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Posts posted by Abysmal

  1. I'll be honest, I went from lurking the forums to posting to complain about match ratings but I think im pretty happy with them now. Im starting to get an average rating of above 7 for most of my players now and in most matches there is green across the board. I agree with some that wingers are an issue and unless one of mine scores, he will get a pretty poor average rating. 

    However in a new save of mine, I decided I didnt want to worry about winger ratings and created a 3-4-1-2 formation and it is working wonders. Everyone performs brilliantly and my central midfielders and wingbacks are especially flourishing. Think SI have done a good job of fixing them, still improvements to be made but much better than they were 3 months ago.


  2. Im not sure what has happened here but the same goal I scored has managed to count twice towards the scoreline? I checked the highlights after and saw that both goals apparently scored in the 68th minute were counted.  

    What is even more confusing is that I could have sworn I had scored a goal before, but that has seemingly disappeared from the highlights? Im not sure if the reply has glitched and shown the same goal twice or what but thought best to report it.

    FC Halifax v Wrexham.pkm

  3. I think downloaded tactics at times get harsh feedback, of course there are ones that purposely exploit the match engine and I personally think they are pointless and removes any fun from the game but the more traditional ones that dont yield as good results are ok IMO.

    I remember last year how overpowered the default gengenpress preset was and you could essentially plug that into any team and it would yield great results pretty much instantly, I dont think there is much difference between using that a downloaded tactic, after all they're pre-built for you. 

    Either way, I think tactics at times are overthought and such. Squad happiness and training can end up improving your team as much as any tactic if you do it right. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Rooneye said:

    It makes no sense.


    "Heads up about Fry, I think he wants a new contract" 

    Me: "I heard you want a new contract?"

    Fry: "Oh you know what...just the fact you've come to talk to me means I now don't want a new contract...it's fine I JUST WANTED A BIT OF ATTENTION!!"


    Shhh, personally don't want this fixed as it saves me quite a bit of money as I can dictate when a player gets a new contract :lol:

  5. I see some people mention the use of Knaps tactics. I think if you use one of his tactics as a base and then tweak it to your own team and adapt to how your opposition play, theres a big enough argument to say that you're not just plug and playing. 

    Personally, I have downloaded a Knap tactic but changed roles and instructions enough to my own team that I would probably consider it some of my own now. I just like a base to start from


  6. Ill be honest, I dont think I have had any real issues since the latest update either, which is weird as I dont think they touched the ME.

    Sure I get the occasional game where a player will be on a 6.4 or lower but at the moment when I am winning I am getting good ratings. When I lose its a completely different matter of course but you would expect that.

    I think player consistency seems to have a bigger effect this year.

  7. 3 hours ago, Domoboy23 said:

    Is it really the case IRL for players in the championship to be getting 2-4k appearance fee money and 1-2k unused substitute money in their contracts? all players seem to automatically open with that

    Money in the championship has increased massively in the last 4+ years. Id say any of the top 12 teams would pay some pretty decent wages and bonuses now, a lot more players than you think are on 15k+. I usually just increase goal and assist bonuses and then remove appearance fees and that usually does the trick.

  8. Asked for a scout report on a player, report came back with 79% knowledge so I naturally clicked continue scouting however, when I go to scout assignments, it says there is no progress remaining and no scout assigned to him. This happens whenever I try to continue scouting and the scout reports never come back unless I cancel them and manually assign a scout for a set period of time.

    Screenshot 2021-03-19 at 20.59.09.png

  9. I'll be honest I've done a lot of complaining this year but two things I do love are the new interface and how optimised the game is in terms of saving and how quickly it runs.

    I know theres been a lot of discussion about the interface but I for one love it, theres still some tweaking to do but I believe it's an improvement on previous versions. I also really like the addition of greeting players with a handshake etc, small feature but helps the immersion IMO.

  10. 15 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    This isn't us trying to be awkward by the way @Abysmal. Devs and QA need to review the relevant and very useful posts in this forum, of which some of yours in the past definitely fall into. The more we keep everything in here relevant, the easier it is for them to get through everything, and there can be a lot.

