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2 "What we've got here is a failure to communicate"


  • Biography
    Drummer, gamer, biker, software engineer, husband, father ... Football Manager since CM1 onwards

About Me

  • About Me
    Merseyside, England


  • Interests
    Football, music, computer games, programming, motorbikes

Favourite Team

  • Favourite Team
    Manchester United

Currently Managing

  • Currently Managing
    Elgin City

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  1. For anybody else struggling with this issue, I cleared the cache and it resolved the issue. To clear the cache, go to Preferences in the main menu, at the very bottom left there is a "reset" option. Click that, the from the list that comes up, choose "Clear Cache". If that doesn't work, try also "Reload Skin" on the bottom right.
  2. No problem and thanks for the reply. I realised that your WTCS5 v1.2 skin does pretty much everything I want it to anyway So if anybody else was wondering the same thing... just go get this one. I used the one with attributes but then set the alpha of the attribute colours to 0 so it hides the attributes.
  3. Hi Did a 1.1 version happen or if not are there any plans to do one? Thanks
  4. I did still have an old version of the save from a few days before the unavailable date passed so I've uploaded it to the ownCloud SI Cloud Service. The file name is 'Kenny Body - Buxton (v03).fm'. Please let me know if that are any issues. Thanks
  5. I still have the save but I've got passed the date that they were unavailable until now. Is it still useful to you? I can check if there is an older version from when they are still unavailable if that is better/possible.
  6. I'm having the same issue on my game but I'm manager of Buxton in the Vanarama Northern league. Tom Elliot and Chris Dawson are both showing as 'Unavailable' until 23rd September with the reason that they are injured but I can't see any injury for either of them and they keep getting unhappy with my team selection which obviously doesn't include them.
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