.
  13. Never seen this before in 15 years of playing FM before, but Barcelona have just done an invincible season and only drew 3 of them! Lewandowski scored 45 goals in 49 games and they just walked through everyone as you can see, they even loaned out Raphina to Man City! Pretty happy with my Vallecano team, Isi Palazon is the man!
  14. Keep up the save, sadly I tried it in Spain but the finances ruined the club with debt
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