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18 "You're a bum, Rock"

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  1. Hey @Zachary Whyte, the problem i mentioned with Tammy Abraham clauses is still happening even after the winter update. Everything else is now working OK. Can you check this for me?
  2. Bruh, I started playing Strangers of Paradise Final Fantasy Origins and I wholeheartedly regret. Its the worst Final Fantasy I ever played.
  3. No disrespect, but you guys trying to play football or pokémon ?
  4. Can you please give me an estimate on how much this is probable to take? I really want to start a new game but bug free.
  5. Hi Zachary, I just did, it´s a brand new game with Chelsea. This is the best way to check it because if you try and buy the Tammy Abraham clauses you'll get the "bought for 0M" that I mentioned. Thanks Save game is: Zero Soul - Chelsea
  6. At the start of the game you have to untick the box that says "hide player attributes bla bla bla". You'll need to start a new game though. Sorry, you'll have to tick the "Don't hide attributes"- It´s the other way around
  7. So my Inbox is going fully blank, without mail that is, and if I do a "go forth and go back" it resets to normal. This is specifically to some actions like asking the board stuff or buying a clause from other clubs. Talking about buying clauses from other clubs, if the player has, lets say, 4 clauses of the following: 10 / 20 / 30 / 40 appearances and I can buy the 30 and the 40 for say 1M each then the other two 10 and 20 will be bough for 0 M (Yes that is ZERO Millions). I just started a save with Chelsea and was buying all clauses possible to take the club out of life support after the shopping spree and that happened to Tammy Abraham clauses that I bought from Rome. More, If I go to the board and ask for a satellite club, they will answer and if I go back to the board I can ask again, and again, and again. I have the game pass version of the game and I actually purchased te game for €47.99 but I don't think I'm getting any patch updates or else this would be easily fixed by no, right ? What do I do ? Cheers
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