    Theres no worries at all, I completely understand. I'll be honest I didn't realise there was a thread about it in general discussion so thats my fault there, will take any discussions to there now. I appreciate the replies and everything.

  11. 35 minutes ago, themadsheep2001 said:

    And post accordingly as per the bug forum rules. Which isn't happening, and that's been made clear repeatedly. 

    So we can't discuss this issue in the general feedback forum as it's to specific and that thread was made for just general feedback but we can't discuss it here either? Im sorry  but some of us want to be able to discuss this issue with one another, I think that's fair?

  12. 11 minutes ago, Neil Brock said:

    Have seen a couple of posts about average ratings, just to clarify the ratings system has undergone some significant changes for FM21. Bear in mind the average rating is 6.8 - anything above this indicates an above average performance, anything below (you get the idea).

    Where in previous versions players got a huge boost for goals and assists (even tap ins from one yard) this year it's nuanced a bit more to take into account player roles and what happens within the match at a deeper level. This does mean the seasonal average rating of 8 and above are a bit of a thing of the past.

    Saying that, if you do have an example where you feel a player's average rating doesn't match their performance, please do raise it via our bugs forum and provide a pkm so our team can investigate - https://community.sigames.com/forums/forum/822-match-engine-ai-and-tactics/

    PKM details here - https://community.sigames.com/forums/topic/538789-read-before-posting-attaching-a-pkm-when-reporting-an-issue/

    Whilst at this stage it's unlikely we'll be making further updates, all information will be considered for future versions of FM.


    What bothers me and I think many others is that the rest of the game doesn't seem to accurately reflect this. I've noticed it has become a lot harder to sell players this year because of the lower average ratings along with player development taking some kind of a hit. 

  13. 43 minutes ago, pejocho said:

    How difficult is simply to fix that a corner is not a key pass? There is no need to study new balances of statistics of the ME, or to test lots of new parameters that could change if you do a change in the ME. It is just fix that a corner is not a key pass, but it has been said few months ago and it remains happening. It's incredible. 

    Im not sure but it also makes analysing your tactics and team performances so much harder. Ending a game with 10+ clear cut chances and losing will make you lose your mind until you realise its just because you had a lot of corners.

  14. 3 hours ago, pejocho said:

    Can somebody tell me if corners are stablished as key passes yet? This made that set pieces players have almost the best ratings in all teams. 

    Nope this is still a thing, my LB has been averaging a 9.8 for the last 3 games or so with around 14 key passes each game because of this hahaha. 

    Find it very ironic how a lot of us have been complaining player ratings are too low and now this happens.

  15. 2 hours ago, ThomasHK1979 said:

    Have you ever had good ratings for your wingers in a 4231 system?

    I have only just switched to it and I'm only in pre-season so I cant comment. I used to play a 442 and my winger had a 7.15 despite 11 goals and 11 assists so I wouldnt say that was accurate for that output personally.

  16. Wouldnt hold your breath anymore. This issue has been around since the start of December and even after two patches they can't fix it. Ive posted constantly about it in the general feedback discussion and whilst my posts get a lot of upvotes with people agreeing, no mod or admin has ever responded.

    I just cant comprehend how it is still broken. It is quite literally one of the main aspects of the game being as its statistics based and affects so much of the gameplay. 

    I dont have issues with my wingers but just constantly my central midfielders. I can not get them over a 6.7 rating.

  17. I've complained about it since early december but average ratings are still my absolute enemy this year. Despite two patches and 3+ months they still seem off to me. My central midfielders can hardly sustain a decent average rating and often drop below 6.5 even in games they win. I found the more direct and quick I pay, the more the ratings go down.

    This in turn has affected my player value and transfer interest. In previous years, I've never struggled to sell players and managed to play in an almost moneyball style. Signing players on the cheap, developing them and selling them on for profit but this year I just cant seem to sell my players for a good amount. Even after impressive individual and team performances, my players never seem to attract interest which I cant help but think is to do with the average rating.

    We've been told that an above average rating is 6.8 so why cant the game reflect this better? Make it so as soon as players average 6.8 or above the indicator turns green like it does at the moment when it is above 7. Whilst only a small, visual element it would help identify quicker when players are performing above average.

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